XP PRO Bootup

  • Thread starter Thread starter AT and HMB
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if you offer advice in a newsgroup, you had best know what your talking
about, you will be correctedif you don't, as I have many times, just ask me
I'll tell you..
you should find a name to call yourself besides unknown, and be willing to
admit when your wrong, unknown is cowardly. if your advice stinks, then yes.
sgopus said:
you should find a name to call yourself besides unknown, and be willing to
admit when your wrong, unknown is cowardly. if your advice stinks, then yes.

What do you think about changing it to "unknowing"??
David said:
Let me quote the OP for you people that can't read

"The screen freezes thus:
Phoenix Award Workstation V6.00PG, An Energy Star Ally
Copyright (C) 1984-2005, Phoenix Technologies Ltd
(above is at top of the screen, most of screen is blank until bottom
rows, which read:

Press DEL to enter SETUP, F11 to enter Boot Manager
11/10/2005 - MS - 7030 - 6A61CM4CC - 00
On pressing DEL, after a long wait, SETUP appears."

If it isn't obvious to you where the PC is hanging you not going to
be of any use in the thread.

Sorry if I caused you to nearly itch to death. But some things are obvious:

1. You're a frequent poster/reader of the Daily Kos.

2. You've never started Windows in Safe mode and watched hundreds of things
scroll across the screen before any user-friendly indication that Window's
is in control.
I have no clue what Daily Kos is, and I've booted PC's to safe mode more
times than most have booted their PC's in total, so please go whine
somewhere else.
You know what they say, what's good for the goose, you seem to be joining
right in; "You sure are an obnoxious, insulting know it all", I may be but
at least I know what I'm talking about.
Thank you Terry for a civilised reply.
The computer is one of several I built from scratch and has been in daily
use for 3years or so.
In retrospect, of course I should have realised it was NOT a Windows problem
and to all those people who have become upset/irate about this I offer my
humble apology. To those who have the time to post insults, I say "get a
Following the useful comments I updated my BIOS with the MSI Live Monitor.
This didn't help.
I will now concentrate on the BIOS area and would appreciate any pointer to
NG or User Group that might be able to help me.
Many thanks again to those who replied constructively.
You do not need to apologize, your OP was perfectly clear. I would start
with removing all add in cards and unplug all drives so you just have
motherboard, CPU, RAM, and power supply, see if it goes further. if it does,
add one device at a time till you find the culprit.
The date and time was 11/21/2008 5:33 AM, and on a whim, AT and HMB
pounded out on the keyboard:
Thank you Terry for a civilised reply.
The computer is one of several I built from scratch and has been in daily
use for 3years or so.
In retrospect, of course I should have realised it was NOT a Windows problem
and to all those people who have become upset/irate about this I offer my
humble apology. To those who have the time to post insults, I say "get a
Following the useful comments I updated my BIOS with the MSI Live Monitor.
This didn't help.
I will now concentrate on the BIOS area and would appreciate any pointer to
NG or User Group that might be able to help me.
Many thanks again to those who replied constructively.

Be sure to check the options of the Boot Manager. If it's sitting at
the BIOS screen for a long time before proceeding, I would guess the
Boot Manager is causing the delay.

Terry R.

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Thanks. I will try that first. This particular computer has only ever had XP
PRO for the past (say) 2+ years: I will have to try to rethink the boot mgr
thing. A few years ago, I did do quite a lot of experimenting with
multi-operating systems and perhaps there is something there. On the other
hand I'm at a loss to understand why this is suddenly happening when I had
not even examined the BIOS for ages.
The date and time was 11/21/2008 8:55 AM, and on a whim, AT and HMB
pounded out on the keyboard:
Thanks. I will try that first. This particular computer has only ever had XP
PRO for the past (say) 2+ years: I will have to try to rethink the boot mgr
thing. A few years ago, I did do quite a lot of experimenting with
multi-operating systems and perhaps there is something there. On the other
hand I'm at a loss to understand why this is suddenly happening when I had
not even examined the BIOS for ages.

I had a similar thing happen recently with an IBM workstation. It
booted fine when we received it (donated computer). After wiping the
drive and reinstalling Windows, the workstation sat at the BIOS screen
for a couple minutes before proceeding. I thought there was an issue
with the hard drive before realizing that the boot manager was looking
for a network to boot. After failing its search, it would boot
normally. I either changed the order or disabled it, I can't remember.
I'm guessing I pressed a certain key combo to set it for network boot
without realizing it.

Terry R.

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Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.
[I've re-arranged your post so you would not be accused of being a
'top-posting twit']
I have no clue what Daily Kos is, and I've booted PC's to safe mode
more times than most have booted their PC's in total, so please go
whine somewhere else.

Ah, okay. As Sherlock Holmes said: "If you've eliminated all other
possibilities, whatever's left, no matter how improbable, must be the

You are insane. Sorry.
Since you have to press DEL to enter the BIOS, you probably have a Dell
machine. Look at the Owner's Manual, and study the BIOS menu description.
There should be a way to request that the BIOS do a full memory check and/or
run some other system diagnostic routine. That is probably the source of the
long delay - the machine is checking itself. Just turn off that diagnostic

The date and time was 11/22/2008 10:26 AM, and on a whim, Timothy
Daniels pounded out on the keyboard:
Since you have to press DEL to enter the BIOS, you probably have a Dell
machine. Look at the Owner's Manual, and study the BIOS menu description.
There should be a way to request that the BIOS do a full memory check and/or
run some other system diagnostic routine. That is probably the source of the
long delay - the machine is checking itself. Just turn off that diagnostic


The OP stated he built the box in a later reply (11-21-08),

Terry R.

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Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.
Since you have to press DEL to enter the BIOS, you probably have a Dell

SHEESH! Goes to show what YOU know about 'puters.

I have a home-built machine and I enter the BIOS with the DEL key.
It's not a computer brand that controls that, it's the BIOS chip on
the mobo.
Randall said:
SHEESH! Goes to show what YOU know about 'puters.

I have a home-built machine and I enter the BIOS with the DEL key.
It's not a computer brand that controls that, it's the BIOS chip on
the mobo.

Dell uses BIOSes developed and customized for them by Phoenix
Technologies. Most, if not all, Dell branded PCs have those BIOSes,
and pressing DEL is the way to enter them. Now you may solve
your problem by yourself - you who can't differentiate POST from
Windows startup.

Dell uses BIOSes developed and customized for them by Phoenix
Technologies. Most, if not all, Dell branded PCs have those BIOSes,
and pressing DEL is the way to enter them.

But they are not the ONLY computers that have a Phoenix BIOS, doofus.
You specifically stated: "Since you have to press DEL to enter the
BIOS, you probably have a Dell machine."

Probably have? Nope. Might have? Yep.
Now you may solve your problem by yourself - you who can't
differentiate POST from Windows startup.

Dunno where you conjured up that gem - or did you pull it outta yer
fat hiney!?

You don't even know who the OP is! HINT: it's not I.