Um... Hate to say it, but I'm stumped.
lol.. don't feel bad, Kathy, MS Support was also a bit stumped with the
problem in Access. ;-))
I kind of think that it has > something to do with the fonts that are (and
aren't) on a ME machine by
default, but then it wouldn't work anywhere. I do know that on ME neither
Arial nor Courier New is included, so the copies you are running had to
have > come from your Office CDs.
I think that what your working fonts have in common is that they came with
Win ME, not from the Office CD. Is it possible your Office fonts got
installed somewhere that PowerPoint can't find them?
That would seem to make sense too, something is very confusing. I have
delved into as many aspects and such as I could, and run as many
troubleshooting techniques I could think of...but, as I said earlier, the
problem with Access could not be resolved until I specified the default
font in the registry...and It took almost a week of tech support with MS for
that to be determined. And, that was my first course of action, but, there
does not seem to be any way to do that in PPT.I can't find any Default Font
listing in the PPT registry. :-(((
Looks like I may just had to plan to take then slides one at a time and redo
the texts in the 450 + schematic slides as Tahoma..that is the only thing
that seems like will work besides ARIAL in them. I'll just have to embed
the text in the rest of the slides that have a problem.
Oh well...that's progress...I'll have lot more things with 2002 than I had guess there is a price to pay for everything ;-))) Positive