Definitely have a problem with Crysis, the game.
If I play it once and exit, next time I start the game, I have the problem with the cursor browsing the game's menu. Basically, the cursor is offset to the menu buttons making some parts of the menu inaccessible. But, a reboot puts all to rights - for just one instance of playing the game.
I am sincerely cheesed off about this, hopefully Crytek will bring out another patch addressing the problem or maybe some new drivers from Nvidia will help.
I am confused as to why some games go into the games folder/menu yet others don't
I have now installed:
Call Of Juarez
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Need For Speed Underground 2
Roller Tycoon Coaster 3/Soaked/Wild
Oblivion: Elder Scrolls 4
All of which are working perfectly and looking good. All saved games for Oblivion and RCT3 installed ok as well.
I've searched around and there aren't actually that many games about that make use of DX10.
The only games I have that use DX10 are Crysis; Call Of Juarez and Bioshock.
Call of Juarez, European Edition, needs to be first patched to V1.1.0.0. then patched to V1.1.1.0 for DX10 to work. The DX10 patch, V1.1.1.0., is around 940Mb (a huge download) and basically rewrites the whole game to DX10.
But, oh my goodness - it looks gorgeous

It's not a bad game either, one of the few Western PC Games about and last I looked only a fiver online from HMV. It also has a DX10 benchmark program in the menu after both patches are installed, my average fps was 41, not sure if that's good or bad.
Cysis. I'm not sure if it's using DX10 or not, there's no way that I can find out as far as I know. It does look just the same as it used to though, not too impressed if this is meant to be DX10. I'll have to have a search about for this.
And as for Bioshock, haven't installed it yet. I wasn't going to install it as I've finished the game but I am curious to see what it looks like with DX10 enabled. It looked really good under XP and DX9 so it could be interesting.
As for my impressions on Vista as a whole. I'm getting to like it, I really am. My biggest fear, that it would run as slow as molasses down a slope on a winter's morning, has proved to be unfounded. On my system (see sig) it runs at the same speed as XP Pro.
There are lots of little things I'm discovering that I really like, like being able to access a menu where you can select default programs to open different applications and settings. That is something I'd always wanted to see and there it is.
Lots of little things go unheralded, actually, I guess Microsoft don't choose to make a big promotional issue of what they consider small things. But it's those small things that cheer me.
On the other hand, I am still paranoid MS are permanently snooping and I am really getting fed up with their nanny-like mentality. Whatever it is you have to do to disable these dozens of irritating popups, I may very likely do.
There is an overwhelming sense of having one's choice taken away a little and also of not knowing exactly what's going on. The updates don't actually tell you what they do, they just download and install. Bad.
Getting back to the Zip file issue I was moaning about earlier, Zip files now seem to be behaving in a normal manner, I get a prompt and a choice where to unzip the contents to. Maybe that earlier Zip file was a different type of file, a RAR file or something.
Summing up so far: I like it. It looks gorgeous and the sound and graphics are superb. It's quick, well laid out and works well. Obviously I'm still having probs finding my way about and I do have problems. To be honest, I expected problems, This machine is primarily for gaming and it's games that always throw up the most problems.
Biggest bugbears so far:
Crysis menu fault, reboot required each time I want to play.
Sound card problem, where on each reboot I have to switch between 5.1 and 7.1 and back again to enable bass.
I lost my profile in Call Of Duty 4. I think this is because Win XP & Win Vista load the profile to different locations and the saved XP Profile just doesn't work in Vista. A shame
Some apps don't work, but I expected that.
Oh, and a PS: Toca Race Driver 3 doesn't work in Vista. I know this cos I Googled
Still waiting for my OEM Nero 8 to show up, still have to install IrfanView and some other stuff, but so far, all things considered, it hasn't been as bad as I feared it would be. Although that is not to deny there are problems, albeit minor ones.