Which system? Your opinion please (or, Floppy installs Vista Blog)

I wouldn't like to think I've been instrumental in putting you off, I've just told it like it happened to me, is all.

No you have not been instrumental in putting me off,I have read so many articles re: Vista 70% against 30% for. So I think I will wait a while>quite a while; before I try it..;)
The idea of my post Mr F was to induce a reaction. :p

I know you have a lot more intelligent than your average Joe, it did seem strange you missed a few pointers on the way though. But hey, we all live our own lives the way we want to. :thumb:

Can I again, to all our readers, point out a Hint & Tip for Windows, not just Vista ... open any program, drag the window any to shape you like, then close the window via File/Exit, do not use the little red X ... next time you open that program, it should retain the window size. ;)

My 'comments' were not below the belt, but made to remind other readers, OK, and yourself, the reason you don't run Linux as your one & only OS. I know you are a gamer, we also know, 'cos we been there, what limitations Linux may have on a Joe blogs PC. As for Win98, it was touted at one time to be the best gaming platform for a PC. In it's day, was it not? :)

People just haven't twigged yet ... Microsoft did not originally design their operating system with Games as the priority concern ... the OS is primarily a working OS, games/gaming was a byproduct. Direct X was an add-on to facilitate gaming.

I do agree, to a point, that Vista has some shortcomings, but then so to has any MS OS when first released ... people, however, either do not have the "tools" to conduct their own evaluations, or are quite happy to be the sheep they usually are.

I'm done. I'm going bird watching.

This probably be the last post from me in this thread before I write a summary for a fresh thread.

Nero 8 OEM arrived today from Scan.

Scan said they'd posted it on the 14th but it was actually postmarked the 21st. Naughty Scan, you are fibbers of the first degree.

I installed it, ran Crap Cleaner, I have 20Gb left from 150Gb which I shall now leave as a sort of HDD cache file, not good to fill HDD's up to the brim.

Nero 8 is fine, helluva lot better and easier to navigate than Nero 7.

Nero 6 was great, Nero 7 was a mess, Nero 8 looks to be on track again.

With the OEM version you can burn data and audio CD's, some video CD's but you can't create a standard DVD video disc, for that you need an add-on which costs £19.00. As the OEM version cost a fiver (well worth it for burning data and audio) that makes £24.00 so imo you may as well buy the full version for around £40.00 and get everything rather than buy the video add-on.

I am using Nero 6 on my other machine which has the video plug-in (cost me £15.00 a few years ago) so my needs are covered.

Anyway, I digress, that's about it on my Vista installation.

I decided to transfer all my business needs including the accounting software I mentioned to the machine I have with the swappable hard disks. I have a 20Gb HDD which I've installed XP and MS Office 2003 onto, plus a few other apps, that will now become the only machine/disk I do my work stuff on, and I can back it up to an external drive using Acronis True Image. An older version of True Image but that's ok cos all the drives on that machine are IDE/PATA which True Image recognises.

That machine also plays host to Win 98 and a couple of Linux Distros with different HDD's. Good fun :)

As I've said before, with Vista a few quirks, I dearly would have loved to have utilised 4Gb memory but it was not to be. I've found a 'fix' for this, I may buy another 2Gb memory and try this fix but I'm honestly wondering whether it will be beneficial or not, 2Gb seems to be working fine.

And one last thing - I really deplored the way Microshaft only made Halo 2 work in Vista, that's low, it really is, but I did buy that game and I have to say it is a very enjoyable game indeed.

In fact it's been quite some time where I've looked forward to evening time and another coupla hours playing Halo 2. The graphics ain't that great, not as good as Crysis for example or even Call Of Juarez but the gameplay is really lots of fun :)
And one last thing - I really deplored the way Microshaft only made Halo 2 work in Vista, that's low, it really is, but I did buy that game and I have to say it is a very enjoyable game indeed.

In fact it's been quite some time where I've looked forward to evening time and another coupla hours playing Halo 2. The graphics ain't that great, not as good as Crysis for example or even Call Of Juarez but the gameplay is really lots of fun :)

Yes I'm with you on the first point Flopp's...They p****d me off when first released and found out that it was for Vista users only..

Second point is very valid okay it may not be the most polished game out there graphically but what it lacks in detail it sure makes up for in gameplay and at the end of the day its that what keeps people coming back time and time again..

Me I just got an XBox 360 aswell now and will be purchasing the new Halo 3 thats just been released very soon..:thumb: I must say Halo 3 looks the business..Playing Gears of war at the mo and that is such a great game..

While I'm here I would just like to say thanks for the help with my new Ipod Nano, that DVD2pod software that you mentioned has been discontinued now so there won't be any more updates for it..
But on my travels I did find a great piece of kit, I mean really fantastic so good infact I can't fault it as yet, all other Ipod software has been either poor quality in the finished movie files or just couldn't do what it said on the tin, but this one does and some..:)

I have enjoyed reading this Blog er I mean thread and will be sad to see it go, had a few laughs along the way with this one..:D
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Taffycat said:
There there Sir flops, fear not, there is a very easy way around this, just download a wee application called "Startup Unblocker" and it will run BOINC and anything else you want to run at startup without the nanny-hassle. Here it is.

Others - including me - had the same problem, but this little application works a treat :thumb:

By gum grasshopper you have come a long way in a short time , the student showing the master a trick or two .

Oi! :D I'm no master and Taffycat is a fast learner :thumb:

I feel comfortable with the hardware side of things but to be honest lots of the finer points of software leave me flummoxed :confused:

There was one last point I wanted to comment on, it kept niggling away at me and it's not meant in a critical way, just an observation kind of way.

muckshifter said:
People just haven't twigged yet ... Microsoft did not originally design their operating system with Games as the priority concern ... the OS is primarily a working OS, games/gaming was a byproduct. Direct X was an add-on to facilitate gaming.

That's true but is it relevant? That was after all over 15 years ago.

If the same comparison was levelled at motor cars, you could say that the Model T Ford came without a roof, heating and starter motor.

But the automobile evolved to cater for the customer's needs and requirements.

As did Windows.

Bill Gates, for all his avaricious and cut throat ways, is no mug, and when he saw how lucrative the gaming market could be, his Operating System evolved too, and gaming provides a large chunk of Billy Boy's income nowadays.

So for me to raise points about gaming in Vista & XP is, I think, relevant and prudent :)