zakezuke said:
For me it isn't so much the deliverable CDs... and in fact with just
CDs I could probally get away with a fine tipped sharpy. But DVD...
forget it! I can't write at 5pt text. with a sharpy I can barely do
14 point.
What's different about a DVD? That's a real question, as I don't haven
anything around here that writes DVDs. I do have a couple of DVD
blanks, however, and they seem to have jsut as much writeable surface
as CDs, unless you're using the double-sided ones. Then I could see
that you have a problem.
Or is it that you're putting 80 files on a DVD where you might only put
half a dozen on a CD, and you want to write all the file names on the
For "archive" disks, I've been using the DVD two-disk cases for
storage. They have enough room to slip a slightly cut down 8-1/2 x 11"
sheet of paper into them so I can write a fair amount of information on
there. In fact, I often print that from the computer, leaving me with a
Word file that I can reproduce (if I can find it again) as well as a
neatly printed page. That way, all I need to write on the CD is enough
information to get it together with its case.
You think it's a problem to write on DVDs? How about flash memory
cards? I think that might be the only media that, with exception of
those wallet-like things designed to go into your camera bag, has no
commercially available storage system.