FYIS.org/estore said:a group of Euro socialists, ...
This seems to be your favorite pun, doesn't it?
FYIS.org/estore said:a group of Euro socialists, ...
Talk about how to win friends and influence people...I have just logged on to this NG and it is full of hate and venom. Is this
usual for people who want free stuff or have I stumbled into a twilight
This seems to be your favorite pun, doesn't it?
I have just logged on to this NG and it is full of hate and venom. Is this
usual for people who want free stuff or have I stumbled into a twilight
And Nobby, don't let the "hate and venom" fool you. Don't let a few old
sourpusses color your impression of the entire group. There's lots of love
Al Smith said:It was taken over by Orcs a while ago. They serve the Dark Lord,
but thusfar have been unable to locate the One Ring.
But I think a bit different; (I regret Nobby's pot at me went right over myNo, they are usually "caravans" based on my extensive knowledge
gleaned from British TV shows.
Semolina said:But "love"? Pass the barf-bag.
Very true Mike, but they keep getting in the way of tornados.I think (from American films) trailers are places where certain classes of
people live, who are not middleaged or middleclass, but at least trailers
don't cause apoplexy on the roads because they don't go there
Does that mean the group hug has been cancelled?
I have just logged on to this NG and it is full of hate and venom. Is this
usual for people who want free stuff or have I stumbled into a twilight
Nobby said:I have just logged on to this NG and it is full of hate and venom. Is
this usual for people who want free stuff or have I stumbled into a
twilight zone?
Mr. Me said:actually, I usually hide out and keep comments to myself. If I want to
get hate messages, I'd go to some all women place, and start anouncing
their place,
or go to McDonalds and ask directions to Burger king
(which is right next door).
I sometimes ask for apps that do this or that, or answer someone
begging for an app so I help them..
Just stick to lurking and all things are ok![]()
When I hear talk of group hugs I reach for my revolver.
Does that mean the group hug has been cancelled?
Steady, Bob. You'll make me lose my breakfast.
If you "love" people that you've only met in text-mode in a newsgroup
you're using a different definition of the word than I do. Certainly,
there are one or two in here whose personality shines through and I'll
admit to a passing fondness for them.
But "love"? Pass the barf-bag.