Someone correct me if I'm wrong,
But your SOL on this one, Ultimate will not be available for purchase by
individuals (I think).
I do understand what you are saying though (Don't condone) but understand.
You've downloaded (what you think) is the RTM version.
When an individual purchases Vista, you are not technically purchasing the
media, but the license to use the software on the media.
The Vista DVD (Just for you Nero) contains all versions, which one gets
installed is determined by the key you enter.
Darrell from MS stated in another thread that for upgrades you will have to
initiate the install from within XP so it can authenticate itself and know
it is a legit upgrade.
I would take this to mean you cannot activate an already installed copy with
an upgrade key
1) At some point in time, you probably will be able to just buy a key from
MS, they've done it with the other versions so why not Vista.
2) If you purchase an Upgrade key, It will be one of the other versions of
Vista, not ultimate (If what I said at the very start is true).
3) The Upgrade key will not be able to activate an already installed copy,
so you must wipe, re-install XP, and install again. (there goes your
Ultimate you had installed)
4) Technically speaking, if you actually had the full actual RTM, then a
purchased upgrade key shouldn't have any issues.
But if you are truly committed to buying an upgrade key, why not just take
the time to drive to you local computer store, pay virtually the same amount
for an upgrade copy and install that? You then have the comfort of knowing,
your OS has not been hampered with in any way. And you'd also know for a
fact that your upgrade key will work...if it doesn't you've got a receipt to
take it back to the store and get another one.
As it stands right now, you run the risk of wasting the cost of an upgrade
key...because there is no telling if you really have a leaked RTM version.
If you don't, they key probably will not work...and you'll have to go out
and buy a real copy so you have the correct media to install it.