ARGOSY - HD363N - Network Storage

  • Thread starter Thread starter BobVal
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Hmm I guess the new v-gear firmware don't work with the Argosy disk...
I used the one Quest linked to and after that the drive is dead, can't even get the restore function to work, it just shutdown itself after about 5 sec.

Don't know if anyone had the same problem or if I just was unlucky... guess its time to find the receipt.
I also cannot reproduce the SetEOF bug from Linux
I booted from the Kanotix 2005-3 live Linux CD (based on Debian, and configured SAMBA from the Kanotix menu. I was abl
to access the NAS drive. I used KWrite to edit my test file and di
not see the SetEOF bug

Could someone please post specifics about the SAMBA problems that hav
been mentioned? I have only done a quick check so far, but I was abl
to access the device, and read and write without difficulty
I was wondering how to check to see if my base station is indeed
forwarding FTP requests to ports 20, 21 to my NAS? I am trying to see
if the problem is with my NAS or with my base station settings.

I have my Argosy NAS connected via ethernet to an airport extreme base
station with . My Mac G4 iBook running OSX 10.3.9 is wireless. The
firmware is flashed with 6-1013.

In the base station I have my private IPs set to For
port forwarding, I entered 20-public;; 20-private and
21-public;; 21-private (I wish the airport base station
could do ranges...)

And in the NAS utility I set it to a static IP of

I can map to the NAS just fine. I can also connect to the FTP of the
NAS through my browser on the local side, although when I enter the
username and password in the dialogue box that appears, it says that
they are wrong. Probably a different problem althogether.

I cannot connect at all from the outside. Using, it says that it cannot see ports 20, 21
because the operation timed out. When at work on a windows machine it
says the the "document contains no data."

I've done a lot of searches on this subject that say this is the
proper direction to go in. I am still kinda a noob with networking.
I found the problem.:D

In order to use the FTP server function of the NAS, you have to give
it a fixed address, which I did. The gateway needs to be set to the
router address, which I got from my base station utility. Trouble is
that the address given to me by the base station is an outside
address, on the public side of the network. After re-reading the
manuals, FAQs on the site, searching forums, etc... I figured out
that the NAS needs the private address of the router which is Once entered, boom it's working perfectly!

This question has plagued me for 2 weeks. I started this ordeal as a
kinda "plug it in and pray it works" kinda guy. OK, maybe not that
bad but I have learned sooo much about networking since then. Thanks
for your help.

PS, this NAS is pretty cool for $70.
hi all,

thinking of buying but have a question >> i would like to also use this
as a mail server of sort - since outlook & oe won't allow mail fils &
pst files to e stored on network drives, is it possible to somehow keep
a master file on the nas that can be used to sync local files?

does anyone have any advice with this?

you can put your outlook pst file on the NAS, the only problem you
will have is the EOF bug that still hasnt been fixed. thus you will
need to repair the pst file reguarly.

you just map a network drive to the folder where the pst file is

I would avoid buying one of these NAS as they still havent finished
the firmware.
I have an Argosy HD363N which I had upgraded to the Tritton Firmwar
5-0607 originally (which worked fine), and then attempted to upgrad
to the Tritton Firmware 6-1013 last week. After attempting t
upgrade the firmware, it appears as though the attempt failed (afte
about 5 minutes of waiting for the web interface to refresh,
recycled the power of the device). I am unable to connect into th
device using the default IP address (

Does anyone have any suggestions

If the firmware is hosed, is there any way to recover it so that th
NAS device can be usable again

If not, am I still able to access the data on the drive by hooking i
up to an external USB drive case

If all is lost, is anyone interested in buying a HD363N for cheap


You need to use Internet Explorer to update the firmware
If you use Firefox, it will look like it is uploading, and then jus
hang waiting to restart. The firmware does not get updated, the I
does not change. It is as if you had not done anything. Try the ol
IP and see what happens

To reset the NAS, turn it off for at least 30 seconds. When you tur
it on, hold the power button down for 15 seconds. The front led wil
blink red. Once it turns green it is done resetting, and you ca
release the button

If it is set to a specific IP, it will almost certainly be the old on
you had in it before this started. If it has been reset to default, i
will try to get an IP via DHCP and will use only if tha
fails. Probably what is happening is it is getting a different IP vi
DHCP, and you don't know what it is

I have a cable modem/router that acts as a DHCP server for my hom
network. When I first plugged my NAS in, I could not find it'
address till I looked in the router's configuration web page. One o
the things you could see was the DHCP lease table, which showed th
IP Addresses it had given out. It was easy to see the one for the NA
because the name was something like - SIMPLE NAS some numbers

If that does not work, you need to isolate a network segment that ha
only one computer and the NAS on it. Configure the computer's NIC t
use a fixed IP of and a subnet mask of
boot everything up, and the NAS should be on the default IP, sinc
there is no DHCP server in this set up

If none of the above work, you may well have bricked your NAS

Good luc
Your mileage may var
Some settling may occur during transpor
Objects in mirror may be closer than they appea

The NAS formats the drive FAT-32, so you should be able to take th
drive out of the NAS, put it on an internal IDE or in an external US
box and be able to read it, as long as the USB box is able to suppor
a drive of the capacity you are using

I have read somewhere of people putting preformatted FAT-32 drive
into the NAS and not being able to use it till it was reformatte
using the NAS, so if you write to it outside the NAS, you might no
be able to put it back into the NAS and have it work properly. Whe
you look at the drive's contents outside the NAS, you will see th
Public directory that the NAS formatting creates, as well as a coupl
of NAS control files at the root level of the drive. Possibly writin
/ formatting outside the NAS does not handle these control file

I am new to this forum and am thinking of buying the Argosy HD363N, but would like to know if this device can be used as a "normal" network drive and is it possible to use Nero to burn files directly from this drive on cd/dvd?

I just got my HD363N Network Storage Enclosure with 250gb HDD
everything seems to be working well except the fact that i i can'
log on to the folders i create with the given passwords. i'm onl
able to log on with 1 user that i created through windows.

I'll appreciate it if anyone can run me through the whole precess.

Thanx in advance
To set up a folder:
1. Log in to the NAS's configuration web interface. This is the same
place you set up the IP Address and format the drive.
2. Select the Folder Share page from the list on the left.
3. This will show you a list of the root level folders that have been
set up. Each root level folder will appear as a Windows Network
Share. By default, a single folder, Public, is set up when you format
the dirve. If the folder does not have a password, dashes will show in
the password column. If it has a password, asterisks will show up in
the password column.
4. To create a new folder, select the [Create Folder] button and enter
the name for the new folder. This will create a new root level folder
without a password.
5. To add a password, select the desired folder form the list, and
select the [Password] button, and enter the desired password twice.

This method is the only way to create new root level folders that show
up as shares. You should not be able to create new root folders by
accessing the NAS from Windows Explorer or FTP, but only be able to
create new folders underneath one of the root level folders.

You can access the folder in a variety of ways.

In Windows Explorer, under Network Neighborhood (W98) or My Network
Places / Computers Near Me (2k), the NAS will appear as a computer,
and the root folders will appear as shares underneath. When you first
try to open one of the shares that has a password, you will be asked
for a password (W98) or a user ID and Password (2k). As the share
does not have a user ID, any will do. Enter the correct password.

In Windows Explorer you can mount a SHARE as a lettered drive. NOT the
whole NAS, but one of the root folders in the NAS.
1. In Windows Explorer, use the Menu Item Tools/Map Network Drive.
2. Enter \\NASName\RootFolderName
3. Say [OK]
4. If the folder has a password you will be asked for a password (W98)
or a user ID and Password (2k). As the share does not have a user ID,
any will do. Enter the correct password.

I generally use the Network Neighborhood / Computers Near Me method to
access the NAS, as it seems to work better. Once the drive has gone to
sleep, clicking on a subdirectory under Network Neighborhood /
Computers Near Me wakes it up just fine. If you do the same from a
mounted lettered drive, sometimes you have trouble accessing the
subdirectories, untill you have accessed them under Network
To set up a FTP account:
1. Log in to the NAS's configuration web interface. This is the same
place you set up the IP Address and format the drive.
2. Select the FTP Service page from the list on the left.
3. This will show a list of the FTP Accounts that have been set up.
Initialy there are none and FTP is disabled.
4. In the FTP Server section, select the Enable radio button. Leave
the port at 21, and select the [Apply] button. This turns on the FTP
5. Select [Add Account] and enter the User ID for the new FTP Account.
This will create a new account with no password that has read only
access, but can access none of the folders in the NAS.
6. Select the account you just created from the list and hit [Modify
7. Enter the desired password.
8. Leave it enabled. Note you can disable an account here without
deleting all the other setup information
9. Select whether it should have Read Only or Read/Write access
10. Specify which folders it should be able to access. The list of
available root folders is shown on the right. selecting one and
clicking [Add] moves it to the list on the left of shares accessible
by the account. The [Delete] button performs the opposite action.
11. Hit the [Modify] button at the top to save the changes you have

You can also set up one anonymous FTP Account. From the FTP Service
page, select the [Anonymous] button. Setting up the account is the
same as a regualr account except for the User ID and Password, which
an anonymous account does not have.

To access the NAS via FTP, use the following:
Host: IP Address of the NAS
Port: 21 or whatever you changed the FTP port to in the NAS
Logon Type: Anonymous or Normal
User: NAS FTP Account Name, or e-mail address if anonymous
Password: Account Pasword or "anonymous" if anonymous
I purchased the HD363N Network Storage and the firmware version was
NetHDD004-0317 .The harddisk is a seagate 160Gb ST3160021A.
I use the NAS as a backup facility. So pretty straightforward IO.
I experienced the known bugs of corrupted files and disconnects using
FTP and a Wireless station.

So I decided to upgrade to the latest firemware NetHDD006-1013.

All above mentioned bugs are saved and speed has increased. But I face
a new problem
every time I shut down the NAS and start it up it will tell me the
harddisk is not formatted. And I have to format it again to get it
going. But all data is lost.

If i switch back to the old firmware NetHDD004-0317 the old bugs are
back and the NAS works normal if is it is shutted down and restarted

can somebody help?
Can't help with the post above

Since moving to the latest firmware, I am able to use Instant Backu
getting a consistant 64MB per min

Using Linksys BEFW11S4 Wireless router, with the NAS connected Wire
in another room
Working fine on latest 1013 release but FTP security issue

Since upgrading to the 1013 firmware my 363N has been rock solid with no more lockups requiring reboots (about 30 days since upgrade). I recently added a new Maxtor 200GB drive to it and have not had any issues. Transfering large video files (2GB) gives about 50MB transfer rates.

In the past I did see an issue with the hard drive 'disappearing' after reboot but it turned out to be a bad drive. I also got rid of the 40 pin IDE cable that came with the 363N and use the 80pin cable (I had to cut it to make it fit in the case) that came with the Maxtor. The major reason I did this was the quality of the 40 pin looked very poor.

But I have had the following FTP security issue:
No matter how I define a ftp account all ftp users still have universal 'read' access to all FTP accounts if they know the folder name.

Here is the Configuration:

Create two drive folders, name one "FTP_PUBLIC" and the other "FTP_PRIVATE"
Create two FTP accounts:
Account 1 named "FTP_PUBLIC" and give it read only access to the "FTP_PUBLIC" folder, do NOT create a password for it
Account 2 named "FTP_PRIVATE" and give it read/write access to the "FTP_PRIVATE" folder and create a password for it
Also create an Anonymous account and give it access to the "FTP_PUBLIC" folder

Now access the ftp folders from Internet Explorer, log in anonymously
For example, if the the drive is named 'STORAGE_2C92"
The ftp client will automatically connect to the FTP_PUBLIC folder with read only access (as expected)

But if the user manually adds the "FTP_PRIVATE" folder to the address (as below)
You will see the contents of the FTP_PRIVATE folder with read only access. This should NOT happen. A user should never be able to access a private, password secured FTP folder, even if the access is read only.

If the user logs into the "FTP_PRIVATE" folder with correct username and password they will have the correct read/write access (as expected).

I was hoping to configure my firewall to allow ftp access to the net but with this issue I'd rather not.

I've emailed Agrosy support with the issue but was wondering if anyone else has seen this?

I also just discovered that ALL folders in the drive can be accessed anonymously, even if a folder is NOT configured as a FTP folder. All you have to do is type in the folder name and path. This means there is no usefull ftp security in the 363n.
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I don't have that problem, but the biggest I have used so far is
Segate 80 Gb. The only thing I can think of to try is to check th
jumpers on the drive. According to reports, some drive brands wor
best with Master set. Some work best with Cable Select set. I don'
think it is supposed to work at all with Slave set. Whether it i
currently Master or Cable Select, try the other setting and see if i
helps. I had my Segate 80 set as Master

Please advise if the jumper settings help. I was planning to get
Segate 160 myself to put in my NAS. It'd be a bummer if it turned ou
to be incompatable
Thanks Segbert

The diskdrive is a segate with the folowing charateristics:

Barracuda 7200.7

Model Number:ST3160021A
Capacity:160 GB
Speed:7200 rpm
Seek time:11.5 ms avg
Interface:Ultra ATA/100

The jumper setting was "cable select"
I switching to "master or single drive" but it did not solve the issue.

I was wondering if i had to put in on slave mode since it is not is a
primary drive. The NAS OS is part of the ROM, so the disk is basically
a slave. I will test this tonight

But the funny part is that when I go back to an old firmware version
(i.e. NetHDD004-0317) this issue is gone. But I get a lot of other bugs

Coouple of questions:
- What are your jumbersettings with the segate 80GB drive?
- did you switched cables form the NAS to the drive. I read some where
that it solved another is issue by replacing the capel with a 80-40
wire instead of a 40-40
- Do you know if there are hidden files created on the drive, while
formatting the drive using the build in format. Because it does create
a public folder. so it could also create more files/dis.

I've used a Seagate 160GB and it worked fine...until I took the driv
out, put it in another computer to restore some data, and tha
computer fried the drive

Anyways, I then put a Samsung 160GB in it, and it works fine. Seein
how Tritton sells them with 160GB drives, any 160GB should work--
don't know what brand they use though
I have the Segate 80 in my Linux box now, but when it first arrived,
just made sure it was jumpered to Master and popped it into the NAS.
used the cable that came with the NAS. When you format it in the NAS
it creates the Public directory at the root level of the drive. I
also creates two files at the root level, whose name I don'
remember. I assume these retain the NAS settings

When you format in the NAS, it only takes a few seconds, so it coul
not be really formatting the entire drive. Perhaps the boot block, o
file structure is corrupted on it. Maybe it was formerly a Linux ex
drive and confuses the NAS format. You could try putting it in
Windows PC and using something like Partition Magic, or some othe
such utility to check and really reformat the entire drive

Good luc