Which one best for EASports games?!: GeForce 4 Ti 4600 or ATI Sapphire9600 Pro/9800?!

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Well, since you want to drag this out....

Firstly, insulting someone by saying "I'm smarter, than you" is hardly past
the 5th grade level of playground tactics.

Secondly, if your'e half as intelligent as you seem to think...you would not
have problems running PeeCee games. Maybe consoles are the answer for
people that can't build a solid box. If you have problems with PeeCee
games, and put the blame on the creators of the games, your original
assertion that you are smart might be construed oppositely.

Now, I'm done with you shit-for-brains. Next plonk is permanent (hint: your
nymshifting will not work, again).

Nym-shifting troll....typical behavior.

Pug Fugley2 stood up at show-n-tell, in
[email protected], and said:
Well that means I win. You have resorted to 5th grade playground name
calling antics and never had anything good to say in the first place.

It was fun beating your ass into oblivion, we'll do it again soon.
Next time have something worthwhile to say before you start an
arguement, and maybe you won't be made fun of anymore.
J.Clarke stood up at show-n-tell, in
(e-mail address removed), and said:

The thing that I have not made known, to you (and others), is that
gaming serves two purposes for me. 1. Leisure enjoment/astonishment
at graphics advancements. 2. It's a very good way for me to
benchmark/test my builds. I, never, have problems with my boxes.
Then, again, I test them to the limits in various ways. Gaming is but
one. That said, enjoy your XBox/PS2/GameCube....

Well, that's fine, but in that case why do you see range of titles as an
Well you're part of the 2% of people who has a dedicated gaming
computer in their living room.

Nope, home theater machine.
I guess you've got plenty of home
theater juice to drown out the 'vacuum cleaner' noise!

If you can't figure out how to build a quiet machine that's your
problem. Mine's quieter than the TV.
You're still missing:

Dolby 5.1 in all games

My hearing went to hell in the '60s. I do hear rear-channel effects in
all games, whether it's Dolby 5.1 or something else 5.1 is moot to me.
Good multiplayer

Enjoy. Multiplayer computer games leave me cold.
And I'll bet it's fun balancing a keyboard, mouse, and game controller
while you're sitting on the couch.

Why would I want to do that?
I'll bet it's also fun dealing
trying to read a computer monitor until the game gets going becuase PC
to TV text is unreadable!

Nope. There is only one display connected to the machine, it's 8 feet
diagonal, and text is razor sharp. But I guess you've never seen a
_real_ HDTV.

By the way, lounging in an Eames chair is a lot more comfortable than
the couch.
Strontium said:
Well, since you want to drag this out....

Firstly, insulting someone by saying "I'm smarter, than you" is hardly past
the 5th grade level of playground tactics.

Seemed to have shut you up. That's all that really matters, and many members
of this group have thanked me for it.

Secondly, if your'e half as intelligent as you seem to think...you would not
have problems running PeeCee games.

I never said I had problems running PC games. I just disagreed with the
statement you made that read something like 'only an idiot would play a game
on a game console'.

Maybe consoles are the answer for
people that can't build a solid box. If you have problems with PeeCee
games, and put the blame on the creators of the games, your original
assertion that you are smart might be construed oppositely.

Well YOU seem to have problems with console games. Plug it in, turn it on.
That's all you do with a console and you can't even manage to do THAT.

Now, I'm done with you shit-for-brains. Next plonk is permanent (hint: your
nymshifting will not work, again).

Nym-shifting troll....typical behavior.

Yes you are a typical troll, trollboy. Get back under your bridge.

You have now been verbally slain. I do not expect a response from you, as
you have been defeated. Further replies will just prove your trolling
nature, to which you will be verbally slain yet again. No replies will
simply admit your defeat while you have a smidgen of dignity intact.

The choice is yours.
J.Clarke stood up at show-n-tell, in
(e-mail address removed), and said:
The same is true of a PC.

I see. You are content to restrict yourself only to those titles that
are available for the PC but are not content to restrict yourselves to
those titles that are available on any other game console.

The thing that you don't seem to grasp is that the PC is from that
viewpoint just another kind of game console, and the most expensive of
them all by a huge margin.

The thing that I have not made known, to you (and others), is that gaming
serves two purposes for me. 1. Leisure enjoment/astonishment at graphics
advancements. 2. It's a very good way for me to benchmark/test my builds.
I, never, have problems with my boxes. Then, again, I test them to the
limits in various ways. Gaming is but one. That said, enjoy your

I'm out of this flamewar.
Just veiwing the posts, and I find this one quite funny.
You sound as immature as the person you are responding too.
Your ending is of someone that would possibly be in elementary school....
Valentine's stood up at show-n-tell, in (e-mail address removed),
and said:
Just veiwing the posts, and I find this one quite funny.
You sound as immature as the person you are responding too.
Your ending is of someone that would possibly be in elementary

Shut `who' up, asswipe? I think many members of either of this crossposted
thread's groups would bitchslap you, for being such a dillweed/knowitall...

I, never, made such a statement. If you interpreted that, that's YOUR
problem, not mine.

Who said that I have a problem with consoles? I just choose not to shell
out $1000+ for every console out there, to play every game. SquareSoft
started this crap, with Nintendo, years ago. That was when I decided I was
not going to play the "We're switching platforms...those of you that bought
this console have to buy another console to play FFx" game. It's big
business, and it's crap, in my book. **** them. They want money, bad
enough to tell us what we can and cannot use..**** 'em. They are in cahoots
with the console mfg's. If you can't see that......bleh. It's pretty

Can I have some or your crack? It seems to be pretty good shit. You speak,
just like a typical troll. 'slain'. 'defeated'. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

PS - You are not contributing, constructively, to this flamewar Valentine's
:) FOAD.

Valentine's stood up at show-n-tell, in (e-mail address removed),
and said:
Who said that I have a problem with consoles? I just choose not to shell
out $1000+ for every console out there, to play every game. SquareSoft
started this crap, with Nintendo, years ago. That was when I decided I was
not going to play the "We're switching platforms...those of you that bought
this console have to buy another console to play FFx" game. It's big
business, and it's crap, in my book. **** them. They want money, bad
enough to tell us what we can and cannot use..**** 'em. They are in cahoots
with the console mfg's. If you can't see that......bleh. It's pretty

Uhhh..yeah. You act as if new computers and video cards don't come out every
single WEEK.
So long as you forget how much consoles cost when they are first
released. Video cards go down in cost with age too.

Problem is, there's a new video board every 6 months.

New consoles come out every 5 years.
J.Clarke stood up at show-n-tell, in
(e-mail address removed), and said:
On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 20:26:10 -0500

Well, that's fine, but in that case why do you see range of titles as
an issue?

As stated, before, SquareSoft (the makers of Final Fantasy, once my favorite
series) decided to pull out of Nintendo. In essence, forcing me or anyone
else that loved those games to buy a playstation. I did not comply, and
will not buy a console for one game. If they don't want to release PC
versions, of games (for whatever reasons...greed, cahoots with console
makers, etc...) That's fine, with me. I've got enough titles, already.
And, they keep coming out with good ones. BTW, the PC version of Vice City
has an advantage over the PS2 version: You can drop mp3 files into a folder
and have a customized radio station. Not that you would be into that game,
at your age hehehe.

Coincidentally, FFXI is being released this year as a crossplatform game :)
Apparently, it's gonna be an MMORP. Think I'll check that one out!

<snip, snip, snip>
J.Clarke stood up at show-n-tell, in
(e-mail address removed), and said:

As stated, before, SquareSoft (the makers of Final Fantasy, once my
favorite series) decided to pull out of Nintendo. In essence, forcing
me or anyone else that loved those games to buy a playstation. I did
not comply, and will not buy a console for one game. If they don't
want to release PC versions, of games (for whatever reasons...greed,
cahoots with console makers, etc...) That's fine, with me. I've got
enough titles, already. And, they keep coming out with good ones.
BTW, the PC version of Vice City has an advantage over the PS2
version: You can drop mp3 files into a folder and have a customized
radio station. Not that you would be into that game, at your age

I see. So Final Fantasy is not available for the Nintendo or the PC and
so that is a reason to avoid the PlagueStation? I find that amusing. I
believe that the expression is "cutting off your nose to spite your
Who said that I have a problem with consoles? I just choose not to shell
out $1000+ for every console out there, to play every game.

There are now three consoles left in the market (not counting portables).
Buying all three today would cost you considerably less than $1000+. I
myself settled for PS2 and Gamecube, didn't think I'd need a M$-branded PC
in addition to the one I got.
not going to play the "We're switching platforms...those of you that bought
this console have to buy another console to play FFx" game. It's big
business, and it's crap, in my book. **** them.

....So that's why you spend $1000 upgrading your PC every other year instead?
Makes excellent sense to me! :-)

A console costs around $250 when new, it has an approximate life of around
five years. Quite a bit better price/performance than a PC wouldn't you say?
A console costs around $250 when new, it has an approximate life of around
five years. Quite a bit better price/performance than a PC wouldn't you say?

The PS2 and XBox cost considerably more than $250 when they were
released, and the graphics were dated by PC standards when they were
released, let alone how awful they look in comparison 5 years down the
And you think everyone owns a 65" HDTV? Most people are smart enough
not to waste that much money on a TV. You don't squint at a 17"
monitor. You obviously don't understand the relationship with
monitor/tv size and distance viewed from. Sitting 15 feet away from
your 65" TV gives you the same image size as sitting in front of a 17"
a foot away.

There is a word, "comfort", with which you might wish to familiarize
How ironic :)

New consoles come out every 5 years or so for $199.

Video cards come out every 3 months or so for $300. Talk about a waste of

I'm inclined to agree with you. But there are no decent flight sims on
*any* console system so I personally am left with no choice but to
waste my money on expensive video cards if I want to play LOMAC in a
few months time.
The same is true of a PC.

I see. You are content to restrict yourself only to those titles that
are available for the PC but are not content to restrict yourselves to
those titles that are available on any other game console.

Most games on consoles are arcade juvenile shit. The games I like to
play will probably never be available on a console.

The thing that you don't seem to grasp is that the PC is from that
viewpoint just another kind of game console, and the most expensive of
them all by a huge margin.

Yea, but you are neglecting to mention all the other stuff it can do
besides games.
Actually by limiting yourself to only PC, YOU have the worst selection of
games there is. Talk about limited.

Plus with my Xbox I can play games in full Dolby Digital 5.1 on a 65" HDTV
while lounging on the couch. Sure beats the hell out of sitting in a
computer chair squinting at a 17" monitor...and that's AFTER you get the
game working with all the patches and things you need, hoping you don't have
any crashed and praying that your hardware is compatable.

And you think everyone owns a 65" HDTV? Most people are smart enough
not to waste that much money on a TV. You don't squint at a 17"
monitor. You obviously don't understand the relationship with
monitor/tv size and distance viewed from. Sitting 15 feet away from
your 65" TV gives you the same image size as sitting in front of a 17"
a foot away.
...So that's why you spend $1000 upgrading your PC every other year instead?
Makes excellent sense to me! :-)

A console costs around $250 when new, it has an approximate life of around
five years. Quite a bit better price/performance than a PC wouldn't you say?

I can make my PC last five years too without upgrading if I choose.
Xbox2 will be out long before Xbox1 is five years old so you are full
of it. PS2 was out long before PS1 was five years old too. And lets
not forget that games for consoles cost more than the same game on a
PC. I can find all kinds of bargains for PC games but most console
game prices are an insult to the consumer. That's how they make their
money. The low price on the console itself is a loss-leader and is
priced low just to suck you into buying it so they can soak you on the
game prices. But hey, you are smart enough to know that already,