Clay said:
Yeah, yeah. If it really didn't matter to you, there would be a lot
less whining and rambling postings from "Sugien" archived don't you
think? I wonder what the ratio... never mind.
What maters to me is how much I can make others dance with my posts, and a
nice little dance so far by you.
Ugh... you're probably a good guy and all but you just bring out the
yep in RL, you would not know me; because of the almost exact opposite. I
guess, I like to take out my frustration of RL in here because those here
are just such an easy target, lol
worst in me (you wouldn't understand). I'm gonna attempt to extricate
I understand probably far better then you could ever imagine. You see those
here that play into my hands bring out the worse in me, I guess you could
say that Sugien is my alter ego in as much as Sugien only comes out across a
keyboard, rofl
myself from this thread and wish you all the best.
Ah, are you sure!, oh well ok, I guess the dance for us is over then? oh
well someone else will tap a shoulder and wish to cut in; because the always
do, I guess because I am such a good dancing partner<s>. Maybe I should
open up a internet school of dance and teach the puppets how to dance for
their self so that they can have their own dance instead of always dancing
to the beat of my drummer, te he he
I wish you all the best also, see there I am not such a bad guy after all.
From the Desk of Sugien
@###{ ]:::::

ino-Soft Software::::::>
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drop in and see me some time