Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-040 - 828750

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jerry Bryant [MSFT]
  • Start date Start date
CQuirke, you're a smart cookie! Bravo!

Thank you for speaking out and illuminating the risks inherent in widening
the surface area of software.

Surface area - that's a great analogy!
have been kicking and screaming for years about this kind of
stuff and have implemented many schemes to reduce the
possibility that users will shoot themselves in the foot
(in a corporate environment).

My beat is the opposite; "self-aministering" home and small business
users, where one would like to restrict as little as possible but make
it easier to practice "safe hex".
Now I see many administrators who don't even see a problem.
Until a black had rubs their nose in it...

What I like to do is generalize up from specifics to see if there's a
theory-level lesson to be learned - then apply that theory to new
situations and predict problems before they occur.

That's what theory is for, in this sense; to predict the bounds of the
possible... many things that one would like to believe are impossible
are merely difficult, or not even that; simply an opportunity
no-one's grabbed yet.
The above [see below]

Great directions, but context oversnip :-)
I'm glad someone can see though the technology out to the real world.

When I see something that bugs me, I ask myself; is it due to an
oversight, or by design? Part of assessing that is; what does the
vendor stand to gain/lose?

From MS's perspective, the wildcard in the pack isn't some new
competitor running off with the market - that can be spotted some ways
off. Instead, it's something that kicks over the legal antheap and
attracts public as well as legal attention.

Even a reluctant, corporation-sympathetic government may have to act
if the public is watching and prodding them to do something, and there
comes a point when the impact on big business in general may cause
them to Brutus in order to cut their losses.

That's why I see prudent modular design as being as much in MS's
interest as anyone else's, even if this misses opportunities to
"embrace and extend" into other markets.
Microsoft should hire you.

Hey, they can read me for free :-)
I understand that if you buy an new computer today with Microsoft software,
bring it home, plug it in, wham! - in seconds - your PC is infected - ,
reboot, reboot, reboot, install, reboot, repair, reboot go to fixit shop,
bring it back... Interestingly - I hear from some - the incompetent user is
at fault?

There's a triangle of capital, worker and consumer that causes
business to work best when these forces are balanced in power. This
facilitates the selection pressure that is often mooted as the most
efficient way to progress.

No choice, no selection; that's the problem as most of us see it.

No pressure, no selection; that's the far larger problem.

In the industrial revolution, a situation arose where a small number
of employers made it impossible for a large number of individual
workers to apply selection pressure - because a small number of
players can act in unison as a cabal. Organisation of workers into
trade unions redressed matters somewhat, and has brought social
benefits beyond the obvious (i.e. better wages for workers). For
example, union pressure can highlight public safety issues.

In the information revolution, a situation is arising where a small
number of vendors make it impossible for a large number of individual
consumers to apply selection pressure.

Right now, the software industry has been left to write its own rules,
and the result is a disaster for users:
- long-term patents, then product is destroyed and useage denied
- limited license rights
- sanction on self-repair ("reverse engineering" etc.)
- no vendor safety liability whatsoever
- EUL"A"s that are drawn up unilaterally by vendor
- EULA's hidden inside no-return-if-opened boxes
- moving goalposts for expectations of service
- forced ongoing relationship with vendor
- vendor reserves right to unilaterally poison-pill user's system
- user to obtain "product recall" replacement code at own cost
- user to obtain "product recall" replacement code at own risk
- in some cases, proprietary lock-in where data is concerned
- in some cases, version lock-in and lock-out to force upgrades

Organizing the users is difficult because the whole shebang is likely
to get hi-jacked by the industry - whether it be pro-vendor shills or
(more likely) an agregate of "everyone except Microsoft".

And believe me, being dragged back to the mainframe era (now disguised
as "thin clients" renting time on application servers) will re-invent
the need for a MS to promote "personal computing".
Yes, until 1988. Least we forget the Internet worm of 1988.

DOS business and consumer PCs were pretty well immune to that sort of
problem, as they hadn't gained their WAN wings yet :-)
Did Microsoft architecture teams just forget? Maybe.

I think there's deffo an attention-defecit disorder there, i.e. a
short attention span. Things are designed in a certain way for
particular reasons, then those reasons are forgotton (seing as the
design prevented those problems from happening) and the clue that
informed the original design gets tossed overboard for some trivial
"shiny things!" sort of reason.

For example, consider the matter of WinME's automatic file system
cleanup after a bad exit. The original reason why this facility was
deigned was so that by the time Windows starts to write to the file
system, the file system would normally have been repaired so that its
now safe to do so. That's why the Win9x versions that had the feature
had always done this using real-mode Scandisk, because that could
complete the job before Windows starts writing to disk.

But because WinME has been tinkered with to make at look as if it's
less connected to "DOS" than earlier Win9x, it now runs this automatic
Scandisk while Windows is loading (and writing to the file system).

It's like making jumbo jet tyres out of glass because it looks so kewl
when the sun shines through them on take-off, forgetting why jumbo
jets needed landing wheels in the first place.
...understood the problem and wrote future software with this in
mind. In the late 1990s the lesson was ignored by Microsoft.

Yes, there's been a rather unfortunate NIH problem in effect. MS
likes to pretend that the areas they extend into had never existed
before they came along, inventing everything from scratch.

I can understand the joy of sweeping with a new broom, but part of
that joy is not having to make the same mistakes.

An old design may become unwieldy because of a lifetime of corrections
necessitated by the "school of hard knocks"; designing afresh should
take those lessons on board and result in a smoother design that works
as well or better. Re-inventing the *original* design and then having
blunder through all the same mistakes from scratch is duuumb; at best
it will result in a scarred but stable version years down the track.

Mind you, some ideas are so dumb that none of the pre-existing
solutions ever made those mistakes - so there's no old newsreels of
fiery crash-and-burn to watch and learn *those* lessons :-)
If 9/11 taught us anything - it taught us to expect the possible.

Lovesan penetration + CIH payload = economic metdown.

The equation is that simple... imagine the business impact of not just
one tower full of offices, but most of everyone's infrastructure (no
matter how widely distributed) not only knocked offline, but blown
away at the hardware level (think soldered-on BIOSs with no fallback,
think proprietary laptop motherboards, think old motherboards tyhat
can't be bought off-the-peg anymore).
The "infosphere" looks like it's beyond our control - maybe the "malware" on
the Internet is just a natural extension of our (life's) basic instinct
for "survival of the fittest", evolution - that kind of thing.

The infosphere is indeed a selection-pressure environment, just like
the biosphere, with one difference; mutations (and indeed software in
general) are made, they do not as yet spontaneously arise.

I've explored those themes recently in alt.comp.virus; a google on
"infosphere" and "cquirke" will prolly find them.

It's certainly complex enough to defy deteriminism, and become
interesting as a result. In fact, that's what interests me the most.
There is no absolute solution. Its a kind of natural war with the
offensive, containment, defense and coexistence we all know about.

Just as you can model natural complexity in a computer, so you can
look at the most complex biosphere survivors (and see how these differ
from simple ones) and learn lessons.

For example; bacteria have no nucleus membrane, and the genetic
material just lies around, not really organised into chromasomes.
Anything can squirt in new code, and just about everything does;
bacteriophages, conjugation with other bacteria that aren't even the
same species, human researches wanting to trick E.coli into
manufacturing harvestable human Insulin, etc.

Multicellular organisms have a clearly-defined way in which code is
exchanged, so they still benefit from breadth of variation as do
bacteria, but it blocks out "dropper attacks". Wrong species; don't
bother to apply. Right species, but looks dodgy? Forget it! Food
that is eaten is smashed down into fragments too tiny to pass code
unchanged, and only then does it enter the system.

Humans also have enough on-board and retrospective intelligence to
predict problems and fix them, but alas, the sealed nature of the cell
and nucleus makes it hard to apply direct maintenance. You may know
that certain protiens are part of your own body, but you can't stop an
inappropriate Rheumatic Fever immune reaction from shredding your
heart valves. A hermetically-sealed, DCMA-enshrined future Windows
could become exactly that kind of death-trap.
Containment can be achieved at various levels within a system
(network of machines). I have network containment controls (bulkhead
controls) but when it comes to an individual machine - Microsoft's software
architecture is out of my control - only Microsoft will decide to make
containment within the kernel and user levels easier with compartmentalized
design. UI compartmentization - Microsoft has gone to lengths to blend this
level into a mash of indistinguishable S#@%

I have a hunch MS may just re-invent the entire wheel, and use
whatever by-then glaring deficiencies there will be with our current
Windows as reasons to upgrade. Except this time, you may never ne
allowed to leave the shop with your purchase, and will be charged rent

Two lessons to bear in mind, on such a strategy:
1) Every layer is only as good as one it rests on
2) No code is ever perfect
3) Don't even let the system override the owner's control

The question is, who is the owner? The corporate administrator? For
consumer PCs, the user via a simplified UI - or MS as the default
system adminstrator of the world? Or none of the above; instead, a
global cabal of media pimps and cronies?
Defensive tactics is something we (administrators and Microsoft) have more
control over than any other in the short term.

Yep - and it's something that has to be designed in. Not in the form
of "in passwords we trust"; in simply making hostile actions
impossible. That agenda may be best served in the corporate world via
NT's existing model, but in the consumer world, users are already
familiar with one better suited to their needs; physical access.
If I want to protect *my data* (i.e. the "queen", nucleus or DNA, etc). How
do I do it? With layers of defense that the enemy needs to circumvent.
Alas, Windows makes this very hard.

Windows is learning its ABCs. For example, it now knows that data is
best located on a per-user basis, rather than dumped within each
program's own code files. It attempts to select system scope while
ignoring personal data scope; that's what SR tries to do.

What it still doesn't have a clue about is the concept of "suspect
files" or risk. It gaily dumps anything IE downloads into "My
Documents" and nests Messenger's "My Recieved Files" thetre as well -
the concept of "data hygiene" has yet to glimmer.

Now I am not for a moment suggesting attempts to track the origen
context of a file as it passes through the system - that's what IE's
security zone attempts to do, for example. But just as I'd never
consider IE's zones to be even sand-tight, it's still a useful net.

Such awareness only becomes counter-productive when you consider it to
be air-tight enough to confer all sorts of ill-advised rights to those
"inside". As long as treated humbly, a "suspect zone" is useful.
Like you, I find it exceeding hard to isolate and control *my data* from
Windows and installed programs. Even a program assembly is sliced up and
stashed all over the place in Windows - some pieces in "program files",
%windir%, system and/or system32, the registry (user and system) and/or some
other odd place.
What happened to storing one program in one directory with rights?

That sort od scope awareness would massively simplify maintenance, and
that's against the interests of the software industry. Not because
they want you to have problems, but because they don't want any
scrape-off of thier programs to be as functional as a formal install.
What happened to storing *my data* in one directory with access controls?
The "user profile" directory is a travesty that tries to store a user's data
in one spot - in a complex way.

The nesting logic is asinine, IMO - why the hell would you want
unsolicited incoming malware and your entire .MP3, videos and picture
collection nested within your data set? How is that going to fit on
limited-capacity backup media? How safe is that going to be to
restore, after a delayed malware payload that also clears forensics?

It's the right idea, but it's too difficult to relocate these around
(TweakUI helps) and - fatally - you cannot *pre*load where these
things will be located when new accounts are created.
Some of the user data and settings are stored in hidden directories
(desktop, shortcuts, etc), some is stashed in a slice of the "registry".

Unless using roaming profiles, the relevant registry part is located
within the user account subtree AFAIK.

The trouble is, the safety scopes are too mixed up. For example, any
shortcut collection is a malware dropper opportunity, with StartUp as
the big prize, and the same applies to registry content. That's why
you can't write-share the whole of "Documents and Settings", or back
up the whole of this subtree with safe-to-restore assurance.

My own practice is to locate small data on a small volume on it's own,
and automate a backup of this to another small volume as an unattended
Task. Such backups can be pulled onto other LAN peers to create a
multi-redundant "holographic" store that resists all but total
infrastructure destruction, even if no-one ever inserts a backup
medium. Temporal depth can be created using the same multi-shot
cyclical backup logic that Win98's RB00?.cab uses.

Data too big to automate in this way is stored elsewhere, as are
pictures, video, music and other collectables that, while you'd want
to see again, are not as irreplaceable as your own data.

Suspect files (emaul attackments, downloads, peer-to-peer file sharing
bins, etc.) go in their own subtree, under the muzzle of a battery of
on-demand scanners that can be launched via a single QuickLaunch click

This works well, until some idiot creates new user accounts. Then
everything duhfaults to being in C:, which slows down as those
absurdly huge per-user IE web caches fill up.
there is no standard - every version of Windows changes the scheme.

Yep. MS seens incapable of maintaining any sort of continuity there;
that attention defecit problem again?

Data may be in; "C:\My Documents", %WinDir%\Personal,
SomeProfilePath\AsAbove, Local Settings\some\path, who knows? Why not
bury things in the bowels of the OS subtree? Duh.

The worst was when Office 97 unilaterally imposed "My Documents" as a
new "system folder" on the OS (since when does an *application* have
that authority?) without any UI other than RegEdit to manage it.

Unforgiveable, and a good Exhibit A why splitting MS into OS and
application companies would be of some benefit.
Moving a users data between one PC and another is a
nightmare - users hate it and grumble every time - unless
administrators "fix" the situation somewhat.

I mentioned attempted pan-directory scope awareness earlier on, in
connection with System Restore. FAST attempts to do the reverse;
fillet out everything that *isn't* "system" and present this to you as
a restorable backup. Gary Woodruff clued me into this, and he has a
good page on the topic somewhere Googleable.

Both SR and FAST are version 1.1 and 1.0 (respectively) attempts at a
"mission impossible" brief, which rears fears of vendor hubris.
AFAIK, both are equally closed "trust us" systems, in that I know you
can't pick-and-choose amoungst SR's stores (you can't even clean
malware there <g> ) and this may apply to FAST too.

Their value may not be in whether they work or not, but that a scope
awareness may better inform decisions on where to put things.

However, MS doesn't share the UNIX view that the file system directory
structure should also define other scopes (such as user rights, etc.).

I'm in two minds about this; frankly, a single structure can turn out
to be a straight jacket (hence Lotus Improv and Excel pivot tables -
and look how easy to use they are!). Scopes vary and overlap, e.g.
- access speed are file system risk exposure (which volume?)
- per-user vs. system
- data / large-data / system
- safe / unsafe-infectable-risky
- in-system material vs. stuff coming in from outside
- shared / read-only-shared / not shared

One could conjure up an elaborate system to manage all of these
many-to-many relationships, but it's all sandcastles in the air if
anything goes wrong within the levels beneath (malware intrusion,
flaky hardware that sees everyting as raw sectors).

There has to be a way "under" this to maintain it, else you have a
data death-trap on your hands... an elevators-only skyscraper with no
windows or fire escape. Be careful what you wish for.

Who has the rights to "maintain" the system at that level? The owner,
of course. In consumerland, that should be a matter of who has
physical access; if you want a virtualized but nearly-as-safe model to
facilitate corporate remote admin, pay up for the Pro version.

If OTOH this "ownership" is taken out of the hands of the person
buying the product... well, maybe it's time to storm the Bastille.
The next virus/worm/trojan that comes walking through MY door - through the
firewall, past the antivirus (with the latest up-to-the-minute updates ---
some forget this fact), past the email scanners - like Trojan.QHosts did -
And Microsoft says "sorry not our problem - see the AV vendor" - I'm going
to shout bloody murder again

You can't tune into a cabled LAN unless you have a pre-existing
presence there. You can't attack a subsystem through a port that
doesn't exist. You can't hide under the system's own access
protection if the system doesn't deny the owner full access to
anything. You can't get your code auto-interpreted if the interpreter
not only doesn't interpret script, but doesn't have "unchecked
buffers" (hint; StrCopy is not your friend). You can't break through
password protection to use a service that does not exist. There's no
point in crossing user account rights and security zones if the
functionality you seek does not exist.

There's a clue meme in there, looking for some frontals to infect :-)

------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
The rights you save may be your own
On Fri, 10 Oct 2003 11:43:58 -0700, "George \(Bindar Dundat\)"
Happy Birthday Jim and I am deleting this thread AGAIN. I'm out of here. It's
time to get out of discussion mode and back to doing support like we intended

I see this thread as a good place for this sort of discussion; makes
it easy for those not interested to ignore it.

And sometimes a bright idea that staves off a design defect in the
next n versions of software (look how long it's taken for MS to go
back to being able to read email as plain text again) can give more
"support" for several years, than stamping on ants one at a time!

-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
Tip Of The Day:
To disable the 'Tip of the Day' feature...
I live with the Yankees. Isn't there one more continent you haven't
heard from? Superman has a fortress there, & Bear hibernates in a nearby

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
should things get worse after this,
(e-mail address removed)
| PCR wrote:
| > Happy birthday to you,
| > Happy birthday to you,
| > Happy birthday, dear,
| > Haaaapy Biiiirthdaaaay to youuuuu.
| > Yeaaaaaa!
| Thank you, PCR. :))
| Hey, where are you located anyway? I've gotten nice birthday wishes
| three continents today... still haven't heard from Asia, Africa, or
| America.
| --

Ooh, oh, - mind expanding - *"meme"* - through a cracked window you open a
door of perception for me.

Wow, I only posted for the first time to out of
exasperation with Microsoft's response to a security breach "NO PATCHES for
31 IE vulnerabilities !!!" (Since deleted from the news servers - seems
someone does not like dirty laundry.) I was shouting with anger.

And I come away with a new way of thinking - because you used the word
"meme" (rhymes with dream)! Through a 10^100e search I find much to read.
Cquirke, thank you, your thoughts are replicating.

Now if the geeks over at Microsoft could get "infected" with some of this
thinking the Internet might evolve to a better thing - quicker. I can't
wait. The Internet is already mind blowing in the way it can bring people
(and their memes) together.

I wish my mind would not so easily override my eyes (or it would be nice if
the computer was a better editor):
Jim Eshelman said:
What would you have told the general end-user in the field -- especially
those who were hired for skills other than IT-related skills -- that would
have been meaningful and practical without being alarmist.
[about shutting down Internet browsing for all internal users.]

I have had discussions with colleges and management about this question and
our conclusion is this: We will tell all users that we (IT and management)
screwed up when we trusted Microsoft products - if there is a vulnerability
that creates an unacceptable risk of security compromise and we need to shut
down all Internet browsing with IE. Users will be told exactly why, that
using Microsoft products with the Internet brings unacceptable risk for us
(our company). If this order goes out, users will need to evaluate their
own personal information security requirements vis-à-vis their home systems
and their own trust in Microsoft. Good information security *requires*
being alarmist at times.

Another odd jab of thought comes to mind in regards to the MS03-040 release:
Maybe Microsoft is using their inside knowledge of vulnerabilities to harden
their own infrastructure first! If Microsoft knew about X vulnerabilities
before releasing a patch - why would they not take defensive action on their
own systems before a patch was ready. Seems possible. [Why not, we protect
our assets very seriously...] For sure knowlege of vulnerabilites seep into
their network "disaster action plan"... Maybe they started installing
MS03-040 on all of their systems before releasing it to the public - get a
jump on things so to speak. Makes it seem all the more appalling that they
won't talk about an active exploit with customers.

cquirke (MVP Win9x) said:
Right now, the software industry has been left to write its own rules,
and the result is a disaster for users:
- long-term patents, then product is destroyed and useage denied
- limited license rights
- sanction on self-repair ("reverse engineering" etc.)
- no vendor safety liability whatsoever
- EUL"A"s that are drawn up unilaterally by vendor
- EULA's hidden inside no-return-if-opened boxes
- moving goalposts for expectations of service
- forced ongoing relationship with vendor
- vendor reserves right to unilaterally poison-pill user's system
- user to obtain "product recall" replacement code at own cost
- user to obtain "product recall" replacement code at own risk
- in some cases, proprietary lock-in where data is concerned
- in some cases, version lock-in and lock-out to force upgrades

More clarity from Cquirke!

What it [windows] still doesn't have a clue about is the concept of "suspect
files" or risk. It gaily dumps anything IE downloads into "My
Documents" and nests Messenger's "My Recieved Files" thetre as well -
the concept of "data hygiene" has yet to glimmer.

Both SR and FAST are version 1.1 and 1.0 (respectively) attempts at a
"mission impossible" brief, which rears fears of vendor hubris.

Yes, I agree.

There has to be a way "under" this to maintain it, else you have a
data death-trap on your hands... an elevators-only skyscraper with no
windows or fire escape. Be careful what you wish for.

Who has the rights to "maintain" the system at that level? The owner,
of course. In consumerland, that should be a matter of who has
physical access; if you want a virtualized but nearly-as-safe model to
facilitate corporate remote admin, pay up for the Pro version.

If OTOH this "ownership" is taken out of the hands of the person
buying the product... well, maybe it's time to storm the Bastille.

A thought: Maybe a physical button (non-maskable interrupt) to a separate
hardware "security computer" within a PC could be entrusted with a users
data security. A user must physically press the button (or biometrics here)
to allow access to secured personal data. Only wetware could be blamed for
allowing information compromise. A hacker could takedown a PC but unless
they have physical access to the "biometric button" there is no remote way
to gain access to personal information. Maybe storing a snapshot what the
uncompromised PC should look like within the physically protected personal
data would allow a warning of compromised from the "security computer"
before connection and compromise occurs... Maybe encryption tunnels from

Cquirke, thanks, I will look for your musings on alt.comp.virus.

Me, out there :-)

cquirke (MVP Win9x) said:
CQuirke, you're a smart cookie! Bravo!

Thank you for speaking out and illuminating the risks inherent in widening
the surface area of software.

Surface area - that's a great analogy!
have been kicking and screaming for years about this kind of
stuff and have implemented many schemes to reduce the
possibility that users will shoot themselves in the foot
(in a corporate environment).

My beat is the opposite; "self-aministering" home and small business
users, where one would like to restrict as little as possible but make
it easier to practice "safe hex".
Now I see many administrators who don't even see a problem.
Until a black had rubs their nose in it...

What I like to do is generalize up from specifics to see if there's a
theory-level lesson to be learned - then apply that theory to new
situations and predict problems before they occur.

That's what theory is for, in this sense; to predict the bounds of the
possible... many things that one would like to believe are impossible
are merely difficult, or not even that; simply an opportunity
no-one's grabbed yet.
The above [see below]

Great directions, but context oversnip :-)
I'm glad someone can see though the technology out to the real world.

When I see something that bugs me, I ask myself; is it due to an
oversight, or by design? Part of assessing that is; what does the
vendor stand to gain/lose?

From MS's perspective, the wildcard in the pack isn't some new
competitor running off with the market - that can be spotted some ways
off. Instead, it's something that kicks over the legal antheap and
attracts public as well as legal attention.

Even a reluctant, corporation-sympathetic government may have to act
if the public is watching and prodding them to do something, and there
comes a point when the impact on big business in general may cause
them to Brutus in order to cut their losses.

That's why I see prudent modular design as being as much in MS's
interest as anyone else's, even if this misses opportunities to
"embrace and extend" into other markets.
Microsoft should hire you.

Hey, they can read me for free :-)
I understand that if you buy an new computer today with Microsoft software,
bring it home, plug it in, wham! - in seconds - your PC is infected - ,
reboot, reboot, reboot, install, reboot, repair, reboot go to fixit shop,
bring it back... Interestingly - I hear from some - the incompetent user is
at fault?

There's a triangle of capital, worker and consumer that causes
business to work best when these forces are balanced in power. This
facilitates the selection pressure that is often mooted as the most
efficient way to progress.

No choice, no selection; that's the problem as most of us see it.

No pressure, no selection; that's the far larger problem.

In the industrial revolution, a situation arose where a small number
of employers made it impossible for a large number of individual
workers to apply selection pressure - because a small number of
players can act in unison as a cabal. Organisation of workers into
trade unions redressed matters somewhat, and has brought social
benefits beyond the obvious (i.e. better wages for workers). For
example, union pressure can highlight public safety issues.

In the information revolution, a situation is arising where a small
number of vendors make it impossible for a large number of individual
consumers to apply selection pressure.

Right now, the software industry has been left to write its own rules,
and the result is a disaster for users:
- long-term patents, then product is destroyed and useage denied
- limited license rights
- sanction on self-repair ("reverse engineering" etc.)
- no vendor safety liability whatsoever
- EUL"A"s that are drawn up unilaterally by vendor
- EULA's hidden inside no-return-if-opened boxes
- moving goalposts for expectations of service
- forced ongoing relationship with vendor
- vendor reserves right to unilaterally poison-pill user's system
- user to obtain "product recall" replacement code at own cost
- user to obtain "product recall" replacement code at own risk
- in some cases, proprietary lock-in where data is concerned
- in some cases, version lock-in and lock-out to force upgrades

Organizing the users is difficult because the whole shebang is likely
to get hi-jacked by the industry - whether it be pro-vendor shills or
(more likely) an agregate of "everyone except Microsoft".

And believe me, being dragged back to the mainframe era (now disguised
as "thin clients" renting time on application servers) will re-invent
the need for a MS to promote "personal computing".
Yes, until 1988. Least we forget the Internet worm of 1988.

DOS business and consumer PCs were pretty well immune to that sort of
problem, as they hadn't gained their WAN wings yet :-)
Did Microsoft architecture teams just forget? Maybe.

I think there's deffo an attention-defecit disorder there, i.e. a
short attention span. Things are designed in a certain way for
particular reasons, then those reasons are forgotton (seing as the
design prevented those problems from happening) and the clue that
informed the original design gets tossed overboard for some trivial
"shiny things!" sort of reason.

For example, consider the matter of WinME's automatic file system
cleanup after a bad exit. The original reason why this facility was
deigned was so that by the time Windows starts to write to the file
system, the file system would normally have been repaired so that its
now safe to do so. That's why the Win9x versions that had the feature
had always done this using real-mode Scandisk, because that could
complete the job before Windows starts writing to disk.

But because WinME has been tinkered with to make at look as if it's
less connected to "DOS" than earlier Win9x, it now runs this automatic
Scandisk while Windows is loading (and writing to the file system).

It's like making jumbo jet tyres out of glass because it looks so kewl
when the sun shines through them on take-off, forgetting why jumbo
jets needed landing wheels in the first place.
...understood the problem and wrote future software with this in
mind. In the late 1990s the lesson was ignored by Microsoft.

Yes, there's been a rather unfortunate NIH problem in effect. MS
likes to pretend that the areas they extend into had never existed
before they came along, inventing everything from scratch.

I can understand the joy of sweeping with a new broom, but part of
that joy is not having to make the same mistakes.

An old design may become unwieldy because of a lifetime of corrections
necessitated by the "school of hard knocks"; designing afresh should
take those lessons on board and result in a smoother design that works
as well or better. Re-inventing the *original* design and then having
blunder through all the same mistakes from scratch is duuumb; at best
it will result in a scarred but stable version years down the track.

Mind you, some ideas are so dumb that none of the pre-existing
solutions ever made those mistakes - so there's no old newsreels of
fiery crash-and-burn to watch and learn *those* lessons :-)
If 9/11 taught us anything - it taught us to expect the possible.

Lovesan penetration + CIH payload = economic metdown.

The equation is that simple... imagine the business impact of not just
one tower full of offices, but most of everyone's infrastructure (no
matter how widely distributed) not only knocked offline, but blown
away at the hardware level (think soldered-on BIOSs with no fallback,
think proprietary laptop motherboards, think old motherboards tyhat
can't be bought off-the-peg anymore).
The "infosphere" looks like it's beyond our control - maybe the "malware" on
the Internet is just a natural extension of our (life's) basic instinct
for "survival of the fittest", evolution - that kind of thing.

The infosphere is indeed a selection-pressure environment, just like
the biosphere, with one difference; mutations (and indeed software in
general) are made, they do not as yet spontaneously arise.

I've explored those themes recently in alt.comp.virus; a google on
"infosphere" and "cquirke" will prolly find them.

It's certainly complex enough to defy deteriminism, and become
interesting as a result. In fact, that's what interests me the most.
There is no absolute solution. Its a kind of natural war with the
offensive, containment, defense and coexistence we all know about.

Just as you can model natural complexity in a computer, so you can
look at the most complex biosphere survivors (and see how these differ
from simple ones) and learn lessons.

For example; bacteria have no nucleus membrane, and the genetic
material just lies around, not really organised into chromasomes.
Anything can squirt in new code, and just about everything does;
bacteriophages, conjugation with other bacteria that aren't even the
same species, human researches wanting to trick E.coli into
manufacturing harvestable human Insulin, etc.

Multicellular organisms have a clearly-defined way in which code is
exchanged, so they still benefit from breadth of variation as do
bacteria, but it blocks out "dropper attacks". Wrong species; don't
bother to apply. Right species, but looks dodgy? Forget it! Food
that is eaten is smashed down into fragments too tiny to pass code
unchanged, and only then does it enter the system.

Humans also have enough on-board and retrospective intelligence to
predict problems and fix them, but alas, the sealed nature of the cell
and nucleus makes it hard to apply direct maintenance. You may know
that certain protiens are part of your own body, but you can't stop an
inappropriate Rheumatic Fever immune reaction from shredding your
heart valves. A hermetically-sealed, DCMA-enshrined future Windows
could become exactly that kind of death-trap.
Containment can be achieved at various levels within a system
(network of machines). I have network containment controls (bulkhead
controls) but when it comes to an individual machine - Microsoft's software
architecture is out of my control - only Microsoft will decide to make
containment within the kernel and user levels easier with compartmentalized
design. UI compartmentization - Microsoft has gone to lengths to blend this
level into a mash of indistinguishable S#@%

I have a hunch MS may just re-invent the entire wheel, and use
whatever by-then glaring deficiencies there will be with our current
Windows as reasons to upgrade. Except this time, you may never ne
allowed to leave the shop with your purchase, and will be charged rent

Two lessons to bear in mind, on such a strategy:
1) Every layer is only as good as one it rests on
2) No code is ever perfect
3) Don't even let the system override the owner's control

The question is, who is the owner? The corporate administrator? For
consumer PCs, the user via a simplified UI - or MS as the default
system adminstrator of the world? Or none of the above; instead, a
global cabal of media pimps and cronies?
Defensive tactics is something we (administrators and Microsoft) have more
control over than any other in the short term.

Yep - and it's something that has to be designed in. Not in the form
of "in passwords we trust"; in simply making hostile actions
impossible. That agenda may be best served in the corporate world via
NT's existing model, but in the consumer world, users are already
familiar with one better suited to their needs; physical access.
If I want to protect *my data* (i.e. the "queen", nucleus or DNA, etc). How
do I do it? With layers of defense that the enemy needs to circumvent.
Alas, Windows makes this very hard.

Windows is learning its ABCs. For example, it now knows that data is
best located on a per-user basis, rather than dumped within each
program's own code files. It attempts to select system scope while
ignoring personal data scope; that's what SR tries to do.

What it still doesn't have a clue about is the concept of "suspect
files" or risk. It gaily dumps anything IE downloads into "My
Documents" and nests Messenger's "My Recieved Files" thetre as well -
the concept of "data hygiene" has yet to glimmer.

Now I am not for a moment suggesting attempts to track the origen
context of a file as it passes through the system - that's what IE's
security zone attempts to do, for example. But just as I'd never
consider IE's zones to be even sand-tight, it's still a useful net.

Such awareness only becomes counter-productive when you consider it to
be air-tight enough to confer all sorts of ill-advised rights to those
"inside". As long as treated humbly, a "suspect zone" is useful.
Like you, I find it exceeding hard to isolate and control *my data* from
Windows and installed programs. Even a program assembly is sliced up and
stashed all over the place in Windows - some pieces in "program files",
%windir%, system and/or system32, the registry (user and system) and/or some
other odd place.
What happened to storing one program in one directory with rights?

That sort od scope awareness would massively simplify maintenance, and
that's against the interests of the software industry. Not because
they want you to have problems, but because they don't want any
scrape-off of thier programs to be as functional as a formal install.
What happened to storing *my data* in one directory with access controls?
The "user profile" directory is a travesty that tries to store a user's data
in one spot - in a complex way.

The nesting logic is asinine, IMO - why the hell would you want
unsolicited incoming malware and your entire .MP3, videos and picture
collection nested within your data set? How is that going to fit on
limited-capacity backup media? How safe is that going to be to
restore, after a delayed malware payload that also clears forensics?

It's the right idea, but it's too difficult to relocate these around
(TweakUI helps) and - fatally - you cannot *pre*load where these
things will be located when new accounts are created.
Some of the user data and settings are stored in hidden directories
(desktop, shortcuts, etc), some is stashed in a slice of the "registry".

Unless using roaming profiles, the relevant registry part is located
within the user account subtree AFAIK.

The trouble is, the safety scopes are too mixed up. For example, any
shortcut collection is a malware dropper opportunity, with StartUp as
the big prize, and the same applies to registry content. That's why
you can't write-share the whole of "Documents and Settings", or back
up the whole of this subtree with safe-to-restore assurance.

My own practice is to locate small data on a small volume on it's own,
and automate a backup of this to another small volume as an unattended
Task. Such backups can be pulled onto other LAN peers to create a
multi-redundant "holographic" store that resists all but total
infrastructure destruction, even if no-one ever inserts a backup
medium. Temporal depth can be created using the same multi-shot
cyclical backup logic that Win98's RB00?.cab uses.

Data too big to automate in this way is stored elsewhere, as are
pictures, video, music and other collectables that, while you'd want
to see again, are not as irreplaceable as your own data.

Suspect files (emaul attackments, downloads, peer-to-peer file sharing
bins, etc.) go in their own subtree, under the muzzle of a battery of
on-demand scanners that can be launched via a single QuickLaunch click

This works well, until some idiot creates new user accounts. Then
everything duhfaults to being in C:, which slows down as those
absurdly huge per-user IE web caches fill up.
there is no standard - every version of Windows changes the scheme.

Yep. MS seens incapable of maintaining any sort of continuity there;
that attention defecit problem again?

Data may be in; "C:\My Documents", %WinDir%\Personal,
SomeProfilePath\AsAbove, Local Settings\some\path, who knows? Why not
bury things in the bowels of the OS subtree? Duh.

The worst was when Office 97 unilaterally imposed "My Documents" as a
new "system folder" on the OS (since when does an *application* have
that authority?) without any UI other than RegEdit to manage it.

Unforgiveable, and a good Exhibit A why splitting MS into OS and
application companies would be of some benefit.
Moving a users data between one PC and another is a
nightmare - users hate it and grumble every time - unless
administrators "fix" the situation somewhat.

I mentioned attempted pan-directory scope awareness earlier on, in
connection with System Restore. FAST attempts to do the reverse;
fillet out everything that *isn't* "system" and present this to you as
a restorable backup. Gary Woodruff clued me into this, and he has a
good page on the topic somewhere Googleable.

Both SR and FAST are version 1.1 and 1.0 (respectively) attempts at a
"mission impossible" brief, which rears fears of vendor hubris.
AFAIK, both are equally closed "trust us" systems, in that I know you
can't pick-and-choose amoungst SR's stores (you can't even clean
malware there <g> ) and this may apply to FAST too.

Their value may not be in whether they work or not, but that a scope
awareness may better inform decisions on where to put things.

However, MS doesn't share the UNIX view that the file system directory
structure should also define other scopes (such as user rights, etc.).

I'm in two minds about this; frankly, a single structure can turn out
to be a straight jacket (hence Lotus Improv and Excel pivot tables -
and look how easy to use they are!). Scopes vary and overlap, e.g.
- access speed are file system risk exposure (which volume?)
- per-user vs. system
- data / large-data / system
- safe / unsafe-infectable-risky
- in-system material vs. stuff coming in from outside
- shared / read-only-shared / not shared

One could conjure up an elaborate system to manage all of these
many-to-many relationships, but it's all sandcastles in the air if
anything goes wrong within the levels beneath (malware intrusion,
flaky hardware that sees everyting as raw sectors).

There has to be a way "under" this to maintain it, else you have a
data death-trap on your hands... an elevators-only skyscraper with no
windows or fire escape. Be careful what you wish for.

Who has the rights to "maintain" the system at that level? The owner,
of course. In consumerland, that should be a matter of who has
physical access; if you want a virtualized but nearly-as-safe model to
facilitate corporate remote admin, pay up for the Pro version.

If OTOH this "ownership" is taken out of the hands of the person
buying the product... well, maybe it's time to storm the Bastille.
The next virus/worm/trojan that comes walking through MY door - through the
firewall, past the antivirus (with the latest up-to-the-minute updates ---
some forget this fact), past the email scanners - like Trojan.QHosts did -
And Microsoft says "sorry not our problem - see the AV vendor" - I'm going
to shout bloody murder again

You can't tune into a cabled LAN unless you have a pre-existing
presence there. You can't attack a subsystem through a port that
doesn't exist. You can't hide under the system's own access
protection if the system doesn't deny the owner full access to
anything. You can't get your code auto-interpreted if the interpreter
not only doesn't interpret script, but doesn't have "unchecked
buffers" (hint; StrCopy is not your friend). You can't break through
password protection to use a service that does not exist. There's no
point in crossing user account rights and security zones if the
functionality you seek does not exist.

There's a clue meme in there, looking for some frontals to infect :-)

------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
The rights you save may be your own
------------------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
Must... not... reply to never-ending thread... uhh... aargh!
And I come away with a new way of thinking - because you used the word
"meme" (rhymes with dream)! Through a 10^100e search I find much to read.

Susan Blackmore (spelling may be off, may break Google) wrote a book
on memes that I found worth reading, coming from the shoulders of
Dawkins I think it was. She postulates that memes rival genes as the
key item driving evolution in sentinent organisms... no, I lie, she
doesn't exactly say so, that's *my* conclusion after reading her work
(so if that's going a bridge too far, don't blame Susan B., blame me)

Put it this way:
1) Does anyone remember (the impact of) Karl Marx's *children*?
2) Do genes or memes determine your choice of breeding partner?

Answer to (2) is less obvious than you think, if you reject suitors on
the basis of bad manners, poor dress sense etc.
Cquirke, thank you, your thoughts are replicating.

Wars have been fought for such ends :-)
What would you have told the general end-user in the field -- especially
those who were hired for skills other than IT-related skills -- that would
have been meaningful and practical without being alarmist.
[about shutting down Internet browsing for all internal users.]
our conclusion is this: We will tell all users that we (IT and management)
screwed up when we trusted Microsoft products - if there is a vulnerability
that creates an unacceptable risk of security compromise and we need to shut
down all Internet browsing with IE. Good information security *requires*
being alarmist at times.

Yes. Sometimes the sky *is* flalling !

There are precidents for such appraisals, e.g. the Gartner Group's
advice to not use Outbreak within organizations. We may not place
much weight on that as technical advice, but business often relies on
such sources to digest and "weight" technical detail and then spit out
a business recommendation based on *business* expertese.

In fact, that is the inevitable endpoint if you assert "all 'viruses'
are the user's fault for not practicing 'safe hex' ".

When software automatically executes malware without user consent
(either "by design" e.g. scripts embedded in HTML "messages" or
autorunning macros in "data files" or scripts within cookies - or by
defective coding e.g. holes in SQL, RPC, MSHTML etc.) then only blame
that can be attributed to the user is for choosing that software.

Otherwise you have to shift blame to the software vendor for imprudent
design or incompetent coding, or at least evaluate who to blame based
on the extent of what was delivered as "fit to ship" software diverges
from the information used by the user deciding to use it.

There are three reasons why that danger could manifest:

1) One design that favors corporate consumer needs over private users
2) Ranking corporate IP [*1] protection higher than user ownership
3) Basic incompetence in predicting consequences

[*1] IP = Intellectual Property, not Internet Protocol, here.

I'm going to put aside (3), though "stupidity vs. malace" is always a
question as fundamental as the halting problem or the Turing Test, and
often as difficult to answer. At a general level, I find it hard to
believe that decades-old professional software companies with budgets
to attract fine minds could easily fall into (3).

Problem (1) is already upon us, in that NT was designed for corporate
consumer needs (remote admin, override the user) and is basically
being punted as a "one size fits all" solution for consumers too.

Problem (2) transcends technology and gets into global politics, where
the ball is currently being dropped AFAIK. We (as global citizens and
as countries-that-are-not-USA) may come to regret this as bitterly as
the original Americans might regret selling Manhatten for beads.

On (2), the gauntlet is down - WPA shows MS to be a vandor, i.e. is
prepared to gouge your interests if its code logic "thinks" its own
interests are threatened (even though we pay MS on the basis that they
bring value to serving *our* interests).

This is a *very* dengerous precedent, in legal terms.

For example, I i might write a database app that would automatically
eat the user's data after 6 months unless I intervened to turn off the
bomb timer (e.g. so I could protect myself against payment with bad
cheques etc.). Prior to the WPA precedent, the courts would likely be
unsympathetic if this happened to a client ho had paid me but then
moved without sending me a forwarding address (so I could not defuse
the data bomb) and my software killed their data.

Accepting WPA tacitly legitimizes these borderline cases of extortion,
and that border is easily crossed (e.g. if I don't defuse the bomb
because you declined my post-sale offer of a maintenance contract)

That precedent plus legislation such as the DMCA raises the stakes on
commercial malware. Prior to these (and as at October 2003), we
assume that while traditional malware should be tackled formally, it
is enough to scan for commercial malware informally (i.e. from within
the "infected" environment) via Spybot, Ad-Aware etc.

Our optimism is based on the belief that commercial software has to at
least pretend to be there by the user's consent, and thus such malware
would not take overtly/unambiguously hostile steps that render it
impossible to "uninstall" from within the OS.

Once you allow DMCA (or is that DCMA) and WPA as guides to acceptable
commercial behaviour, you empower commercial software to take overtly
and unambiguously hostile actions against the user. Not only that,
but you legally prohibit the user against cleaning such malware off
their systems (as this can be construed as "reverse-engineering
copyright protection"). That is a LOT of totallitarian power to
bestow on organisations that are not accountable to the public.
A thought: Maybe a physical button (non-maskable interrupt) to a separate
hardware "security computer" within a PC could be entrusted with a users
data security. A user must physically press the button (or biometrics here)
to allow access to secured personal data.

Non-access is always preferale to disallowed access. Show me a
"disallowed access" system and I will show you where tomorrow's safety
and security scandals will come from.

Think of it as you would the difference between a pre-ATX power button
and an ATX power button.

An "old fashioned" power switch physically disconnects the mains from
the hardware. Only surges with the raw power to arc across the switch
contacts (or entering via another risk mechanism such as phone or LAN
cables) can pose a threat; when switched off, user can safely change
hardware, and run-of-the-mill power outages and burps pose no threat.

An ATX "power switch" may look reassuringly "physical", but it merely
signals a request for behaviour that mimics the unpowered state. This
operates at a higher level of abstration and works only within and
above that layer of abstraction. If anything goes wrong with that
abstraction layer (e.g. unexpected "wake on modem" effects), or if
there are problems beneath that layer, all bets are off.

So a physical switch that merely requests software to disallow various
activities leaves the spot unhit, IMO.

--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
Never turn your back on an installer program