Irfanview Question

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Invercargill, New Zealand
Lat 46°24´ S
Long 168°22 E
Southern most poster in the group?
To you New Zealanders...thanks to Lord of the Rings many of us have
had the opportunity to see how absolutely gorgeous your country is!
Since watching the movies I've also noticed that the majority of
wallpaper/screensavers I've seen and liked are pictures of New

Checking in from Columbus, Ohio, USA...

Anne said:
To you New Zealanders...thanks to Lord of the Rings many of us have
had the opportunity to see how absolutely gorgeous your country is!

I thought we did that with Xena...
Le 25 Nov 2004 18:02:33 GMT said:
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.

I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Anyone else?

Vesoul, Haute-Saône , France
Rod said:
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.

I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Anyone else?

Halden, Norway.
Shawnee Kansas USA

It is nice to be able to talk to so many countrys and in this field, like

Anyone else?
My home is in Deer Island Oegon, USA
and tho the name has *Island* I am in the Coastal Range of mountains
overlooking the Columbia River.

OhnO the Clown
omega - 26.11.2004 15:48 :
It's a very good thread.

you are right and convinced me.
For that I add: I'm 45 year old software engeneer living in Munich. Ok?

Further: Beside "Where are we from" and "acf_where" I start a new thread
"free AV_where" to make this NG even more readable and more
interesting. Hoping this is absolutely in your sense.
Peter Seiler said:
omega - 26.11.2004 15:48 :

you are right and convinced me.

If it falls apart into any kind of "world politics" disaster, then I will
be screaming, too. But it sure doesn't look like that will happen here.
It is proving instead entirely clean, and very interesting.
For that I add: I'm 45 year old software engeneer living

Apologize for that, my earlier inaccuracy about your age. I think my ~memory
sometimes comes out not much better than "strong hunches" at the roulette
table, random betting on red, black, etc.
in Munich. Ok?

Good, more ACF posters regions data the better. :)
Yes, we were by a lake; couldn't remember the name. My sister and
brother-in-law rented a cabin there. I envy you living there! It's not the
kind of terrain people expect when you mention Saskatchewan.