Irfanview Question

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Paradise on earth - Sadlier's Crossing, Queensland, Australia - magnificent
one day, fantastic the next. Wherever tired jetsetters gather to discuss
their next holiday, you can be sure the talk will come around to Rome,
Paris, Sadliers Crossing - pretty much in that order <g>.

Near Århus, Denmark.
Mostly lurking <g>.
Bob Larder

Nice town, I prefer it than Köbenhavn
and Ebeltoft is very nice.
Mostly lurking as well.
Marc (from Bruxelles/Brussel)
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.
I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Anyone else?

From Oslo, Norway living in Austin, TX USA
Had some friends with a family cottage on Wasaga Beach. Visited them a few
times when we were in Owen Sound on our late and unlamented semi-annual
visits to the mother-in-law. Wasaga became too gentrified for them to hold
on to the cottage.

Hate to say it, but the beaches on Lake Winnipeg are nicer than Wasaga.

From The Beach ~ ~ ~
Box134 said:
Had some friends with a family cottage on Wasaga Beach. Visited them a few
times when we were in Owen Sound on our late and unlamented semi-annual
visits to the mother-in-law. Wasaga became too gentrified for them to hold
on to the cottage.

Hate to say it, but the beaches on Lake Winnipeg are nicer than Wasaga.
Yes and you can walk on the water at Winnipeg beaches most of the year!!
Didn't get the original post (dang news server).

Missouri, USA here

Be careful what you wish for....