[Follow-up set to comp.os.linux.setup because I'm not subscribed to
either of the other two groups and I'm not the one who started this
cross-posted troll-baiting.]
... I hear a boy crying wolf.
And he's been "serious" about this project for over a year already,
re-itering the same old drivel every month or so, with the exact same
background story, and with the exact same shuffle of the goalposts, by
miraculously introducing some exotic "Works With Microsoft (tm) Windows
(tm) Only" hardware component halfway down the thread so as to have an
excuse for his "Linux sucks because it won't work for me" drivel, or by
starting out with a Pentium 4 as the target platform which then three
levels down in the thread ends up being a first generation Pentium with
32 MB of RAM and a 1 MB PCI video adapter or something.
RayLopez99 is only serious about trolling, and one of his ways of
ensuring that some people will still be naive enough to reply to
his "request for information" is that he keeps on repeating the
statement that he is serious. Perhaps he should add "... about
If what he claims in the above-quoted snippet about only being insulting
when he's trolling is actually true, then that actually proves that he
*is* trolling, because, as I have experienced already in the past when
I myself reacted to his deliberate misinformation and "subliminal"
sneers at GNU/Linux, he has already (again) managed to insult decent
people who were honestly willing to help him in this thread (and all
previous threads on the very same subject) as well. Just look at his
replies to David Brown, who was being very helpful and earnest towards
One of the obvious signs of his intent is that he included the group
microsoft.public.windowsxp.general [*] in the group list, while said
group was not involved in RayLopez99's earlier Usenet posts about "his
serious endeavor". In other words, even in his Win-trolling and
deliberate annoying of GNU/Linux users - with Hadron Quark and all the
other rabid Win-trolls from comp.os.linux.advocacy blazing in his
trail - RayLopez99 is actually also annoying a serious newsgroup
dedicated to Microsoft Windows, where the regulars are (presumably)
discussing technical issues and exchanging information, just like we
are over here.
So even as a troll, RayLopez99 is a complete failure. In fact, I
seriously doubt that he would even be able to *use* Microsoft Windows
(or Apple OS X, or BeOS, or OS/2, or AmigaOS for that matter) without
running into problems, given that, for a self-proclaimed Power User
(tm), he doesn't even know what DHCP is or what the difference is
between a router and a DSL modem.
So there you have it: an operating system with the by RayLopez so
venerated 90% desktop market share, and even *that* is something
RayLopez99 isn't capable of handling, and in the process, while he is
supposed to "advocate" Microsoft Windows, he has probably already
managed to annoy its own userbase on Usenet.
[*] My apologies to the people in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general
for not having snipped the group from the list in this particular
reply of mine to this thread; I did set a follow-up, though. On
previous occasions, I have removed the group from the list, but I
think that in light of exposing the RayLopez99 troll, these people
too have the right to know how badly RayLopez99 is serving _their_
cause (and others like Hadron Quark, Moshe Goldfarb and "One Shot
One Kill" with him).
In addition to that, I would also like to make it clear to the
regulars in that group that GNU/Linux users wish Windows users
no harm. You people use Windows, we use GNU/Linux. Different
kind of operating system, and I'm sure there is enough air in the
atmosphere to allow *all* of us to breathe. Sadly enough, there
are always a number of degenerates who feel that they need to
start a war where peace would be more desirable.
GNU/Linux is not an attack on Microsoft Windows. It was never
intended to be. It is an alternative to proprietary UNIX
operating systems, and it was designed as a Free & Open Source
Software platform. There is some overlap with the functionality
or hardware base of Microsoft Windows because of the open nature
of the x86 hardware platform, but they are two totally different
systems. GNU/Linux, like UNIX proper, is not for everyone, but
then again, neither is Microsoft Windows. Some people buy 4x4
vehicles, others prefer a sedan/saloon, and yet others prefer
driving vans or motorbikes. It's all a matter of taste and what
suits you best. To each their own, etc.
Win-trolls are not Windows advocates. They are bullies who
project the frustration over their lack of intelligence on the
operating system which happened to confront them with it, i.e.
GNU/Linux. Win-trolls have no ethics, and I would dare say no
sanity either. If it weren't for both GNU/Linux and Windows,
then these people would have found some other way to annoy their
fellow human beings. Soccer teams, politics, religion, plenty
of choices. They would have found _something_ either way,
because for them the subject matter is only the means to an end,
and that end, is to bully.