See replies in line below.
Heather said:
Sir George......as you are relatively new to this group, I will ignore your
comments about taking this to a *chat room*........which I personally view
as an insult (G).
I guess if I wasn't relatively new to this newsgroup, you would have given
me quite a verbal bashing. I was unaware that you would be insulted by my
referencing a chat room as an alternate source for your personal
conversation(s). By the way, if my intent was to insult you, I would have
posted directly to you and been very clear about it.
We did *chat*.....but it does happen at times.
You're right, it's still wrong, but it happens.
Next time I will make sure I
put *OT* in the subject line so you don't have to read it......OK?
Actually, I think it would be better for you to use an appropriate source
for personal conversation, but you do what you want to do. I just made a
very "SIMPLE" note that it would be better if people didn't use newsgroups
for their personal banter.
Obviously you were not around when Soooooooge was on one of his rambling
rants......that would have driven you nuts!!
So, this reference means as long as you do it less it's OK? By the way, it
doesn't drive me nuts, I just find it to be inappropriate.