Rod said:
No, things I don't use (like features in Firefox) can be useful to me,
things I don't need are not useful to me.
I got your point of course, my point is replace "things you use" with
"things you need" and it still doesn't matter. What features people
"need" vary from person to person.
I quote: "but features in your favourite browser not in other browsers
is something you like to crow about

Notice the word 'you' ? Again, I didn't crow about that. Do not say
things about people that aren't true.
I hate to say it, but you forced me to. while I reserve the right to talk
about other Myie2 users besides yourself, I was actually talking about
you since you were the lead one in the thread.
The bashers I was talking about (just a google group search for
threads with 'ie sucks' in the subject shows over 600 hits) are not
imaginary, I don't believe anyone can deny this.
Imaginary in this thread. Why bring them up, if they are not a factor in
this thread? As I mentioned to Bob before, sounds to me like it's a very
emotional response that has no place at all in this discussion.
You can talk about MyIE2-users all you want, just don't put them all
on one pile, as you shouldn't with any group, this is how wars start.
Just like you like to imply all firefox users are anti-MS by referring to
them, even when they are not around?
A discussion is fine, just stay with the facts
I would say this is a very good way to start a war, Rod by accusing
someone of not sticking with the facts.
This is not a war, there aren't winners, this is a discussion, it's
meant for exchanging opinions.
Indeed. But the behaviour exhibited in that chain response of the MYIE2
users, made me wonder.
Reading back, I only found 2 people that were doubting you could come
up with those features.
Of course, you exclude yourself. Even if I do give you the benefit of the
doubt, if you are honest with yourself an look at the other 2 responses,
they do contain an element of gloating. Why else post two glorified "me
toos" to your post?
Sounds to me you're jumping to conclusions, stick with the facts
Given that you keep attributing anti-MS sentiments to people who
advocates Firefox, I would say you are as guility as anyone here when it
comes to jumping to conclusions.
Since you are so generous with your advice to me on how to avoid wars,
let me give you one piece of mine free. Generally telling people that
they are "jumping to conclusions" and to "stick to the facts" (implying
they are not) is not likely to endear yourself to them and is likely the
start of a possible flamewar.
Aaron (my email is not munged!)