Bob Adkins
I hope you are not calling people who know more about security than you
"weenies", Bob. Otherwise there will be lots of "weenies" out there. And
what about people who know less than you, do you call them "ignorant"?
Looks like there are lots of weenies and ignorant people out there then
Mmmmm, noooo. I call people who live in fear of every threat they read about
on the Internet weenies.
The word "Ignorant" is misused. Some people (in their ignorance) us it as a
derogatory term. It simply means "unknowing". There is no dishonor in being
ignorant on a given subject. I am ignorant on kazoo making. So what? I am
capable of learning, and given a week, could make fine kazoos.
Does not pertain to you? Do you not understand what remote execution
Let me turn it around, in what situations would a security exploit
warning "pertain" to you?
When I hear about a new exploit, I do basically the same thing as you do.
The difference is, I don't run around trying to scare people.
When you are already infected ? Preferably when it installs itself and
says "Bob, you should not have ignored the following security exploit
warning ....."![]()
Big deal. I've been infected before, and I'm still here.
I understand perfectly. While you don't really like reinstalling your
computer you certainly won't be suicidial if your computer gets infected
or hacked. Heck that's pretty much the view of many people too.
There goes the extreme adjectives again. "Suicide"? Let's reserve that for
people and the rare animal or 2. Not inanimate objects.
But what I don't get is that amazingly in one breath you admit you don't
know much about security, yet on another hand, you consider yourself
perfectly capable of evaluating whether a certain exploit is relevant to
you or not.
That is what I don't understand.
I only need and want to know enough about security to fulfill my own needs.
That isn't much. If a new security threat appears about which I am ignorant,
I quickly find out how to counter it. That takes what? 5 minutes? <shrug>

"One thing vampire children have to be taught early on is, don't run
with a wooden stake."