microland technology - rubbish

it is my theory that the company is run by slave traders who employ monkeys to answer theire phones and A.I to respond to emails.... and that the business is owned and run mainly by 1 old decrepid 80 yr old
Dear all and particularly to PC Association

Things do seem to be moving in a more positive way over the last few days and I would like to make some observations - I hope people will accept that as my issues go well back into the early part of this year and I have been 'with this' for some months, it's OK for me to hve a small say. There are a number of threads on the net with MT issues but the only one I feel that has REALLY listened to people who are genuine, hardworking souls who do not complain because we have nothing better to do are PC Review. I am immensely grateful that we have PC Association with us because the words of the contributor above give legitamacy to what we have been saying for a long time and continue to say. Whilst I do not wish to name other forums, I will say that the same courtesy and understanding has not always been forthcoming from other PC forum sites and that is very disappointing to say the very least.

I am convinced that as group of people we have acted with integrity and have been listened to here. I know that I and others will continue to support anyone else who falls into difficulty with MT.

Well done to all those who are/or have got their problems resolved and money back and a very big thanks to PC Association for their professionalism and support in relation to this issue.

With kindest regards to all

Gabriella x
Dear The New God

Further to my post above and please forgive me if you feel I am being harsh but I think we need to show a little caution in relation to written comments re: MT. I have been badly bitten (go back a few pages or so to read my story if you would like to - I am really saying I have been there and really understand the frustrations, worry etc...) BUT I do think we need to be clear and respectful in relation to what is being written in what is a public site. Sorry mate but I really felt the need to say this.

Good luck with your issues, there are a few of us who would be happy to support/share expereinces etc.... but we need to be clear about what is said and the way it is written.

Please keep us posted.

Kind regards

Gabriella x
Dear Readers

Can anyone help send a link to this thread onto PC Advisor thread in relation to Microland Technology (see Microland Tale most recent entry by me approx 22.30hours 14 September). Tried to do myself and came up with 'error messgae' and it wouldn't let me post the link in response to a reader's query?

This would be really appreciated.

Kind regards

Gabriella x
So what threats work with them?

Compared to some people on this forum I am having a comparatively easy time with Microland. A mere 14 days after placing my order I am now in possession of the parts I actually ordered. (As opposed to what they shipped to me).

Now my only problem is that they have debited my card twice for the same order, and have already notified me that they have no intention of paying me back for at least another 2 weeks and based on other peoples experience I fear I will have to wait much longer. Their keen prices are not so good when you have to pay double!

So what threats make them pay up?
How about the names and office phone numbers of the senior executives?
I am not suggesting hounding them at home. I just want a telephone number that will be picked up by a human being.

I just wish I had put this order through Dabs like I normally do. They have never given any trouble. You order the parts, pay for them, and they arrive. That will teach me not to use kelkoo to search for the lowest price :-(
Dear Mandrake Nut

Email me at: (e-mail address removed) and I will email you company details obtained quite legitmately via Companies House. Any good to you?

Gabriella x
Re: So what threats work with them?

mandrake-nut said:
Compared to some people on this forum I am having a comparatively easy time with Microland.

my only problem is that they have debited my card twice for the same order, and have already notified me that they have no intention of paying me back for at least another 2 weeks and based on other peoples experience I fear I will have to wait much longer.

I just wish I had put this order through Dabs like I normally do. They have never given any trouble.(

May God be with you Mandrake.. to help cast out those Demons at Microland!!.. lol

Yep Microland strikes again....

Got the order right.... but..

They had to screw up somwhere... Double billing!.. Ahhhh now isn't that a little money earner!!..

Good luck with your encounter with Microland Mandrake..

All The Best.... Spooky
hi all

double billing, isnt the first time this has happened either. good luck mandrake, be sure to email gabriella and get that list of company directors.
I cannot believe that this Microland saga is still rumbling on. What gets me is the attitude of Microland in failing to respond to all of this criticism to try and repair the damage that is being done to their company. Why do they not care? Their "presence" on the PC Advisor site lasted about a week and even then when they said to one guy they had responded he claims not to have received anything from them.

If anything I have now learned to carry out a thorough internet search of online retailers before I orderand not to rely on Pc Mag reviews which promote particular PC brands merely because they are fast machines - oh, and never again to order from or recommend Microland!

Good luck to all of those who still have problems
What is needed to make mail-order transactions more trustworthy is some sort of intermediary system such as escrow, whereby retailers only receive payment for goods when they are delivered and signed for as being what was ordered. On the principle of "caveat emptor", the onus would lie with those receiving the goods to ensure they were checked on receipt and rejected if they were not as ordered. Not only would the incidence of wrong/non-existent deliveries dramatically fall, but delivery times would improve markedly. I have dealt with Amazon marketplace on many occasions where such a scheme is in force and have received really good service coupled with complete integrity.

Unfortunately, despite the number of negative posts in trhis forum about Microland, it is unlikely to have any serious effect on their way of conducting business. From what has been written, it appears that they find it profitable to skirt very close to the limits of ethical behaviour. The small number of contributors to, and readers of, this thread are unlikely to exert any significant pressure on them to mend their ways.

The best recourse is the law. If you have legitimate grounds for complaint, don't waste too much time in wrangling with them. That only causes rage and frustration on your part, whilst they are emotionally unaffected. Apply to the courts for redress as soon as possible and hit them where they will be hurt and humiliated.
Dear Cogent1

I was very interetsed in your post (above) and whilst I agree with most of yoursentiments, people do need to be aware of Distance Selling Legislation amd what that entails/what people can and cannot do when faced with a situation where a company fails to deliver to contract/does not honour a warranty. I do feel that people have a right to express their views on sites like this and whilst it may not make a huge impact in the scheme of things globally perhaps others may be aware prior to making purchases in terms of the potential risks involved. I and others would have gone elsewhere with their hard earned money if we had been aware of the difficulties we may have got in to. In addition, whilst legal redress may be an option in some cases, there will always be a need to show that the consumer has behaved reasonably and acted within UK legislation by doing all that he/she can to understand and resolve the issues.

There is no easy solution to issues such as these and perhaps the best we can achieve is to support each other in difficulty and raise potential risks with would be purchasers.

It might help if PC magazines reviewed their thinking in the light of evidenced concerns of companies who are clearly not delivering what they (the comapny/ies) promise.

Gabriella x
Cogent 1,

While forums like this may not prevent companies like Microland from changing their practices, they will protect those consumers (unlike myself ) who bother to check a company on the internet. The consumer who takes this basic precaution will have all the information they need to make an informed choice. To buy or not to buy?

There is no doubt this and other forums will be having a significant impact on the profits of companies like Microland. Who would buy from Microland after reading this forum? If Microland does not change it will not evolve and expand and ultimately cannot survive. They ignore their customers at their peril.

I agree with your sentiments in every respect. We must warn others in whatever way we can, even though in a broader sense it is relatively ineffective. But to bring about a radical change in the way mail order purchases are handled, which will benefit everyone, the laws and regulations must be amended. Otherwise, dodgy firms will continue to take advantage of their customers with relative impunity, knowing that they will be able to employ all manner of trickery to stay (just) within the limits of the law.
Baz63 said:
Cogent 1,

While forums like this may not prevent companies like Microland from changing their practices, they will protect those consumers (unlike myself ) who bother to check a company on the internet. The consumer who takes this basic precaution will have all the information they need to make an informed choice. To buy or not to buy?

Baz.. Im glad to say that I'm not a Microland customer.. I verynearly well could have been.. as im going to build my own PC..And from this thread alone i will not go 100 miles near Microland.. I will Inform My Friends.... My Friends will Inform there Friends (Agreed no big threat to Microland).... there name is becoming Dirt!... The last on the list of choice!... I have never dealt with Microland .. and never will.. Im just one that they have lost.... Just by reading this Thread!!... Others read this too... (Granted not many others.. not enough to make Microland worry).... but what about the friends i tell.... there friends so on and so forth...... Soon the Phrase.. "You bought it at Microland... Stupid Fool".. will be common place.. judgeing by the rapid groth of this thread..... Then Microland SHOULD be worried
I am surprised to find that I appear to be alone in complaining about MT's poor support and slow response even when you are paying 10p a minute in a 20-minute phone queue and have paid an upfront fee specifically for on-site support which they refuse to deliver.

Yesterday the second machine swap took place, except they forgot to instruct the courier to collect the old PC. We arranged for him to return this morning - one of the few pleasant features of MT's style is automatically offering morning delivery - but this time they instructed a collection before 3pm when I had said I would be out. Fortunately the man came early.

The latest twist is that in spite of an impressive list of tests and checks carried out before the PC was despatched they have installed the wrong OS, XP Home instead of XP Pro, and expect me to try to upgrade from my CD while admitting uncertainty whether this will work.

The Fed Express/ Business Post carriers seem well used to exchanging the big boxes in which Microland PCs are shipped.

Peter :(
Dear Peter

I can assure you that you are not alone conerning contemporary issues in relation to MT, my Inbox at home has emails every single day from customers who email me directly wanting to discuss issues on the basis of some of my observations on this thread and another one. I always urge them to post but I guess that as net names and birth names can be different, it isn't always easy to spot whether everyone with a concern does post. I rather suspect not.

In relation to Business Post, when my PC went back (very long story and won't bore everyone) via Business Post early one morning in mid May 2004, there were other 'returns' onboard destined for MT at Stockport. Bearing in mind that these guys from Business Post operate in a relatively small area, I was quite gobsmacked even back then!!! We are now some 4 months on and it would not appear that the situation has become any better.

So, my thoughts today are: PLEASE PLEASE if people have concerns and complaints, please do post in addition to seeking whatever support seems right and then at least anyone searching the company has some up to date information plus people can support one another.

Having run a small business, I would be very concerned if my company was having this level of negative exposure on a pretty much daily basis.

Kind regards to all

Gabriella x
dear peter

as gabriella states, you are far from alone. i never revcieved my order from microland so i cant comment on there after sales service ( even though i can guess what it's like). but i do know all to well about there slow response to an unhappy customer and i wouldent really say slow, for me it was none existent until the forum editor of pc advisor helped me. we will give you all the support we can to anybody with MT problems. my adventure with MT is over but i still look in these forums and try to give advice were i can.

dear cogent1

this and other forums must be doing some good if we can help people like spooky mouse avoid microland and the stress involved. also after reading this forum the pc association has removed MT from there membership wich shows we are getting somewhere.
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i finally have my case ppl, got it today after near 2 weeks waiting, and 0 customer service, but it arrived and is in mint condition, all good, but theres no way ill be ordering from them again!