Mark Twain
Hello Paul,
I provided all the pictures versus trying to
explain what I was seeing. I thought it would
be easier
I barely see the SunJavaUpdate myself but
how can I click on a Autoruns image to find the
program path?
I tried to zoom in on the SunJavaUpdate icon but it just blurs. I
haven't run Autoruns since I was working with you and at this time
I'm still working with the malwarebytes forum person.
Could this be it with two JAVA entries? (hopefully you can make it out)
I found Findopolis in Program and Features and
tried to uninstall it but it said an error occurred
and do I want to remove it from the list and I
clicked yes and removed it.
I couldn't find FreeSoft Today. Remote Desktop Access
or Windows Manager Protect but I seem to remember
that I removed FreeSoft Today before?
I checked and I didn't see any Farbar entries in
the Program and Features.
I still use JAVA but I'm very leery of opening it
as it may be corrupted. Maybe I should just remove it
and then reinstall it but there are (2) entries for
So if I reinstall JAVA I should use the JRE then you're
suggesting either of these but the offline is better?
Windows x86 Offline 32.17 MB jre-8u20-windows-i586.exe
Windows x64 91.68 MB jre-8u20-windows-x64.exe <---
Oh jeeeeeez ,.. I've already run Dellfix!@!@!
I don't use CcCleaner,... I've been working on these two
computers non-stop for awhile just to get them up and
running again that I forgot and I'm getting a little
overwhelmed with all the antivirus, anti-malware, programs
besides all the technical data he gave me to read. It takes
allot of time for me to digest all of this.
Damn! I thought those link he gave were the source ! I've
already installed malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.
That was my very concern, with so many programs I worry
about them conflicting with one another and messy up my
computer. I may be wrong but it seems to me overkill. I
like to have my computer as lean as possible.
I don't use my USB all that much. Only to upload pictures
from my camera is about all.
Most of these programs I had never heard of including
CryptoPrevent which is why I asked you to take a look at
them and also because I felt we weren't finished and that
I was still infected but I'm just following instructions.
So you recommend deleting CrytpPrevent, Unchecky, Adblock?
Your concern about FileHippo echoes mine exactly and I'm
very, very leery of it. As I said its showing my JAVA needs
updating when I had just installed it the previous day.
Part of the problem also is that I'm disabled and I don't
want to be spending more time just to keep these programs
updated than the time I spend on the computer itself and I
agree I don't want to turn my computer into a 747 cockpit
which is what its starting to look like!
I think I'll take your suggestions and remove the installed
programs and leave those that you recommend.
Thanks for taking the time to respond and explain things to
me I really appreciate it.
I provided all the pictures versus trying to
explain what I was seeing. I thought it would
be easier
I barely see the SunJavaUpdate myself but
how can I click on a Autoruns image to find the
program path?
I tried to zoom in on the SunJavaUpdate icon but it just blurs. I
haven't run Autoruns since I was working with you and at this time
I'm still working with the malwarebytes forum person.
Could this be it with two JAVA entries? (hopefully you can make it out)

I found Findopolis in Program and Features and
tried to uninstall it but it said an error occurred
and do I want to remove it from the list and I
clicked yes and removed it.
I couldn't find FreeSoft Today. Remote Desktop Access
or Windows Manager Protect but I seem to remember
that I removed FreeSoft Today before?
I checked and I didn't see any Farbar entries in
the Program and Features.
I still use JAVA but I'm very leery of opening it
as it may be corrupted. Maybe I should just remove it
and then reinstall it but there are (2) entries for
So if I reinstall JAVA I should use the JRE then you're
suggesting either of these but the offline is better?
Windows x86 Offline 32.17 MB jre-8u20-windows-i586.exe
Windows x64 91.68 MB jre-8u20-windows-x64.exe <---
Oh jeeeeeez ,.. I've already run Dellfix!@!@!
I don't use CcCleaner,... I've been working on these two
computers non-stop for awhile just to get them up and
running again that I forgot and I'm getting a little
overwhelmed with all the antivirus, anti-malware, programs
besides all the technical data he gave me to read. It takes
allot of time for me to digest all of this.
Damn! I thought those link he gave were the source ! I've
already installed malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.
That was my very concern, with so many programs I worry
about them conflicting with one another and messy up my
computer. I may be wrong but it seems to me overkill. I
like to have my computer as lean as possible.
I don't use my USB all that much. Only to upload pictures
from my camera is about all.
Most of these programs I had never heard of including
CryptoPrevent which is why I asked you to take a look at
them and also because I felt we weren't finished and that
I was still infected but I'm just following instructions.
So you recommend deleting CrytpPrevent, Unchecky, Adblock?
Your concern about FileHippo echoes mine exactly and I'm
very, very leery of it. As I said its showing my JAVA needs
updating when I had just installed it the previous day.
Part of the problem also is that I'm disabled and I don't
want to be spending more time just to keep these programs
updated than the time I spend on the computer itself and I
agree I don't want to turn my computer into a 747 cockpit
which is what its starting to look like!
I think I'll take your suggestions and remove the installed
programs and leave those that you recommend.
Thanks for taking the time to respond and explain things to
me I really appreciate it.