Which do you prefer?

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She? Never assume. :-)

You're right that I said I'm flexible. I have no control
over whether VB is going away, but if it does, I'll adapt.

Robin S.
Please don't apologize. It's hard to let something go
that's just so darned wrong. BTW, I think Veritywhatever
is either Aaronkempf of MP "in disguise".
(All together now, "Ooooooooooh.")

Robin S.
Look, I did not mean to start some kind argument. I was just trying to
point out that if you reply to these people that gives them what they

S Verity
Damn, I forgot to sign in as Sue Verity, I will need retire Sue and get
another new alias now that I have blown my cover. I will make a note
for my new alias to give Bruce Darby a lot of help in the future - LOL,
he needs it.

The Grand Master
RobinS said:
I don't agree. I've written some really complicated programs
with complex statistical calculations, and I always put
in comments, if not for the poor guy who comes after me, then
for me 6 months later when I'm no longer working on it, and I
have to go back and fix it. It's been 2 years since I left
that software behind, and I still get e-mails thanking me for
documenting my code so well.

The "grand master" is clearly trolling, ignore it.

**** you shit-boy, Trolls lie - I speak the truth, VB 6.0 programmers
turn out software quickly - VB.NET programmers like to play around with
the "framework" (sic) and have to write twice the code to make slower
programs than ever.

The Grand Master
*** VbCrLF: "Visual Basic Classic Revival Liberation Front" ***
*** VB 6.0 Jihad - Fighing for what belongs to us. ***
*** http://classicvb.org/Petition ***
Take that plumb out of your mouth when you are talking to us
butt-****.The "establishment" no longer exists unless you are part of
the british royal family, so learn to speak modern english properly,
you sound as if you swallowed an old Edgar Allan Poe novel.

The Grand Master

bull ****ing shit I call absolute hogwash on your ass

what interface are you using??

google? well yeah; maybe the most popular post-- the first one to show
up-- was one from the public.languages.dotnet.vb newsgroup

what a stupid ****ign name though.

it's just reflective; people come to microsoft.public.vb and think 'oh
shit ms killed vb'
it's just reflective; people come to microsoft.com/vb and think 'oh
shit ms killed vb'
I think you're missing the entire point here.

It being that everyone agrees that you're an arrogant twat.

I disagree.

'we must not write anything complicated'

what because we don't use classes and comments?

OOP makes things slower; Comments make things HARDER TO READ.

i think that MS should make a toggle switch in VS that hides comments;
then we could turn them off.. as it is they're just in the way

I mean.. someone builds a dataset; loops through and does something; is
it really that damn complex?

all of the complexity of all of my apps-- it lives on the database
side-- which coincidentally-- automagically REMOVES COMMENTS FOR ME.

I didn't say anything about classes. I have a lot of programs
that don't access the database, with a lot of complicated
business logic behind them. Since I *know* programmers will
only read external documentation if they can't hunt me down
(even if I've left the company), at least putting comments
in the code gives them some direction.

For example, in one program with tons of statistical
calculations, I explain the arguments for calling an
external program to use the Fisher's Exact test to
calculate a probability. I put in a comment explaining
what the arguments mean, in case they get it in their
head to change it. It took me what seemed like *forever*
to get it to work right the first time, and I'm
just trying to spare them the same pain. Otherwise,
they'd have to go find a statistician (like I did).

But you're right, if you're just reading through a database
table and doing something with the data, unless it's extraordinary,
no comments are required.

A toggle switch is a great idea, by the way. In my VB2005
code, if I want to put in a block of comments, I put them
in a Region, and then it can be closed and opened as needed.

Robin S.
stats aren't that ****ing complex

use analysis services instead of re-inventing the wheel

if you don't know MDX you're not qualifed to touch a database anymore
