It's tough to know who is who, what is what, or how many "e"'s are in
Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
should things get worse after this,
(e-mail address removed)
| I agree with the statements below...
| Brian
| --
| Brian Gaff....
| graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
| Email: (e-mail address removed)
| __________________________________
| | | This may sound harsh.
| |
| | It is meant to sound harsh.
| |
| | I just re-read it.
| |
| | I am still posting it.
| |
| | Pardon me, but don't you think you could have EXPLAINED the meaning
| | importance of this (AND the other critical fix just issued)? What
| | MSFT, MSCE, or MCDBA mean if YOU are allow to put it after your
name? Not
| | much, evidently.
| |
| | Take into account the users who are asking questions on these
| |
| | Take into account that they all are worried about the flood of
| | fake Microsoft security bulletins that USE EXACTLY THE SAME LANGUAGE
| what
| | you just posted.
| |
| | Pardon me, but do you have ANY idea how foolish your post is? Why
did you
| | do it? Was ANY thought involved?
| |
| | I am appalled. Do you have a keeper? Does Microsoft know what you
| | doing?
| |
| | And cross-posted too, just like the 'swen' worm posts to newsgroups!
| |
| |
| |
| | Please, could some responsible adult at Microsoft cancel the top of
| | thread.... quickly, before more damage is done? Except, of course,
| the
| | newsgroup that does not resolve!
| |
| |
| |
| | --
| | Invisible Dance, (e-mail address removed)
| | normally I've posted using a different e-mail address and name: Phil
| Weldon,
| | and something close to p well done in mindjump, but I'll get any
| sent
| | to the e-mail address above (probably more reliably because THAT
| | does not yet get 1800 infected e-mails each day.)
| |
| | | | > Title: Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer Execution (828750)
| | > Date: October 3, 2003
| | > Software:
| | > Internet Explorer 5.01
| | > Internet Explorer 5.5
| | > Internet Explorer 6.0
| | > Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows Server 2003
| | > Impact: Run code of attacker's choice.
| | > Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
| | > Bulletin: MS03-040
| | >
| | > The Microsoft Security Response Center has released Microsoft
| | > Bulletin MS03-040
| | >
| | > What Is It?
| | > The Microsoft Security Response Center has released Microsoft
| | > Bulletin MS03-040 which concerns a vulnerability in Internet
| | > Customers are advised to review the information in the bulletin,
| and
| | > deploy the patch immediately in their environments, if applicable.
| | >
| | > More information is now available at
| | > http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-040.asp
| | >
| | > If you have any questions regarding the patch or its
| after
| | > reading the above listed bulletin you should contact Product
| | > Services in the United States at 1-866-PCSafety (1-866-727-2338).
| | > International customers should contact their local subsidiary.
| | >
| | >
| | >
| | > --
| | > Regards,
| | >
| | > Jerry Bryant - MCSE, MCDBA
| | > Microsoft IT Communities
| | >
| | > Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
| | >
| | >
| | > This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
| | rights.
| | >
| | >
| |
| |
| ---
| Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
| Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
| Version: 6.0.522 / Virus Database: 320 - Release Date: 29/09/03
Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
should things get worse after this,
(e-mail address removed)
| I agree with the statements below...
| Brian
| --
| Brian Gaff....
| graphics are great, but the blind can't hear them
| Email: (e-mail address removed)
| __________________________________
| | | This may sound harsh.
| |
| | It is meant to sound harsh.
| |
| | I just re-read it.
| |
| | I am still posting it.
| |
| | Pardon me, but don't you think you could have EXPLAINED the meaning
| | importance of this (AND the other critical fix just issued)? What
| | MSFT, MSCE, or MCDBA mean if YOU are allow to put it after your
name? Not
| | much, evidently.
| |
| | Take into account the users who are asking questions on these
| |
| | Take into account that they all are worried about the flood of
| | fake Microsoft security bulletins that USE EXACTLY THE SAME LANGUAGE
| what
| | you just posted.
| |
| | Pardon me, but do you have ANY idea how foolish your post is? Why
did you
| | do it? Was ANY thought involved?
| |
| | I am appalled. Do you have a keeper? Does Microsoft know what you
| | doing?
| |
| | And cross-posted too, just like the 'swen' worm posts to newsgroups!
| |
| |
| |
| | Please, could some responsible adult at Microsoft cancel the top of
| | thread.... quickly, before more damage is done? Except, of course,
| the
| | newsgroup that does not resolve!
| |
| |
| |
| | --
| | Invisible Dance, (e-mail address removed)
| | normally I've posted using a different e-mail address and name: Phil
| Weldon,
| | and something close to p well done in mindjump, but I'll get any
| sent
| | to the e-mail address above (probably more reliably because THAT
| | does not yet get 1800 infected e-mails each day.)
| |
| | | | > Title: Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer Execution (828750)
| | > Date: October 3, 2003
| | > Software:
| | > Internet Explorer 5.01
| | > Internet Explorer 5.5
| | > Internet Explorer 6.0
| | > Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows Server 2003
| | > Impact: Run code of attacker's choice.
| | > Maximum Severity Rating: Critical
| | > Bulletin: MS03-040
| | >
| | > The Microsoft Security Response Center has released Microsoft
| | > Bulletin MS03-040
| | >
| | > What Is It?
| | > The Microsoft Security Response Center has released Microsoft
| | > Bulletin MS03-040 which concerns a vulnerability in Internet
| | > Customers are advised to review the information in the bulletin,
| and
| | > deploy the patch immediately in their environments, if applicable.
| | >
| | > More information is now available at
| | > http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-040.asp
| | >
| | > If you have any questions regarding the patch or its
| after
| | > reading the above listed bulletin you should contact Product
| | > Services in the United States at 1-866-PCSafety (1-866-727-2338).
| | > International customers should contact their local subsidiary.
| | >
| | >
| | >
| | > --
| | > Regards,
| | >
| | > Jerry Bryant - MCSE, MCDBA
| | > Microsoft IT Communities
| | >
| | > Get Secure! www.microsoft.com/security
| | >
| | >
| | > This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
| | rights.
| | >
| | >
| |
| |
| ---
| Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
| Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
| Version: 6.0.522 / Virus Database: 320 - Release Date: 29/09/03