Beauregard T. Shagnasty said:
Quoth the raven Buffalo:
I read somewhere (can't find link at the moment) where it was stated
that top-posting began when Outlook Express decided it wanted to be a
newsreader. The default location of the insertion point was at the top
and folks didn't know they could/should press the PageDown key.
Is the default location with other news readers at the bottom?
Even if it is, it still makes sense 90% of the time ,to me,to top post, or
post inline when it adds to the post.
Lack of trimming compounds the problem. TOFU was born.
Text Oben Fullquote Unten (German)
Text Over, Fullquote Under
Most don't trim;top or bottom posters.
If you top-post to a message from several days ago, people will still
need to scroll down to see what you are replying to, then scroll back
up to read your response, because they will likely have forgotten the
original points, or need to refresh their memory. Especially for
someone who reads hundreds of posts every day.
Rarely have a problem with that. If I do, then I scroll.(better once in
awhile than ALL the time)
And of course, *inline posting* with proper trimming is the most
desirable method.
Not always. That seems to be your biggest problem. One way is not always the
In this particular reply to you, it is by far the BEST.
BTW, please set your newsreader to a line length around 70 characters.
Thanks for that advice. Are you really having a problem with my line wrap,
or are you just whining and being picky?
This free program may help with your application:
What is the problem with my application and what application are you talking
Boy, you are really either brainwashed or just afraid to modernize.
Quit trying to build yourself up by posting such links.
Was there a problem with my quoting?
I don't think so.
Using this quote in the article, belittles it and shows an arrogant
""The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day
they start making vacuum cleaners." -Ernst Jan Plugge""
Who made that person the expert and spokesperson for all newsgroup
etiquette? Is that person your ng deity?
Quote from the above link:
"First, top posters tend never to snip, never to shorten that to which they
reply. So people whose download time costs money are wasting money
downloading enormous lengths of stuff they have already read."
Never is a strong word. Do you actually believe people who preach like this?
Basically it says that most top posters ever snip. I guess that also implies
that bottom posters do.
Damn, that sounds like the Democrats and Republicans talking about each
Sorry, I had to blow off the above three as the others were very
predjudiced and arrogant.
-This space intentionally left blank.
Not like your mind which seems to be full of outdated methods and outdated
Other than that,
PS: the world would be a boring place if everybody agreed totally with each