Mitch Crane
That's not "longest battery life", that's shortest battery
A battery that last more than 3 years has a longer life than one that
ends up in the trash after 1 year.
The OP also wrote "I know that rechargeable batteries are an
option, but would prefer to keep using regular Duracell's,
but with longer life."
I don't understand how there can be any confusion with that
Because you've taken it too literally and not considered why the OP
might not want rechargeables or that the OP may have meant using
rechargeables with his current mouse wasn't preferable. In other words,
the OP may have thought it likely that someone would suggest if he
didn't like replacing batteries that he get some rechargeables for the
mouse in question, and so he peempted such responses, but he may not
have considered the benefits of a mouse with rechargeables and a
charging stand.