Hi Steve,
|| > I don't know if you've been following the battle
|| > bewteen Herfried and myself over quoting styles.
|| no...what do you suggest?
I recommend not bothernig with that particular wrangle. There are some
perhaps interesting points raise. A lot of waffle/garbage and some outright
childishness, especially now that we're all washed out. Current content
quality is very low although I've introduced a bit of psycholgy into the mix
in case it might prove useful to Herfried to learn a bit more about why there
is this difference between us. It's fundamentally a man-who-like-rules versus
a man-who-likes-his-own-rules thing.
That argument is all about my style of quoting which you can see above.
Its non-standard. That's all I'm going to say. But because it's been such as
issue, both of us are (temporarily) hyper sensitive to it. Hence I needed a
moan. Don't change you style unless it suits you. I'll get used to sentences
w/o full words. It s/b fairly easy - it was just b/c they are unfamiliar.
[Damned hard to type too!]
The dig I made a bit later about understanding - likewise discard. Just
more hot air. I'm a trained listener. Part of that training involves taking on
board (preferably enhancing) the correct attitudes. That, to me, makes it <my
responsibility> to understand <you> however you might express yourself. This
has become second nature to me but the cogs are slow at the moment.
I might have said that arguments are counter-productive, but I enjoy them
when conducted well. I especially like a decent conclusion (agree + agree to
disagree + respect).
|| i've read a lot of your posts and have participated
|| w/...errr...with you on some
Now that I'm here with you. (the whole day has gone and I haven't seen a
single genuine post yet) I played with sendWebRequest. I'm sure I got what you
did - no problem getting the authorisation page directly. No problem going to
that or the target page in the browser - but no joy with the target via s/wr
The trouble is that you know far more than me about these things, so I'm
just playing. That's why, in MeNo's thread, I have only stepped in
occasionally and left the carrying to you, lol. I know the concept is sound
but don't know the imlpementation. The tracks for the Iron Guru haven't been
laid in that direction yet.but the surveyor's been theolodificating. I hope
that doesn't leave you feeling lumbered.
Got to go. As far as it's my place to say it - Welcome aboard. ;-))
Thanks for the fruity compliment.

I can see you're another
spread-the-good-vibe kind of guy.