Which one best for EASports games?!: GeForce 4 Ti 4600 or ATI Sapphire9600 Pro/9800?!

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There is a word, "comfort", with which you might wish to familiarize

My computer chair is a high back and is very comfortable thankyou.
Plus it adds to the immersion when playing one of my many flight sims.
Sitting in a couch somehow just doesn't add to the realism.
Great, bet your xbox isn't ac3. Buy yourself a radeon 9700 or 9800 pro, use
the tv out, get yourself some nice speakers for surround sound and an Abit
NF7S and bobs your uncle. Pisses all over ANY console for the next 5 years.

Oh, you might have a huge tv, but how is gaming in 640X480? enjoyable :s

Get yoursefl a projector, you seem to have money to burn.
Great, bet your xbox isn't ac3. Buy yourself a radeon 9700 or 9800
pro, use the tv out, get yourself some nice speakers for surround
sound and an Abit NF7S and bobs your uncle. Pisses all over ANY
console for the next 5 years.

Oh, you might have a huge tv, but how is gaming in 640X480? enjoyable

Get yoursefl a projector, you seem to have money to burn.

It would help if you quoted the post to which you are responding so that
one might have some idea to whom your comments were addressed.
My computer chair is a high back and is very comfortable thankyou.
Plus it adds to the immersion when playing one of my many flight sims.
Sitting in a couch somehow just doesn't add to the realism.

I see. Personally I prefer a real airplane when I want realistic
I can make my PC last five years too without upgrading if I choose.

*Laughs* Yeah, and play new games at slideshow speed. On consoles,
performance goes UP as time goes by, a half-decade old PC will look
positively arthritic in comparison. Anyway, if positively super-slow
performance floats your boat, feel free to knock yourself out man.
Xbox2 will be out long before Xbox1 is five years old so you are full
of it.

Yea, but only because M$ don't want to get steamrollered by Sony yet again.
They launched so late compared to Sony last time, In general, consoles last
five years (or more). NES, SNES, Gamecube, all (at least) five years
inbetween. Pattern is fairly even for other manufacturers as well.
PS2 was out long before PS1 was five years old too.

No, it wasn't. From what I can remember, PS launched in december 94, PS2 in
march 00, that's actually MORE than five years apart. Sure you wanna be so
cocky and hostile n shit in this discussion...?

There's no need to take this so personal or get so damn defensive man. I
play console games just as I play PC games too, as do many others. The two
complement each other, not exclude.
And lets not forget that games for consoles cost more than the same game on
a PC.

Yes, and so what? How many games do you have to buy before you earn back the
price of a decent games PC?
If you gonna do the math, do all of it please.
I can find all kinds of bargains for PC games but most console
game prices are an insult to the consumer.

FFS, buy second-hand then. Anyway, PRICE can hardly be an objection if you
bought a PC to play games on so what are you whining about?
The low price on the console itself is a loss-leader

Nintendo and Sony actually make profits on their hardware, but yeah.
Software price is the main profit-maker for console manufacturers.
Capitalism rules this world, what else's new?
But hey, you are smart enough to know that already, right?

You thought you teached me something NEW in your post? LOL!
*Laughs* Yeah, and play new games at slideshow speed. On consoles,
performance goes UP as time goes by,

Bollocks. The only reason they may play at a decent FPS in five years
is because the graphics features are frozen from the day the console
hits the market.
Yea, but only because M$ don't want to get steamrollered by Sony yet again.
They launched so late compared to Sony last time, In general, consoles last
five years (or more). NES, SNES, Gamecube, all (at least) five years
inbetween. Pattern is fairly even for other manufacturers as well.

Yea, so? I can still play games 15 years old on the PC. But do I want
to? No.

Yes, and so what? How many games do you have to buy before you earn back the
price of a decent games PC?
If you gonna do the math, do all of it please.

Yea, sure. Add up all the other stuff one can use a PC for and you
lose your argument immediately. Only a dork buys a PC just for games.

FFS, buy second-hand then. Anyway, PRICE can hardly be an objection if you
bought a PC to play games on so what are you whining about?

Not whining at all, just making a valid point.

You thought you teached me something NEW in your post? LOL!

Well then you leave me no alternative but to tell you to politely
**** off and take your gameboy console shit to a group where it
belongs. WTF does your arcade dreck console toys have to do with ATI
and Nvidia video cards?
It would help if you quoted the post to which you are responding so that
one might have some idea to whom your comments were addressed.

It's quite obvious to me he's referring to the guy with the 64" HDTV.

Actually not. Compare Zone of the Enders, a launch title, with the follow-up
that was released a few months ago, or Silent Hill 2 and the recent 3rd
version on Playstation 2. XBox has Halo and soon Halo 2 as shining examples
of performance gains on fixed console hardware.
The only reason they may play at a decent FPS in five years
is because the graphics features are frozen from the day the console
hits the market.

As usual it seems, you fail to see the whole picture. With frozen features
you learn how to wring more power out of the hardware. The old 8 and 16-bit
computers of past decades were to be considered consoles for all intents and
reasons, though equipped with keyboards and writeable storage. Performance
definitely went up with time as coders learned to exploit the hardware
Yea, so? I can still play games 15 years old on the PC. But do I want
to? No.

....Which is exactly my point! PCs do not age graciously! Often a graphics
card is obsolete before software comes out for it exploiting all its
hardware features (excluding gimmicky games such as Aquanox and such).
Add up all the other stuff one can use a PC for and you
lose your argument immediately. Only a dork buys a PC just for games.

I'd say only a dork would buy a 3GHz PC for anything BUT games. ;) Really,
which office-type program needs that much CPU power? Sure, if you work from
home with programs like 3DStudio Max, Autocad, Photoshop etc, a beefy CPU is
nice, but hey, hardly anyone does that. If you work with those programs,
your employer will generally also provide the tools you work with.

Most people could make do with very simple PCs and a games console, saying
the PC "pays for itself" by being versatile isn't really valid since a
modern PC is vastly overpowered for almost all everyday tasks BUT games.
FFS, a huge number of people could make do with a webtv instead of a PC! In
fact they'd probably be better off since they don't know what virus killers
or windows update are and just end up as breeding hosts for viruses sooner
rather than later.
Not whining at all, just making a valid point.

Except you didn't factor in the (very considerably) higher price of a decent
PC compared to a games console. You wanna play games on a PC, it's hard to
not end up paying through the nose. Pointing out software is a few bucks
cheaper for a PC doesn't really matter unless you buy games by the cartload.
Well then you leave me no alternative but to tell you to politely
**** off and take your gameboy console shit to a group where it

Sore loser. *Sigh* You're all alike... Beaten at your game and you start
flinging feces instead.

Maybe you should take your flawed, low-brow, intellectually challenged and
hostile debating style and **** off the net entirely instead? Btw, didn't
your momma tell you not to curse?
WTF does your arcade dreck console toys have to do with ATI and Nvidia
video cards?

Does it make you feel better calling consoles "toys"? Aren't PCs toys too in
that case, since they're used in the same manner?

Btw, if you're so concerned with the validity of this thread, why are you
even participating in it? That's double standards drawn so far to the
extreme it's becoming rather silly really.
My computer chair is a high back and is very comfortable thankyou.
I see. Personally I prefer a real airplane when I want realistic


LOL......I do fly both and I like MSFS a lot. I just splurged on a 19" LCD
and had to move it back 8-10" and I am an old fart with half-assed eyesight.
I have to agree in that there are absolutely no flight sims on any console
that are anything like PC based ones. There are just too many variables
involved for a console processor to handle. I build systems as a hobby and
part-time business and I can say that systems for flight simulators can get
very expensive if you stay cutting edge. FS2004 COF is a great example.
There is nothing wrong with console gaming, but the titles I have just will
never be available on them for some time.

I have to agree in that there are absolutely no flight sims on any console
that are anything like PC based ones. There are just too many variables
involved for a console processor to handle.

It's not a technical reason behind the fact PC flight sims are better, but a
marketing and demographic one. Flight simmers do not buy consoles, it's that
plain and simple really. They usually want proper joysticks as a bare
minimum, often pedals and yoke, neither of which are available for consoles.

Since the people consuming flight sims are absent from the console world,
there's no point in making any flightsims for it, thus making sure
flightsimmers stays away and so on and so on.

Console gamers in general tend to prefer action games instead of having to
pay attention to the endless minutiae of a flight sim. Different strokes for
different folks...
It's not a technical reason behind the fact PC flight sims are better, but a
marketing and demographic one. Flight simmers do not buy consoles, it's that
plain and simple really. They usually want proper joysticks as a bare
minimum, often pedals and yoke, neither of which are available for consoles.

Since the people consuming flight sims are absent from the console world,
there's no point in making any flightsims for it, thus making sure
flightsimmers stays away and so on and so on.

Console gamers in general tend to prefer action games instead of having to
pay attention to the endless minutiae of a flight sim. Different strokes for
different folks...

Well, there have been some attempts at flight sims on consoles but
they are very poor compared to what you can get on the PC.
Btw, if you're so concerned with the validity of this thread, why are you
even participating in it? That's double standards drawn so far to the
extreme it's becoming rather silly really.

Low brow? What you call low brow is another man's poetry. Are all
comedians low brow if they use a few four letter words in their act?
Are songs and movies low brow when they contain some swearing?
Face it boy, you are just an anal psuedo intellectual.

You made some valid points about consoles but for the style of gaming
I like they just don't cut it. I came from consoles to PC and I have
no plans to go back. And I do own Photoshop and Illustrator so use my
PC for much more than just games. I just bought Port Royale for the PC
for $39.99 CAD Is that even available on the console systems? And if
it was it would cost me $80.00 CAD. Add up the savings up over the
years and it's not something to laugh at. Console games demand a high
price because they know the market is mostly teenies who will demand
their mommy and daddy buy it for them.
He's Canadian :)

I know 8x12"=96". But, he said 8 feet and not 96" in his original post
so why change it midstream? Maybe he's welsh? No your honour, it was a
billy goat and not a sheep.