Which one best for EASports games?!: GeForce 4 Ti 4600 or ATI Sapphire9600 Pro/9800?!

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I am about to buy a new Pentium 4 and since I play mostly sport games
like those from EASports (FIFA, NBA, F1, etc..) I was wondering which
card would be my best choice: GeForce4 Ti4600 128 Mb DDR, Hercules 3D
Prophet 9600 Pro 128Mb or ATI Sapphire 9600 Pro 128 DDR?! I would choose
one of those as those are the ones currently available at a good price
at my local PC store where I would buy my entire Pentium 4. The ATI 9700
also seemed fine but I don't think they sell them anymore and the 9800
Sapphire and Pro are both twice the price of the previous mentioned

Anyway, which of those cards gives the best performance, like
framerates, most beautiful graphics, etc.. and no problems with those
games?! Are the EASports games designed for a certain type of card, so
that they would always give better performance with that type compared
to others types or isn't that the case? Anybody who has experience with
more then one of the above mentioned cards, so that you can perhaps make
a comparison?!

Also, which of those cards is the most silent one, as I like my PC as
silent as possible!!

Thanks in advance for all good feedback! Please don't forget to mention
which card(s) exactly you have so that there won't be any confusion as
the names of all those cards seem to be very similar! Thanks again!

get the hercules 9600 pro or better yet get a hercules or sapphire 9800 non
pro . i prefer the hercules because of the ram sinks and it just runs
cooler. and then flash the bios to a 9800 pro. works like a charm coz ati
obviously has only a different bios for the pro version.
twice the price? check newegg.com for
Sapphire Radeon 9800 SE 128mb DDR DVI TV 8x AGP $196 with free shiping
your getting a hole new sys i take it? well just let the computer shop put
in a cheap card what ever it dont matter and then order a good one online.
your a gamer you need a good video card one that will last you a few years
and the ti4600 is not gona hold up that long with the next generation games
coming out. if your dead set on getting the card at the same shop then go
with the 9600 pro.
i see your a sports gamer but i bet you will be playing other games like
half life 2 or doom 3 and who is to say what game you may want to try next
year. if you get a mid range or low end card now your gona wish you had not
got it later. you might as well get a good one now and not have to replace
it in 6 month or a year down the road.

im a gamer and i have tryed a few cards in my time around 15 or so the one
thing i learned is buy cheap and you will be buying it agian in 6 months.

you asked what card run's EA games better well that's hard to say it changes
form driver to driver for both nividia and ati. if i had to pick out of the
2 card's you listed i would get the 9600.
hell thats a lie i would not pick either card i would get the 9800 non pro
for $196 and run it at pro speed
The SE version has only 128bit memory and/or 4 pipelines as opposed to
256bit and 8 pipelines for the standard 9800 nonpro. I've seen on NewEgg
which has the Sapphire 9800 nonpro for $249 where they appear to be flashing
these into 9800 pro's successfully.

I am about to buy a new Pentium 4 and since I play mostly sport games
like those from EASports (FIFA, NBA, F1, etc..) I was wondering which
card would be my best choice: GeForce4 Ti4600 128 Mb DDR, Hercules 3D
Prophet 9600 Pro 128Mb or ATI Sapphire 9600 Pro 128 DDR?! I would choose

Forget the video card and buy a PS2.

**** consoles. They keep releasing new ones, every year. What a
waste of cash.

**** video boards. They keep releasing new ones, every six months.
What a waste of cash.
Oh, and let's not forget the fact that depending on which console you
have, you are limited in what games you can play.

The same is true of a PC.
I would have to
own every console, out there, to play what I wanted.

I see. You are content to restrict yourself only to those titles that
are available for the PC but are not content to restrict yourselves to
those titles that are available on any other game console.
Yeah, real
budget-friendly! NOT. I can get by for at least a year and a half
with one video card.-

The thing that you don't seem to grasp is that the PC is from that
viewpoint just another kind of game console, and the most expensive of
them all by a huge margin.
Actually by limiting yourself to only PC, YOU have the worst selection
of games there is. Talk about limited.

Plus with my Xbox I can play games in full Dolby Digital 5.1 on a 65"
HDTV while lounging on the couch.

Uh, with my PC I can play games on an 8 foot TV while lounging on my
couch. When I finally get the room set up the way I want it it will
become a 12 foot TV.
Strontium said:
**** consoles. They keep releasing new ones, every year. What a waste of

How ironic :)

New consoles come out every 5 years or so for $199.

Video cards come out every 3 months or so for $300. Talk about a waste of
Oh, and let's not forget the fact that depending on which console you have,
you are limited in what games you can play. I would have to own every
console, out there, to play what I wanted. Yeah, real budget-friendly!
NOT. I can get by for at least a year and a half with one video card.
Pug Fugley stood up at show-n-tell, in
[email protected], and said:
Strontium said:
5yrs, my ass!

Xbox and Gamecube have been out for 2 years, PS2 for 3 years. These (exept
Xbox) all replaced consoles that came out 5 years previous.
Strontium said:
Oh, and let's not forget the fact that depending on which console you have,
you are limited in what games you can play. I would have to own every
console, out there, to play what I wanted. Yeah, real budget-friendly!
NOT. I can get by for at least a year and a half with one video card.

Actually by limiting yourself to only PC, YOU have the worst selection of
games there is. Talk about limited.

Plus with my Xbox I can play games in full Dolby Digital 5.1 on a 65" HDTV
while lounging on the couch. Sure beats the hell out of sitting in a
computer chair squinting at a 17" monitor...and that's AFTER you get the
game working with all the patches and things you need, hoping you don't have
any crashed and praying that your hardware is compatable.
J.Clarke said:
Uh, with my PC I can play games on an 8 foot TV while lounging on my
couch. When I finally get the room set up the way I want it it will
become a 12 foot TV.

Well you're part of the 2% of people who has a dedicated gaming computer in
their living room. I guess you've got plenty of home theater juice to drown
out the 'vacuum cleaner' noise!

You're still missing:

Dolby 5.1 in all games
Good multiplayer

And I'll bet it's fun balancing a keyboard, mouse, and game controller while
you're sitting on the couch. I'll bet it's also fun dealing trying to read a
computer monitor until the game gets going becuase PC to TV text is
Strontium said:
The only that has been proven is that you are now in my killfile,

Well that means I win. You have resorted to 5th grade playground name
calling antics and never had anything good to say in the first place.

It was fun beating your ass into oblivion, we'll do it again soon. Next time
have something worthwhile to say before you start an arguement, and maybe
you won't be made fun of anymore.