"| By definition Congress, as a body, CANNOT break the laws since
| they're the ones who MAKE the laws. Whatever they approve IS the law.
| Of course, individual Congressmen/women can and do break the law
| from time to time.
| Tom Lake
B U L L F * * K I N G S * * T !!!
ALL Americans and American institutions, including Congress and the President,
are subject to the ultimate LAW of the Constitution.
Remember that criminal, lying, insane Nixon saying that since he was President,
ANYTHING he did was legal?
Also, the activities of this current criminal, lunatic administration have violated
international treaties and agreements. George W. Bush is responsible for the
death of thousands of American soldiers and the brutal horrorific death of
countless thousands of innocent Iraqis!
Not only has this gang of loonies violated international treaties, the incompetent
criminals have systematically deprived American citizens of their rights: the
DEATH of habeas corpus, the draconian credit card bill? Etc., etc., ...
I can't wait for the conviction and imprisonment of this moron George W. Bush1
He can join his other fellow Republican in jail where he belongs!