Paul Heslop
Dog said:Ah yep, James Dean's car made pancakes.
or mincemeat
Dog said:Ah yep, James Dean's car made pancakes.
Don't forget Boyscout Troop Number 99 from Tualatin Valley Oregon. They are inLOL! Add FBI.gov and UFOHunters.org too! Hilarious
MS#1Fanboy-JoJo said:Don't forget Boyscout Troop Number 99 from Tualatin Valley Oregon. They
are in
charge of Homeland Security and Newsgroup crossposting for the greater
Sure it does.
There might be plenty of systems that do that, but the XBox and 360 aren't
one of them, sorry. The XBox ran a 2000 deriviative and the the 360
supposedly is running a XBox derivative.
General Purpose OS, perhaps, but OS, no. There's no getting away from it on
the XBox or 360.
lol. Quite a funny quote, coming from you.
It's silly to say that a system as complex as the XBox(2) has no OS. Sure,
your iToaster might not have one, but that's a silly comment to make.
There's no comparison between your iToaster and the XBox(2).
PS2 runs a proprietary Sony OS. That's no secret. The PS3 has an OS. Phil
Harrison talks about it here.
"You showed demonstrations of the console running multiple applications
across the two HDMI outputs - is that something which is actually built into
the system's operating systems, or do games have to support it specifically?
Depending on the features that you exploit, some of it's handled by the OS,
some of it will be handled by the applications."
Even the PSP has an OS.
No need to thank me for clearing this up for you. You're quite welcome in
advance. Hope you don't make the same silly mistake again.![]()
Dog Bowl said:Nope, you are simply wrong.
Are you sure you know what an OS is and are
not confusing it with APIs or hardware abstraction layer?
What OS did the Binatone video game system use? Or the Vextrex? Or even
the Atari VCS. Hell even the ZX Spectrum didn't have an operating
system, it just had a basic interpreter running from ROM.
Nope is doesn't *need* and OS. And yes there is a *big* difference
between an Apple Handbag and a game console. The handbag has to be more
general purpose catering for all sorts of applications and user input
It also has to cater for multiple variants on the hardware such
as memory, graphics cards, keyboards, mice and the like.
On top of that
the OS ( at least in a multi processing environment) has to cater for
multiple processes, resource sharing, allocation and signaling of
avaliablity back to processes.
In the environment of a games console the
game is working on a fixed baseline for hardware or at least a known
limited selection of possibilities, possibly with a hardware abstraction
layer to hide this. There are *plenty* of consoles which don't run an
Thats fine as the term there for an OS is certainly not the classical OS
I'm thinking of.
Jarle Hrafn Grindhaug said:Do you really think 10mb more ram will make ANY difference?
Chris said:People do this all the time, Paul. I remember back when I was 7 or 8 years
old and the friends around the neighborhood used to argue Ford vs. Chevy, or
even whether it should be Chevy vs. Ford. Or there shouldn't be any
comparison because (fill in a name) was so much better.
It is the competitive world. And that's why major league baseball started
the inter-league play with "rivals weekend" or whatever they're calling it.
Nothing better than bragging rights on something, even gaming consoles,
whereas other "normal" people might think Cal vs. Stanford, Arizona vs.
Arizona State or Notre Dame vs. USC is THE GAME.![]()
Paul said:I know, but they really seem to think that by posting some flame
against a certain company they can change our minds.
blazinglazer said:something that most people seem to be overlooking when comparing
Playstation3 to Xbox 360
-- the Xbox 360 has more total RAM memory than PS3.
Xbox 360 has 522 MB RAM total: 512 MB + 10 MB EDRAM
Playstation3 has 512 MB total: 256 MB + 256 MB
this alone makes Xbox 360 better, as far as its hardware.
there are other areas where Xbox 360 seems totally superior to PS3, such as
memory bandwidth, thanks to that EDRAM, but looking at the amount of RAM
alone, I don't see how PS3 can be stronger than Xbox 360. RAM means more
than almost anything. more than nonsense Gflops numbers or other
theoretical specs. RAM amount is a hard, provable, solid measure. there
is no denying that Xbox 360 has more memory than PS3. Also, Xbox360's
GDDR3 memory is the same memory than PS3 uses on the GPU side of its memory.
The other half of PS3's memory, the Rambus XDR memory, is totally unproven
(like Cell) and could have HORRIBLE latency problems as Rambus has a history
of having bad latency issues with its RAM. it was true of the Nintendo64 and
the Playstation2 which both used Rambus DRAM.
how could Sony, who is claiming that PS3 is twice as powerful as Xbox360,
put LESS RAM memory into their console, than a supposedly weaker console?
does not make sense.
Thomas said:You don't think he posted that just to get people to argue?
It's called trolling and he did a damn fine job of it. Trolling is an
Paul said:Thomas wrote:
I don't think of it as an art form. It's as much an art as scratching
someone's car and photographing yourself doing it is art. It's a
vandalism, a graffiti at best, and a bloody pointless waste of
My biggest grievance with these people is their abusive nature, again
not an artform but the same mindless tripe which spawned 'happy
Thomas said:This isn't 1984. "Waste of bandwidth" is a stupid argument.
And trolling is an artform. A good troll is nearly as good as a good
poster. A good troll can get the group regulars to laugh on a regular
basis. A good troll is a hell of a lot more interesting to read than a
post by some know-it-all windbag who tries to prove something that is
utterly inconsequential with a barrage of useless facts.
Paul said:There's no such thing as a 'good' troll, though I agree they can be
amusing. Was that last sentence an attack on me or are you just being
generally abusive?
Thomas said:Attack on you? I have been subscribed to this group for two days and
don't know ANYONE by name yet (and it takes me months if not years of
heavy arguing to remember someone's name). I enjoy a good technical
discussion just as much as the next guy, and as someone who is very
interested in hardware, probably moreso.
oh me too, but sometimes when you wade through all the crap you forgetThat said, I have a sense of humor and if someone can get me to laugh,
THAT is what I remember.
I respect people who have the ability to get a bunch of people to argue
as if their mother were insulted just by taking a shot or two at their
favorite piece of hardware, athlete, team, political affiliation, or
whatever. It's a skill, a talent and an artform.
This isn't 1984. "Waste of bandwidth" is a stupid argument.
Bob said:"Waste of bandwidth" is never a stupid argument; bandwidth
is definitely neither infinite nor free, especially when "bandwidth"
is broadened slightly to include the time the readers have to
spend slogging through and/or killfiling such idiocy.
Bob M.
Paul said:fairy nuff... problem is, due to our little friend, if you look in the
headers you will see this is being xposted to half a dozen groups, and
I don't know which one you're in. I do post some factual stuff in some
groups, obviously, though being me the word 'factual' is loose :O)
It's as much the xposting I object to as anything else. It causes
oh me too, but sometimes when you wade through all the crap you forget
to laugh
Well, we'll have to differ. If they spent their time doing something
constructive instead of destructive I'd call it art.
I agree they (or
certain ones at least) have a knack or skill, but not art. I've
recently bumped into one who responds by calling anyone who objects to
his posts a troll... but the whole thing still smacks heavily of 'my
dad's bigger than your dad' and at best is a childish game.
I also think the intention is actually to do harm, to stop potential
customers from purchasing a piece of hardware. A 'good' troll wouldn't
take sides. This is more a flame than a troll.
Bob said:"Waste of bandwidth" is never a stupid argument; bandwidth
is definitely neither infinite nor free,
especially when "bandwidth"
is broadened slightly to include the time the readers have to
spend slogging through and/or killfiling such idiocy.
theOne said:Bob,
I agree with you wholehearteldy on how ignorant these cross posters are
but c'mon. Bandwidth? It is free above and beyond what I pay for my
monthly pkg. If there were a cap on my ISP, I'd be one of the first
they'd call, a loooooonng time ago.
Your're right in terms of the broader implications though. Probably why
so many people have dropped usenet all together in favor of moderated
forums and bulletin boards with avatars, sigs, and the like.
btw, you just crossposted to a shitload of groups![]()