Nina Irwin said:
She wasn't whining. She apologized and gave credit where credit was
due. At times I'm sure everyone here has inadvertently overlooked
giving proper credit for something, if not in this news group then in
real life.
Paul, if you would let it go, people might stop giving you grief, but
you seem to go out of your way sometimes to aggravate people to the
point of retaliation.
Can't you "turn the other cheek". It's time to end it.
I had said I was finished with this thread; but because of your having
just read it for the first time (or at least that is the way I read your
previous post and this one) I though I would express to you my reasoning.
If they can drop it I can; but then again, I guess I can be the bigger
person and relent even though they are not willing to do likewise.
When I defend my self it is considered whinning; but when Heather does
the same it is not?
Nina when they first started calling me a plagiarist for having
forgotten to place quotes I had my paper print a correction and then I
tracked down the author informed him of my error and apologized and he also
said he didn't consider it plagiarism the same as what the author of what
Heather posted, and I posted here the correction that was printed in my
column. Even though that was over 2 years ago they are still calling me a
plagiarist even though I admitted and corrected the error.
Now as an example if you were to make such an error and if after you
had made the mistake and then did everything that was expected and in your
power to do to correct and make amends for the error and for over 2 years
after that people keep trying to rub your nose in it and continued calling
you on the carpet for and in public calling you a plagiarist would you not
be a tad bitter?
It is hard to turn the cheek several hundreds of times for the same
mistake. I could well turn the cheek quite a few times; but they also need
to drop it after the mistake has been corrected and apologized for not once
not twice; but I forget how many times back when it first happened that I
said I was in error and apologized; but after having done so several times
and even telling those here about the correction in my paper printing
excerpts from the correction in my column and about the original author
saying it wasn't a problem (much like what the author of what Heather copied
and pasted without quoting said) a person gets tired of it being dredged up
time and time again. Like I said I only mentioned a few times about what
Heather doing was almost exactly the same thing I was charged with
plagiarism for and she got upset because of my having said something about
it; but she sure can't empathize with my having had some here do likewise to
me for over 2 years. Is not what is fair for the goose fair for the gander?
From the Desk of Sugien
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