Howard said:
First, this discussion applies just as well for all mal-ware.
No. Spyware and Viruses are different things with different
Spyware doesn't try to infect any computer other than the local
1. When the people who produce the mal-ware get rewarded, more gets
created. They get more resources and develop ways to get into better
protected systems. I have to spend more time and money protecting
myself. I want to see those bastards in the poorhouse.
Yeah, and I want to see the end to corporate welfare, and raising the
capital gains tax on anyone making more than $100,000 dollars. But I'm
not gonna hold my breath.
2. When the fools spread their mal-ware, more of our business
resources are spent fighting them. When the costs of business rise,
consumers pay.
LOL! Most spyware comes from free programs or free web content.
3. When there is more noise on the Internet, it is more work to sift
out the useful parts. I have better things to do.
LOL! Then start petitioning your government to start regulating the
internet. Create a special interest group, and lobby your politicians.
4. Some people have reason to have data about people I care about on
computers. I don't want those people compromised by phishers or
I want world peace, if we are gonna talk about pipe dreams.
In general, I'd rather see the mal-ware producers frustrated. They
won't be as long as there are easy targets.
And there will be easy targets as long as people keep enabling the fools
that infect their computers. They are like the mice that keep pushing
the lever that dispenses the cocaine until they die. If you don't
vitually beat some sense into them, they'll just keep infecting their
computers. Touchy-feely enabling answers just don't work. Negative
reinforcement is necessary.
Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"