Irfanview Question

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Box134 said:
Yes, you have some good music at the city limits.

And every coffee shop, bar, restaurant, neighbor's backyard, alley, and
spot for a makeshift stage in the city. :)
I've been in the Qu'Appelle valley south of Yorkton. Very nice. I've always
thought I'd like to live in a valley.

So you were on the East end by Round and Crooked Lakes...I'm west by Echo
lake and yes it is nice to live here. In the winter you have a nice day
until you drive up on top and discover there's a horrible blizzard blowing,
since I am retired I turn around and go home and pity the commuters who
have to go....
GoodTime Barnie
Vic Dura said:
Rogersville, Alabama USA on the north bank of the Tennessee River, 1
mile west of the Elk River and 40 miles west of Huntsville Alabama.
Wow! Fame at last! :-)
Peter Seiler said:
Global Warming - 24.11.2004 23:01 :

with this little question line you unnecessarely initiated a huge thread
with numerous uninteresting OT! postings making this newsgroup to a
chatroom and more and more unreadable and producing unnecessary traffic
- grrr! In the future please think before posting. THX.
Where are you from then?
Rod wrote on 25-11-2004 :
A thread like this was started in the K-Meleon-forums this week, and
allthough 'we' on the internet are a community where it doesn't matter
where you're from, it might be interesting to take a look at the
geographical layout of this newsgroup.

I'm from Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Anyone else?

Just jumped in again after a couple of weeks of rest :-)

I'm also from the Netherlands. I live in a small village in the
neighbourhood of 's-Hertogenbosch.

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'
My favorite American brew company for two plus decades now!

Is anyone in the wine region?

All I gotta do now is hit the right numbers...

Sure, I'm from the Wine Capital of Canada, Oliver BC.
I'll be praying that your numbers come up :)

Montgomery county, Maryland...just outside Washington D.C....16 miles
directly north of G. Bush and the White House....if I had a big
bowling ball, he's right down hill..*grin*....
I'm from the west coast only in Canada
I was wondering if we had anyone on the west coast. So far, everyone
else in the US is from the eastern half of the country.
Bill Day said:
Montgomery county, Maryland...just outside Washington D.C....16 miles
directly north of G. Bush and the White House....if I had a big
bowling ball, he's right down hill..*grin*....

Very funny. I'd be willing to provide the bowling ball.

Omar© said:
LOL but that's the way it felt waiting for my
connecting flight out of Houston.
I did need that texas sized beer Karen :-)

That's how I feel, really any time I have to travel. Another good
thing about texas-size superbrews, it's that you can honestly state
that you "only had a few."