Greetings to everyone,
I just want to make it known that my intent regarding this is not to
make waves or cause any trouble. No one asked me to do this, I offered
to do this because I thought that maybe it might put an end to the
angst and ill feelings.
I did not come back to ACF because of this situation, nor did anyone
from ACF contact me regarding this situation at all. It was chance
that I just decided to drop in to see how things were going.
I can't comment about Susan because I do not know Susan and I will not
allow this situation to be the basis of my opinion of Susan... I will
base my opinion of Susan on any contact that I may have with Susan.
I have no issues with another site being made, and I have no issues
with cooperating with another site if one is made. I have no issues
with sharing the responsibility of the yearly votes, trading off the
yearly votes etc.... Sharing links, sharing info, no problem. In
fact, I'd even be willing to help Susan if she desires to make her own
pricelessware site. As long as it benefits the concept of
Pricelessware and freeware. www.pricelessware.org does not have to be
the center of all things pricelessware or freeware.
I'm not doing this for myself, other than it will give me something to
do these days. I am here to serve merely as a tool to the
Pricelessware site, concept and intent. It is not my site per say, but
like anyone, I may add my own personal touch now and then (update the
site design).
I will not impose my will on anyone here and I will take suggesstions,
comments without prejudice, regardless of who, what, where etc.... My
opinion is no greater or lesser than anyone else here. I am not
interested in cliques or playing politics and will not participate in
such things. I'm not here to brown nose anyone's hind end, nor do I
want anyone trying to ram their nose up my tail pipe. I'm not here to
make friends or otherwise. I'm not here to server any single personal
agenda, but I am here to server the agenda of the whole, and I'm not
talking about my hole. Who I am and what my credentials are mean
nothing in this matter. It should only matter that I'm just willing
and happy to keep to help keep this site going and that I be as fair
and as open as possible... Ok, yes, a degree of knowledge in HTML is
helpful, and I at least have that covered.
I have no intent of making any profit from the site, or personal gain.
I may however, request donations if the need arises in order to keep
the site going. If it comes to that point, it would obviously be for
server costs and or domain payment. I would like to avoid advertising
BS on the site and will avoid it at all possible cost, and that means
avoiding advertising being imposed from free hosting. If all else
fails, and the site is in danger of being shut down due to lack of
funding, I will resort to the use of advertising and or moving to a
free host which may or may not impose advertising on the site, but this
is a last ditch effort. If donations or advertising revenue do come
into play, and there is excess funds left over, the money will either
be set aside for future costs of the site, or donated to some charity.
Last, I am not here to flame, insult, talk down to, intimidate or
anything else negative to anyone. We can all agree, disagree or
whatever, but the point is, that the site is intended to be a beacon
for anyone and everyone who is seeking possibly the best freeware on
the internet. Personal issues and situations should not be a factor,
and I hope to keep such things unrelated to the site and it's content.
I would like to ask everyone to please stop bashing Genna and Susan and
to just let this issue go. How long can a dead horse be beaten to
insure it's dead? Trust me, from what I've seen, the horse is dead and
rotted to the bone already. There's no meat left on it to pick at..
You don't have to like me, you don't have to like Susan and you don't
have to like Genna to be a part of the Pricelessware concept, you only
have to like freeware to be a part of this. Hey, you don't even have
to be a part of this, just use the info provided to your own desire.

I apologize if my jumping in like this has caused anyone any problems
with regards to this matter. It is not my intent to cause anyone any
Best regards,
-Garrett R. Hylltun
I just want to make it known that my intent regarding this is not to
make waves or cause any trouble. No one asked me to do this, I offered
to do this because I thought that maybe it might put an end to the
angst and ill feelings.
I did not come back to ACF because of this situation, nor did anyone
from ACF contact me regarding this situation at all. It was chance
that I just decided to drop in to see how things were going.
I can't comment about Susan because I do not know Susan and I will not
allow this situation to be the basis of my opinion of Susan... I will
base my opinion of Susan on any contact that I may have with Susan.
I have no issues with another site being made, and I have no issues
with cooperating with another site if one is made. I have no issues
with sharing the responsibility of the yearly votes, trading off the
yearly votes etc.... Sharing links, sharing info, no problem. In
fact, I'd even be willing to help Susan if she desires to make her own
pricelessware site. As long as it benefits the concept of
Pricelessware and freeware. www.pricelessware.org does not have to be
the center of all things pricelessware or freeware.
I'm not doing this for myself, other than it will give me something to
do these days. I am here to serve merely as a tool to the
Pricelessware site, concept and intent. It is not my site per say, but
like anyone, I may add my own personal touch now and then (update the
site design).
I will not impose my will on anyone here and I will take suggesstions,
comments without prejudice, regardless of who, what, where etc.... My
opinion is no greater or lesser than anyone else here. I am not
interested in cliques or playing politics and will not participate in
such things. I'm not here to brown nose anyone's hind end, nor do I
want anyone trying to ram their nose up my tail pipe. I'm not here to
make friends or otherwise. I'm not here to server any single personal
agenda, but I am here to server the agenda of the whole, and I'm not
talking about my hole. Who I am and what my credentials are mean
nothing in this matter. It should only matter that I'm just willing
and happy to keep to help keep this site going and that I be as fair
and as open as possible... Ok, yes, a degree of knowledge in HTML is
helpful, and I at least have that covered.
I have no intent of making any profit from the site, or personal gain.
I may however, request donations if the need arises in order to keep
the site going. If it comes to that point, it would obviously be for
server costs and or domain payment. I would like to avoid advertising
BS on the site and will avoid it at all possible cost, and that means
avoiding advertising being imposed from free hosting. If all else
fails, and the site is in danger of being shut down due to lack of
funding, I will resort to the use of advertising and or moving to a
free host which may or may not impose advertising on the site, but this
is a last ditch effort. If donations or advertising revenue do come
into play, and there is excess funds left over, the money will either
be set aside for future costs of the site, or donated to some charity.
Last, I am not here to flame, insult, talk down to, intimidate or
anything else negative to anyone. We can all agree, disagree or
whatever, but the point is, that the site is intended to be a beacon
for anyone and everyone who is seeking possibly the best freeware on
the internet. Personal issues and situations should not be a factor,
and I hope to keep such things unrelated to the site and it's content.
I would like to ask everyone to please stop bashing Genna and Susan and
to just let this issue go. How long can a dead horse be beaten to
insure it's dead? Trust me, from what I've seen, the horse is dead and
rotted to the bone already. There's no meat left on it to pick at..
You don't have to like me, you don't have to like Susan and you don't
have to like Genna to be a part of the Pricelessware concept, you only
have to like freeware to be a part of this. Hey, you don't even have
to be a part of this, just use the info provided to your own desire.

I apologize if my jumping in like this has caused anyone any problems
with regards to this matter. It is not my intent to cause anyone any
Best regards,
-Garrett R. Hylltun