Minolta SE5400: is this level of streaking normal?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Juha Koivisto
  • Start date Start date
Then why don't you write one that's better?

Ignoring for the moment the unsubstantiated and implied assumption,
let's just focus on the subject matter:

What does that have to do with VueScan bugs?

To avoid (inevitable?) misunderstandings you seem to insinuate that
only those who have programmed (scanning) software are entitled to
write about it. Quite clearly, that's a non-sequitur.

After admitting not being able to fix a known problem in his product, he
should apologize to the buyers and not insult those who brought the
problem to his attention.

Indeed! And remove Minolta from the list of (allegedly) "supported"
scanners instead of continuing this fraudulent claim.

Of course, a legitimate developer would not have put Minolta on the
list in the first place...
My respect and gratitude go to those who were burned by VS for coming
forward to caution any potential customers. If everyone keeps quiet
about problems like you, this ng would have lost much of its value.

Indeed, again!

As to the above suggestion of, initially, treating people with respect
that's fine, of course. However, when they (in this case, the author)
repeatedly respond with petulant outbursts and obscenities a
reasonable person does not continue to extend them this courtesy.

And yet there are a few here who still try to appease and treat the
VueScan author with kid gloves but (as expected) all they get back is,
at best, being ignored and, at worst, being insulted.

Which is all fine, of course, if they so chose, except they should not
vent all the pent up frustration this causes at innocent bystanders.

Oh so your a programmer. I suppose that explains the arrogance.

I can see why you would think that if you rush to (pre)judge all
programmers by how the VueScan's so-called "programmer" behaves.

However, on behalf of all real programmers (if I may), let me assure
you that his arrogant and infantile behavior is an exception.
Hiding being
a fake e-mail address and using a news server that doesn't identify you

Straw man... We've been through that... Several times...

If you enjoy receiving spam, well... enjoy! But don't presume that
everyone else should.

If you wish to contact me by email, all you need to do is say so.
Several people - including the VueScan's author himself (!) - did, and
had no problem.
I just write lots of programs, though I don't consider myself a programmer.
Its a bit limiting.

It's quite self-evident, as well as expected, why you would think

Jack said:
Then why don't you write one that's better?
In other words...
Put your money where your mouth is.

You fail to appreciate a critic's contribution and privilege. Ed lays
eggs, and think they are all good. Critics think otherwise. You don't
need to know how to lay an egg to tell a bad one from a good one.
Thanks again for the straight talk.
I'm not a Vuescan supporter,
Just a long-time user that is very satisfied with it for some aspects,
and quite dissatisfied for other ones. :-)

Well, I don't want to convince you about that, but I figured out how
to use Vuescan advanced functionalities in about 2 weeks.
Yes, the documentation is sometimes obscure (there are points not
fully clarified even after various discussions with mr.Hamrick), and
this is a pity; but I have to say, I was not very impressed by
Silverfast AI docs as well. And that is a much more expensive
software: so expensive, I cannot afford it for my scanners (I should
pay something like $1000, in euros, and this would not even include
any major upgrade) although I'm really impressed by its performances.

It would be nice to have other 3rd party scanning software to choose
from, but as for now, we have Vuescan (that also works under Linux, a
big plus for many of us), Silverfast SE (too much underpowered),
Silverfast AI (extremely powerful, but extremely expensive as well).
So you see why many of us are hoping for Vuescan improvements and
fixes, instead of blindly bashing it. Or maybe Lasersoft could slash
Silverfast AI price by 75%, who knows! :-)

In the end, I'd like to see explicit mention of specific scanner
models issues on Vuescan web page.
A potential customer is not supposed to follow Usenet newsgroups, to
find out if his scanner is properly supported. Besides, some issues
may not be noticeable with a quick test on the demo version
(expecially if one has no hints about the circumstances where those
issues come out), while popping out in actual real-world work.

Indeed! And remove Minolta from the list of (allegedly) "supported"
scanners instead of continuing this fraudulent claim.

I don't see what this is about. I don't have any problems using VueScan
with my 5400. It is better than the Minolta software. It has one little
quirk: you have to start the Minolta software first, than start VueScan
and calibrate. If you don't, you may be confronted with loss in shadow
detail and/or streaks. I have none of these. The problems I used to have
with VueScan (related to IR cleaning) have been solved by the person
known to you as the author of VueScan.
Hecate said:
It's been a year now AFAICR and he still hasn't "got around to it". I
think that's more than enough time to get a known bug fixed. Even
Microsoft are quicker than that!

I think Microsoft has more than one employee total (adding together
engineering, marketing, sales, customer service, support engineering,
scanner reverse engineering dept., company executives, etc). As
best I can tell, Ed's entire company is Ed. When he goes on
holiday/vacation, his entire company goes.


P.S. - And having a bug be known is different from having a fix
known. I suspect his todo list has more than that bug on it,
and length-of-time on the list probably isn't the only thing
used to prioritize the list -- and Ed has struck me as someone
organized enough to use prioritized lists to allocate his time.

P.P.S. - Wasn't there a user-manual written by some user for Vuewcan?
Has it not been kept up to date? Been years since I last
downloaded it.
My respect and gratitude go to those who were burned by VS for coming
forward to caution any potential customers. If everyone keeps quiet
about problems like you, this ng would have lost much of its value.

To all those who have not yet bought VueScan: avoid being burnt by
trying out the free version of vuescan on your scanner before
purchasing vuescan. ONLY buy it if you already like it.


P.S. - I've had a Minolta 5400 for a week, and vuescan for many
many years. No way did I assume Vuescan would work when I
bought the scanner, that'd be foolish of me because I haven't
tried it. I did assume Minolta's would work (and it does so
far). I'll try vuescan at some point after I've perfected
using Minolta's software's flow and know it inside-and-out
(else I can't do proper comparisons when trying vuescan later).
I'd expect the scanner mfgr's software group to know its scanner
hardware and firmware a lot better than Ed Hamrick could
possibly ever dream of knowing it.
Fernando, I totally agree.
It would be nice to have more constructive comments.
I am a new vuescan user and it was not very hard to figure it out.
I don't say that I know everything by now but some scans sure look good
and *I* find the software quite intuitive.
98% of this thread have not helped those who would like to have the bug fixed
(people like me).
I filed a bug report with Hamrick and hopefully he starts working on it soon.
I am willing to help.

Cheers, Jan
I think Microsoft has more than one employee total (adding together
engineering, marketing, sales, customer service, support engineering,
scanner reverse engineering dept., company executives, etc). As
best I can tell, Ed's entire company is Ed. When he goes on
holiday/vacation, his entire company goes.

OK how about cerious software then - they have two programmers and
bugs are usually fixed within 14 days. On the cerious newsgroups
problems are taken, well, seriously, and addressed immediately.
Support is wonderful. And if they have a problem that's hard to fix
they admit tit and don't hide behind all the sorts of excuses that Ed
uses. In any case, over a year is a ridiculous amount of time even if
there is only one programmer. If he can't cope he should hire someone
who can.

P.S. - And having a bug be known is different from having a fix
known. I suspect his todo list has more than that bug on it,
and length-of-time on the list probably isn't the only thing
used to prioritize the list -- and Ed has struck me as someone
organized enough to use prioritized lists to allocate his time.

He obviously doesn't feel that all the people who have a Minolta
scanner are a high priority then.
And if they have a problem that's hard to fix
they admit tit and don't hide behind all the sorts of excuses that Ed
uses. In any case, over a year is a ridiculous amount of time even if
there is only one programmer. If he can't cope he should hire someone
who can.

Or do the decent thing and simply remove the scanner from the
supported list until he "gets around to it" which, if history teaches,
is going to be a very, very long time in coming.

Anyone holding their breath waiting for this is bound to develop a
very heavy blue cast... ;o)

A competent programmer would realize quite rapidly when a problem is
over his head.

A decent one would then admit it and not bury his head in the sand.


P.S. OK, here's a joke I just thought of... ;o)

Q: How do you tell a VueScan user?

A: They all have a purple complexion.
Blue in the face from holding their breath waiting for bugs to be
fixed, and red in the face when they are reminded of it.
I don't see what this is about. I don't have any problems using VueScan
with my 5400. It is better than the Minolta software. It has one little
quirk: you have to start the Minolta software first, than start VueScan
and calibrate. If you don't, you may be confronted with loss in shadow
detail and/or streaks.

As has been reported here repeatedly this kludge doesn't work for
everyone. And that includes people who have installed the latest
Minolta firmware.
I have none of these. The problems I used to have
with VueScan (related to IR cleaning) have been solved by the person
known to you as the author of VueScan.

Judging by the gentleman's past "performance" (in all senses of the
word), as well as numerous complaints in this group, the bugs are
bound to be back after a release or two...

Hecate said:
OK how about cerious software then - they have two programmers and
bugs are usually fixed within 14 days. On the cerious newsgroups

Good, use their software instead of Ed's. What's the problem?
Cerious reverse engineers 350 other company products to provide
their support? Those two are their entire company? Only half
as impressive as Ed, but hat's off to them! They can even have
somebody at the wheel when the other goes on vacation (unlike Ed).

He obviously doesn't feel that all the people who have a Minolta
scanner are a high priority then.

The block of resources that he needs to solve the problem for the
number of people that it would help is probably of lower priority
than other things on his list. To work on things for some people
bumps work on things for other people (unless he's sitting around
with nothing to do).

Of course, it could just be that some Minolta owners pissed him off
and he's now not too thrilled in working to help them out at the
expense of others who didn't piss him off -- so others get his time.

Mike (A Minolta 5400 owner who knows not to piss off people I want something from)
Good, use their software instead of Ed's. What's the problem?
Cerious reverse engineers 350 other company products to provide
their support?

I see you don't even know what cerious is, or does.
Those two are their entire company? Only half
as impressive as Ed, but hat's off to them! They can even have
somebody at the wheel when the other goes on vacation (unlike Ed).

Let's see, if it takes two programmers two weeks, it should take one

But of course, it doesn't matter to you how bad Ed treats anyone or
how slow he is - you wouldn't want to admit he can't walk on water.
The block of resources that he needs to solve the problem for the
number of people that it would help is probably of lower priority
than other things on his list. To work on things for some people
bumps work on things for other people (unless he's sitting around
with nothing to do).

And you know this because, of course,, you have the figures to show
how many Minolta users have purchased his software under that
impression that the [problem would be fixed "real soon now" as against
the numbers of people who have other scanners? That must make you
either his publicity man or his marketing man then... I thought you
said he didn't have any one else?

Oh, you're *guessing*....
Of course, it could just be that some Minolta owners pissed him off
and he's now not too thrilled in working to help them out at the
expense of others who didn't piss him off -- so others get his time.

If he didn't make claims he couldn't substantiate and promises he
couldn't keep, he wouldn't get people complaining. and, in business,
if you get people complaining about your product you make the effort
to rectify the problem, not whine that everyone is complaining.
Mike (A Minolta 5400 owner who knows not to piss off people I want something from)

So, anyone can rip you off and you won't complain then? What a great
attitude - you wanna buy the Forth Bridge?
But of course, it doesn't matter to you how bad Ed treats anyone or
how slow he is - you wouldn't want to admit he can't walk on water.

You simply overlooked the basic points of the previous message
(regardless of what exactly Cerious sells):

1. You find serious fault with a programme (in this case VS), don't
use it.
2. You do want something from someone, don't hit him (unless you are a
gang member).

Nobody has anything against pointing out problems, but some folks here
(this group and Usenet in general) tend to point out the same and the
same and the same with ever increasing unreasonableness.

You and Don have made your point: VS is crap, Ed Hamrick doesn't know
how to programme, and all users finding VS a good software with which
actual scanning can be done are blind and religious followers of the
order of Ed.

Now, could we please go back to any useful discussion? For instance,
why do some people have streaks and others not? Like, looking into the
ideas Robert Feinman presented? Like, actually helping Mr Hamrick
finding a solution?

BTW, perhaps the fault is in the hardware and Minolta uses a software
solution we don't know of? could be that faulty sensors are
compensated through blurring, overspill or whatever ...
But of course, it doesn't matter to you how bad Ed treats anyone or
how slow he is - you wouldn't want to admit he can't walk on water.

You simply overlooked the basic points of the previous message
(regardless of what exactly Cerious sells):

1. You find serious fault with a programme (in this case VS), don't
use it.
2. You do want something from someone, don't hit him (unless you are a
gang member).

Nobody has anything against pointing out problems, but some folks here
(this group and Usenet in general) tend to point out the same and the
same and the same with ever increasing unreasonableness.

You and Don have made your point: VS is crap, Ed Hamrick doesn't know
how to programme, and all users finding VS a good software with which
actual scanning can be done are blind and religious followers of the
order of Ed.

Now, could we please go back to any useful discussion? For instance,
why do some people have streaks and others not? Like, looking into the
ideas Robert Feinman presented? Like, actually helping Mr Hamrick
finding a solution?

BTW, perhaps the fault is in the hardware and Minolta uses a software
solution we don't know of? could be that faulty sensors are
compensated through blurring, overspill or whatever ...



I agree. Thanks Dierk for telling it like it is.
Nobody has anything against pointing out problems, but some folks here
(this group and Usenet in general) tend to point out the same and the
same and the same with ever increasing unreasonableness.

Could this be because the VueScan bug in question is, to paraphrase:

"the same and the same and the same with ever increasing

Don said:
Could this be because the VueScan bug in question is, to paraphrase:

"the same and the same and the same with ever increasing


Now, will this suffice to stop you from boring us with another endless
stream of messages on the same old topic? Everybody here has heard and
read you. If not the first time then certainly at some point during the
last dozen variations you've posted. So, be a good boy and move on.

Now, will this suffice to stop you from boring us with another endless
stream of messages on the same old topic?

I doubt it. He has an obsession, probably need professional help.
You simply overlooked the basic points of the previous message
(regardless of what exactly Cerious sells):

1. You find serious fault with a programme (in this case VS), don't
use it.
2. You do want something from someone, don't hit him (unless you are a
gang member).

Requiring someone to fulfil their promises is not "hitting" them. If
I were to act the same to my customers as Ed does to his, I'd soon be
out of business.
Nobody has anything against pointing out problems, but some folks here
(this group and Usenet in general) tend to point out the same and the
same and the same with ever increasing unreasonableness.

That's because Ed says the same things over and over, and when he
doesn't like the answers he gets, resorts to cheap shots.