Chief Suspect
====Bob Adkins said:I use Firegraphic for now, and it's actually a pretty good graphics viewer.
Just curious, Bob ... have you checked how many entries in the registry for
====Bob Adkins said:I use Firegraphic for now, and it's actually a pretty good graphics viewer.
Roger said:Reading the web page about this program it sounds like you have to
manually rename every one of the files it finds.
That could take a long time if there are many such files.
What is needed is a program which renames such files automatically.
=======Glenn said:I have been targeted lately for spam on "nail fungus". I added the 2 words
to my filter but they are smarter than that. The last ones were variations
of "na il fung us" and each with different "froms". The body is a picture
so a word in it can't be targeted.
What I want is a program that reads the subject and will remove all spaces,
dots etc. Then "nailfungus" or "Viagra" etc, could be targeted and would
bounce. That would be easy to write. What I need is a tie-in to OE.
Roger Johansson wrote in said:I tried the renamer in TC, it needs a specially written filter.
I do not know enough to write such a filter expression, and I doubt that it
can recursively go through all subdirectories.
dadiOH said:Or a burning program - such as CDExtreme - which allows file names up to 212
characters. And if you exceed the alloted number, it tells you. Pretty
hard to exceed, though...
Info and d/l links in my dandies below.
Guyon Morée scribebat:
There are a lot of programs I would like to have...
Here are some of them:
3) A program that let me include/exclude plugins from the Acrobat Reader,
so that I can choose for specific functions that are necessary for a PDF
without having to load the whole bloated stuff.
Bjorn Simonsen said:Don't doubt, just do it <g>. Just to show you it can done very simply:
search for *.* from where you want to start,recursively so, then feed
the results to list box, then select all and choose Muli Rename...you
take it from there.
Pivert said:Done google-search and found this
Look also here for other "TrueType" utilities:
http://jeff.cs.mcgill.ca/~luc/ttsoftware.html (not all freeware though, but
usefull list)
But there is where I lose it
How to tell multirename to shorten filenames to say 60 characters?
I am a developer waiting to get my hands on a nice project to do and
preferably release it as free. (given it is useful ofcourse)
So I was wondering, what freeware are you missing. Where are you still using
'commercial'-software because there is no decent freeware alternative?
A comment to Bob Adkins: Many burner programs have automatic renaming of
too long file names, so it doesn't have to be such a bad surprise at burn
Just curious, Bob ... have you checked how many entries in the registry for
I am a developer waiting to get my hands on a nice project to do and
preferably release it as free. (given it is useful ofcourse)
So I was wondering, what freeware are you missing.
o Hard disk activity indicator "LED" in the tray notification area
(should be easy to do based on some sources from sysinternals.com)
Software without current replacement:
1) MS Access! (I'currently trying Alpha Five as a possible cheaper
2) Dreamweaver
(NVu and others are nice, but still have a long way to go)
3) I support John Corliss cry for a TTF editor
(The link given by onno Tasler gave me a corrupt exe file)
1) A real Small, quick and easy to use PDF Reader
I've never found a free recipe program that wasn't crude and limited.
I've even paid for a couple of shareware programs, and I'm still not
completely satisfied. What I'm looking for is something that (1) has
tree-style organization, so I don't have to scroll through hundreds of
recipes in a single huge database and (2) isn't bloated with a million
side functions (recipe planners, shopping lists, nutritional analyses.)
Bjorn Simonsen said:How to tell multirename to shorten filenames to say 60 characters?
use the range feature when you select a rename mask. Fx [N1-62] will
only use character 1 through 62 from the existing file base names. Any
names shorter than that will simply be renamed back to their original
name, any names longer will be truncated at 62. See?
John Corliss said:How about a freeware truetype font editor?
Onno Tasler said:1) A combination of WordPad and TreePad. While having basic text editing
skills (and can use free available spell checker), it also has
additional windows to store information. [...]
2) A program to convert any text format into any other text format.