Apparently rock and roll didn't catch on. My kids all listen to country. I
am very disappointed in them.
am very disappointed in them.
Charlie Wilkes said:Yes. MS is attempting to extend a revenue cycle that has, in the
past, generated huge returns for the company while also benefiting
Replacing a 1993 win3x computer with a 1997 win95 computer was
obviously worthwhile. I don't see that a 2007 machine running Vista
offers comparable improvement relative to a 2003 XP machine.
As you point out, the OEMs are the technical buyers, but consumers are
the end users who complain if not satisfied. If new Vista computers
routinely blue screen or lock up, or don't support hardware,
complaints will go to the OEMs. If the OEMs lose credibility while
their support costs go sky-high, perhaps one or more of the big
players will ditch MS for Linux.
I wonder if MS should postpone the Vista release for another few
months, and work to fix problems like the ones that get posted here.
michail said:I have tried all of them.... I was always a fan of suse.. and mandriva...
Ubuntu is behind those in user friendliness.... although I think ubuntu will
surpass them,
because of its growing userbase.
None is really ready to take over the desktop computer..
There is new hope now however since they are working on a universal
for all various linux's.
That would make things fffaaaaaaarrrrrr better!
Mike said:What people say and what they end up doing are often two very different
things.. it never ceases to amaze at how many bleat for Linux, yet come
here on computers powered by Windows..
Alias said:Well, so far, I haven't had any problems with Ubuntu.
Many of us either use employer-supplied computers, which are stillMike said:What people say and what they end up doing are often two very
different things.. it never ceases to amaze at how many bleat for
Linux, yet come here on computers powered by Windows..
Paul-B said:Many of us either use employer-supplied computers, which are still
mainly Windows, or from other PC's because we are still playing around
with various flavours of Linux.
In my case I use Windows XP, Windows Vista and Ubuntu/Kubuntu on my
network PC's. Since my news-client of choice, Xana, will not run under
Ubuntu I use my Microsoft PC's for usenet access. All my business
software, however, is running on Linux faster and better than the
equivalent would on Vista.
You are making the usual mistake often made by Microsoft proponents, of
not being able to understand that many of us are not blind to the
faults of all operating systems and use whatever suits uis at the time.
Horses for courses, dear boy.