Anne wrote in said:
I'd say this can be done with Siren.
Thank you Anne, good to know. To summarize so far, File Renamers we
know can handle shortening (truncation) of very long filenames:
1-4a Rename <>
Siren <>
The Rename <>
And a finder that can help you find long file names,
but where you must do the renaming file by file your self:
Long Filename Finder
Let's say you want to shorten file names to 8 characters long.
Type %b(1,8).%e in Siren's expression field. Change the number
(8) to tyour liking. "%e" means the extension.
The syntax in The Rename is slightly different, but follows the same
logic, so if 8 is the number then:
Some other nice features I have noticed about The Rename program,
regarding very long file names: It has configurable options (under
View, Options menu) like:
under "General":
Find Long Names
[x] Check Path + Filename (default)
[ ] Filename Only
[ ] Path Only
[ ] Prefix Only
under "Monitor Long Names"
[ ] Monitor Long Names
Maximum Lenth of Name [255] (default)
When a filename is to long:
[ ] Ask confirmation before renaming it
[X] Don't rename it (default)
[ ] Ask me the name
[ ] Truncate the name with given length
Length [___]
All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen