You can't double click the button and get to anything but the "Click"
handler can you? There are all sorts of handlers one could potentially want
to reference.
But it is much more than simply a matter of easier... as I pointed out the
Handles syntax isn't dynamic and can't be made dynamic. It is a simple
matter to point multiple controls (or events) to a single handler using
AddHandler() And it most likely isn't named buttonName_Click()... I don't
program "click handlers" I develop functionality which happens to execute
when a button is clicked. This gives one the flexibility to reassign the
handler to a different button or even a different non-button control.
It isn't about being a C# wannabe... C# is a case-sensitive language that
uses curly braces to delimit blocks of code and semicolons as line
terminators. I don't see any advantage to a case-sensitive language.
In any case I think you should continue to use the syntax you're happiest
with and I'll do the same
Nice chatting with you.