Rod Speed
I wonder if the troll is ever heard of the bubonic plague.
Not a lot of it around anymore in modern first world countrys, trollchild.
I wonder if the troll is ever heard of the bubonic plague.
I had a sweet win about 6 months ago caused by the wrong mobo in the wrongClint said:Actually, the local store I shop from has a table of returned products,
available at discount. And I've seen things I've returned sitting there on
the table. So while I have no proof that all the items that are returned
make it to this magical table, I do know that some of them do, which is more
than can be said for other vendors like newegg, who have apparently shipped
the wrong product to customers because it was in the wrong box.
Actually, a lot of grocery stores with in-house bakeries sell bread that is
not in sealed packages. Sometimes it is behind a glass case, but it is not
in a "sealed" package. Neither are most of the fruits and vegetables.
As we found out recently, organic spinach that is packaged in sealed plastic
can be deadly.
Clint said:Actually, the local store I shop from has a table of returned products,
available at discount. And I've seen things I've returned sitting there
on the table. So while I have no proof that all the items that are
returned make it to this magical table, I do know that some of them do,
which is more than can be said for other vendors like newegg, who have
apparently shipped the wrong product to customers because it was in the
wrong box.
With regards to the vendor flashing the BIOS, the local store that I've
dealt with consistently has the cheapest prices compared to the other ones
in town, and even on-line (up here in Canada, anyway). And they flashed
the BIOS for me at no extra charge when I got my Pentium D processor. The
reading I'd done suggested that some revisions of the BIOS couldn't handle
the Pentium D processors, and so I figured better safe than sorry.
And finally, the ASUS boards I got came in a sealed anti-static bag, I
believe. Could be wrong on that one, though. The hard drives were
definately sealed.
Speaking of sorry, sorry for your cynical attitude...
Wrong again. The crust goes soggy when its wrapped and
those europeans eat the bread the day its bought anyway.
They dont appear to be dying like flys, so
your mindless germ phobia is your problem.
They are no doubt happy you stay away from europe.
Garrot said:Yea, but vegetables get washed or boiled before you eat them, bread
doesn't. Wrap the friggin' bread, I don't want other people's germs on my
Garrot said:I'm sure you would feel different if you knew that the bread you just
bought was sneezed on by someone or handled by someone who just wiped
ass and didn't wash their hands. What most people assume is a mild flue is
actually caused by mild food poisoning - fact.
Mark A said:So what about the people who take the bread in put in a sealed
package? Do you think these low-paid people are perfectly healthy
and clean?
Mark A said:If you actually knew who touched your food in most restaurants,
you would probably never eat out again.
Mark A said:If you actually knew who touched your food in most restaurants,
you would probably never eat out again.
Don't worry about it too much as it took me most of my life before I had aClint said:I never win the rolls of those dice. I'm the guy who orders the socket 939
board, and gets your socket 754 board instead!
John Doe said:Did you touch my food?
John Doe said:There was a guy in a fast food restaurant who was insulted by a drive-
through customer. Before assembling the customer's hamburger, he pulled
down his pants and wiped the warm patty on the underside of his balls.
Do you think that felt good?
John Doe said:So you just catch the loaf with your filthy hands? How about all of
the other people that have fingered your bread, no telling where
their fingers were before then.
Reasonable care has something to do with knowing about disease.
Garrot said:Rod Speed wrote
I'm sure you would feel different if you knew that the bread
you just bought was sneezed on by someone or handled by
someone who just wiped their ass and didn't wash their hands.
What most people assume is a mild flue is
actually caused by mild food poisoning - fact.
Speaking of a large variety of wrapped bread loaves you can find on
store shelves here in the United States, I don't see any reason why
they would be touched when baked and packaged in a modern facility.
There's no way to guarantee perfectly safe food, but there are some
obvious possible sources of contamination like Garrot mentioned above.
There was a guy in a fast food restaurant who was insulted by a drive-
through customer. Before assembling the customer's hamburger, he pulled
down his pants and wiped the warm patty on the underside of his balls.
Do you think that felt good?
Rod Speed said:I realise that its inevitable and that my immune system can handle
it fine.
I dont bother to avoid door handles etc either.
Cash in spades.
Nope, nothing like a fact.
All you have to do is look up "flu" and "food poisoning". It's right there, troll.
What does acting like a tough guy over the Internet make up for in
your life? I'm assuming you have a life, but I seriously doubt it.