Xbox 360 is 'better' than PS3. it has more RAM memory

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theOne said:
ewwww....a triad.....look Thomas, more c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. By
that I don't mean just us three though, but EVERYBODY, even though I'm
replying [directly] to you only you atm Paul, I mean to say ........I'm
connotating here to broader things...groups of
wait.....I'm talking to Thomas....err...Paul...that
is..metaphor...hmmm....stick, tree. the planet...... ahhh
shit.......I give up......conversation is so utterly complicated
without pragmatism :>\
I thought I was crazy... but then i tried Smirnoff
what's your copay Paul? I can provide you generic if you'd like. Will
you be dropping it off at Thomas' house or taking the blue pill

How big is the pill and is it a suppository?
theOne said:
ewwww....a triad.....look Thomas, more c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. By
that I don't mean just us three though, but EVERYBODY, even though I'm
replying [directly] to you only you atm Paul, I mean to say ........I'm
connotating here to broader things...groups of
wait.....I'm talking to Thomas....err...Paul...that
is..metaphor...hmmm....stick, tree. the planet...... ahhh
shit.......I give up......conversation is so utterly complicated
without pragmatism :>\

what's your copay Paul? I can provide you generic if you'd like. Will
you be dropping it off at Thomas' house or taking the blue pill

lol. Kudos
theOne said:
Thank you (in a way).
As you attempt to culturally reshape the norm for interpersonal
communication and directed speaking, I realized something. This is a
complete and utter waste of my time, talking to lunatics such as
yourself. I mean really, the only people in this group I genuinely
enjoy speaking with are but a few (MattinglyFan, Fred, Boody to name a
few), and there are far better things I could be doing right now, such
as enjoying this beautiful day out by the pool or spending time with my
gorgeous wife, perhaps even pick up that G35 coupe that I've been
egging to purchase for the past few months. And here I am talking to
you, someone who quite frankly, I feel apathy torwards, for even
replying to this tomfoolery, because you may seriously be ill. Take
care, my sick friend. I concede to your chaotic world of "the
collective you". You should write a book about your perverse world.

Hehehehehe. What a loser.

Making up stories about a wife, a car, etc. All in an effort to deflect
an embarrassment of an ass whooping based on an idiotic assumption and a
lack of comprehension.

Congrats on that, moron.

Nice online nervous breakdown, btw.

theOne said:
ewwww....a triad.....look Thomas, more c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. By
that I don't mean just us three though, but EVERYBODY, even though I'm
replying [directly] to you only you atm Paul, I mean to say ........I'm
connotating here to broader things...groups of
wait.....I'm talking to Thomas....err...Paul...that
is..metaphor...hmmm....stick, tree. the planet...... ahhh
shit.......I give up......conversation is so utterly complicated
without pragmatism :>\

....and you were saying *I* am sick?

I thought you were leaving to go spend time with your...ahem..."wife."

Pretty big and yes, it works fine up the ass (how else would Thomas
take it?). You really need to get it over to his house first cuz he's
suffering from an extreme bout of denial. He thinks the rest of us are
as sexually and financially depraved as him! Poor guy, I'm really
feeling sorry for him now.
theOne said:
Pretty big and yes, it works fine up the ass (how else would Thomas
take it?). You really need to get it over to his house first cuz he's
suffering from an extreme bout of denial. He thinks the rest of us are
as sexually and financially depraved as him! Poor guy, I'm really
feeling sorry for him now.

Every time you post, you make yourself look dumber and more immature
than the last.

The easier and manlier thing to do would be to say "yeah, you're right,
I ****ed up. my bad."

But that would require a bit of maturity, something you apparently lack.

So continue to make lame jokes about "asses" and "sicknesses" and
whatnot. Whatever floats your boat, and whatever makes your little high
school friends giggle.

Thomas sez:
Every time I post, I make myself look dumber and more immature
than the last. Take my previous posts for example:
"OK, you dumb ****wad, you stupid dipshit, you truly are a first-rate
I doubt anyone would mind if you ended your life now. It's probably a
good idea."
Thus based on the aforementioned, I am the epitome of immaturity and
The easier and manlier thing to do would be for me to say "yeah,
I ****ed up. my bad." But I am not a man or very easy to talk to
because that would require a bit of maturity and a pair of nuts,
something I apparently lack.
So continue to make lame jokes about "asses" and "sicknesses" and
whatnot as they befit my virgin ass (with women that is) very well.
Whatever floats your boat, and whatever makes your grown up friends
here laugh at my expense because I am a snot nosed little brat that is
just misunderstood. For what it's worth my original comments made sense
to me! sniff...sniff.....
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!


Go poo, you poor thing, and you will feel better. I promise!
Here let me give you a hand. I think what you meant to say was.....

Every time I post, I make myself look dumber and more immature
than the last. Take my previous posts for example:
"OK, you dumb ****wad, you stupid dipshit, you truly are a first-rate
imbecile I doubt anyone would mind if you ended your life now. It's
probably a
good idea." Thus based on the aforementioned, I am the epitome of
immaturity and
lunacy. The easier and manlier thing to do would be for me to say
I ****ed up. my bad." But I am not a man or very easy to talk to
because that would require a bit of maturity and a pair of nuts,
something I apparently lack. So continue to make lame jokes about
"asses" and "sicknesses" and whatnot as they befit my virgin ass (with
women that is) very well.
Whatever floats your boat, and whatever makes your grown up friends
here laugh at my expense because I am a snot nosed little brat that is
just misunderstood. For what it's worth my original comments made sense

to me! sniff...sniff..... Sticks and stones may break my bones but
words will never hurt me!


Go poo, you poor thing, and you will feel better. I promise!
theOne said:
according to you huh? Giggle, giggle, you senile fool :)

8O) hoi, if you trim all the shit off the posts I don't know who the
hell you're talking to... and worse still that description probably
fits loads of us
what , you're a virgin and snot nosed little brat? speak for yourself
:) it sure did come out choppy didn't it. Damn google! it's intended
for Thomas as he likes to throw around hypocrite so much so this is
very fitting for him.
You mean like my original post on the latest "epicenter" of discussion
b4 Thomas so rudely (and bluntly) butted in with his profane $.02 and
than later rehashed (all so ignorantly I might add) it into some sort
of broader sense innuendo (which still had no weight in the context of
what I was saying)? Or are we talking much, much further back?
~anyways, let me try to bring balance back to the force (and not leave
you out)~ certainly do like table PCs huh? Tell me exactly, what is
an MS MVP? An avid discussion board helper? Do they pay you for that?
If not, that's bullshit. Should at least give you an MCP for being a MS
lapdog, assistant to an assistant regional manager, I mean "associate
expert". DAMN...there I go again....I'm just no good now aren't I? But
FYI, your sig is really gay...... should wait until you at least get
that MSCA or MSCE at least....don't you think?

Wait, i have a new sig for myself....
Xbox Media Center
Modification Configuration (www. my kick ass website I'd rather not
see DoSed to
Expert Zone -
Thomas said:
Good point. Every time you bitch, you "waste" just as much if not more
bandwidth than the guy you are complaining about.

At that point, not only are you a whiner, but you are a hypocrite.

Idiot. Not at all. The bandwidth used by the "bitch" can be
considered an investment in the future, hopefully successful at
reducing bandwidth waste.

There's your "unminced" words, genius.
heeeeyyyyyy........yo momma's the only bitch you know.......Tell me a
little more about that investment Greenspan; what is the APY and
maturation date on that?

just can't get enuff.......... :>)
chrisv said:
Thomas wrote:

Idiot. Not at all. The bandwidth used by the "bitch" can be
considered an investment in the future, hopefully successful at
reducing bandwidth waste.

Then you are an idiot twice over if you do that.

The first time in thinking that your words have ANY DISCOURAGING EFFECT
WHATSOEVER on the actions you are speaking out against.

*WHAT* *THE* *****ING* *TROLLS* *WANT*, you dumb piece of shit.

The second time in "investing" bandwidth in such a stupid, ignorant,
ridiculous proposition.

Go **** yourself, you ****ing idiot.

chrisv said:
Thomas wrote:

Okay. You're wrong. You're stupid. Get it?

How many imbeciles are there in this group?

Seriously, I didn't think that there could possibly be a group where the
average IQ of the "regulars" was any lower than that of the group, but this one takes the cake. Are all of
you morons in the same group, or did the troll's crossposting really
attract the creme de la creme of video game newsgroup ****tards?

Wow, this guy did a better job trolling than I thought...

theOne said:
anger management problems? yikes!

....says the guy who went on an eight post tirade where he accused the
guy who whipped his ass in an argument of being "sick," an "idiot,
idiot, idiot" and a homosexual...

Get a life.
