Weird SP2/Office 97 install problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter XS11E
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Nor is there a useable firewall in Windows XP, therefore I use a
hardware firewall and a software firewall and disable the XP one.

XP's firewall is useable in the sense that it is the difference
between an unpatched NT 5.x being immediately attacked, and not.
Sure, it doesn't do everything an add-on firewall does ;-)

So if you have nothing else other than the freshly installed OS, you
can set XP to survive, but you can't do the same for Win2000.

RPC, LSASS, DCOM, admin shares...

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No, perfection is not an entrance requirement.
We'll settle for integrity and humility
No, what I meant was; install SP2, install Office 97, suffer the
"can't install .OCX", then test Word's ability to HTML, hopefully
finding this works fine anyway :-)

No, it doesn't work anyway! What it does, is if I select the HTML
editor during the initial install I get the error, followed by the
message that Office97 didn't install properly and... there is NO
Office97 installed! No Office folder in Program Files, no Word, no
Excel, no PowerPoint, no Access, no nothing, Office just isn't there!

If I don't select the HTML editor during install it *seems* to install
properly but other problems occur and I can't recall all of them but...
The only way is to install Office and all the updates and only then
install SP2.

Don't know all the weirdness but everything is just fine if I install
in that sequence and everything works OK so...... SP2 doesn't interfere
in any way with an installed Office97 but won't allow the install.

As I mentioned before, if I hadn't got a new harddrive and decided to
do a fresh install, I never would have known the install problem even
existed. I ran SP2 RC1 and RC2 on my old XP installation with Office97
previously installed and never had any problems.

I'd like to play with it some more but I don't have the time to put
into it so... for now the workaround will have to suffice I guess?
XP's firewall is useable in the sense that it is the difference
between an unpatched NT 5.x being immediately attacked, and not.
Sure, it doesn't do everything an add-on firewall does ;-)

So if you have nothing else other than the freshly installed OS, you
can set XP to survive, but you can't do the same for Win2000.

Sure I can, the modem is unplugged until the firewall is installed with
any version of Windows, even though the hardware firewall is in place.
No, it doesn't work anyway! What it does, is if I select the HTML
editor during the initial install I get the error, followed by the
message that Office97 didn't install properly and... there is NO
Office97 installed! No Office folder in Program Files, no Word, no
Excel, no PowerPoint, no Access, no nothing, Office just isn't there!

Charming! Let's hear it for assumptionware installers, folks!
If I don't select the HTML editor during install it *seems* to install
properly but other problems occur and I can't recall all of them but...
The only way is to install Office and all the updates and only then
install SP2.

Which isn't good, for several reasons:
- future XP with integrated SP2 can't do this
- SP2 may require SP2 XP CD for RC and maintenance

Open Office Org, anyone?

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The most accurate diagnostic instrument
in medicine is the Retrospectoscope
Sure I can, the modem is unplugged until the firewall is installed with
any version of Windows, even though the hardware firewall is in place.

Hardware and software firewalls != "nothing else other than the
freshly installed OS". Many folks lack hardware firewalls, and depend
on downloaded software firewalls for installation.

-------------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
No, perfection is not an entrance requirement.
We'll settle for integrity and humility
Which isn't good, for several reasons:
- future XP with integrated SP2 can't do this
- SP2 may require SP2 XP CD for RC and maintenance

That's not a problem since my copy of XP has SP1 integrated. There's
no reason to get a new version until XP 64-bit is available and who
knows what that will involve? Besides, by that time I'll probably have
switched permanently to Windows 2000 or Mandrake Linux 64 bit, it seems
to work very well on my computer but I'm a VERY long way from learning
how to use it.
Open Office Org, anyone?

I like it, I'd use it IF I could ever get it to print an envelope....
Hardware and software firewalls != "nothing else other than the
freshly installed OS". Many folks lack hardware firewalls, and
depend on downloaded software firewalls for installation.

Many folks can unplug the modem cable during installation. The XP
firewall is a great security feature for newbies, for everyone else
it's an unnecessary feature..... but isn't that the entire story of
Xtra Pretty? Just one unwanted/unneeded feature after another. With
everything I delete, turn off, disable, etc. I'm pretty much running
Win2k now, even though it says it's XP.
XS11E said:
That's not a problem since my copy of XP has SP1 integrated. There's
no reason to get a new version until XP 64-bit is available and who
knows what that will involve? Besides, by that time I'll probably have
switched permanently to Windows 2000 or Mandrake Linux 64 bit, it seems
to work very well on my computer but I'm a VERY long way from learning
how to use it.

I like it, I'd use it IF I could ever get it to print an envelope....

Hey! Play with it a tad (OO) - I had no prob getting it to print an
envelope. Very nice collection!!! Only thing I use now from my MS Office
2000 SBE is Publisher - still like that best for publishing my web site.
But yes, I ran into this same prob when I tried to put up Word97 on SP2 (I
need it to validate my Office2000 Update edition). LOL!!!
Now my gen route is :
NForce motherboard drivers
SP1 express
all my other stuff.................................................

I take backups though that with Ghost so hopefully I won't have to go back
all the way, but if (when) I get a new mobo, I do it all over! LOL The
things we do for entertainment!!!
Kristi said:
Hey! Play with it a tad (OO) - I had no prob getting it to print
an envelope.

I can get it to print a #10 (4 1/8" X 9 1/2") with no problems but I
also use the smaller ones, 3 5/8" X 6 1/2" and I've never found a way
to do that? I'm using a HP LaserJet 6L.
LOL The things we do for entertainment!!!

Funny, with DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.1 I had to wipe and re-install
several times and never thought it was a problem..... now it's no
longer entertaining, it takes me several days to do a complete install
w/o using a backup. Too much hardware, software, etc. etc. etc.
XS11E said:
I can get it to print a #10 (4 1/8" X 9 1/2") with no problems but I
also use the smaller ones, 3 5/8" X 6 1/2" and I've never found a way
to do that? I'm using a HP LaserJet 6L.

OO / Insert / Envelope / Format tab - should be able to do it from there.
I've never tried - never do anything but #10's..... I would think there's a
forum somewhere that would be able to help you with that. I use only the
basic stuff...
Funny, with DOS 5.0 and Windows 3.1 I had to wipe and re-install
several times and never thought it was a problem..... now it's no
longer entertaining, it takes me several days to do a complete install
w/o using a backup. Too much hardware, software, etc. etc. etc.

Yes, it is a pain in the butt. However, I learned back in 95, then 98, ME,
XPRC1,2 that a clean system is a bonus and that a system can become a
morass with the usual of installs and uninstalls. especially if you do MS
"Restores" But then, computers were invented to tie up time, not to
save time. ;o) Think of all the stuff we simply wouldn't bother with
if we didn't have these things! (I used to work on an IMB
7070,1401,1620) Doing a full install every so often reminds me of all
the junk I have on it!
Kristi said:
XS11E wrote:

OO / Insert / Envelope / Format tab - should be able to do it from
there. I've never tried - never do anything but #10's..... I would
think there's a forum somewhere that would be able to help you
with that. I use only the basic stuff...

It works fine for the #10, the smaller ones don't seem to print no
matter what I try?

I haven't tried the forums, I can't find any newsgroups for OO on my
server there are several for StarOffice and it should be the same???
(I used to work on an IMB 7070,1401,1620)

OH MY GOD! You must be almost as old as... as.. me? First computer I
saw was an IBM 704? 705? Worked on punched card stuff, 1401, 1410,
1620, 1800, 360, etc. That's been awhile back but I guess they're
still at it, at least the retirement checks keep coming.. :-)
XS11E said:
It works fine for the #10, the smaller ones don't seem to print no
matter what I try?

I haven't tried the forums, I can't find any newsgroups for OO on my
server there are several for StarOffice and it should be the same???

I didn't know so I looked - on the OO site, Support tab, 7th entry in the
Free Community Support section: OO Forums.

I did try a small envelope and it printed just fine. I also discovered
that after I clicked "insert" in the Envelope setup box, I could put the
mouse pointer in the corner of a box, click and then was able to move the
box around - NEAT!!!!!!! I always test print on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of
paper. The actual envelope swiveled a bit in the printing process so I'd
have to keep a finger on it to guid it in. (Canon 850i)
OH MY GOD! You must be almost as old as... as.. me? First computer I
saw was an IBM 704? 705? Worked on punched card stuff, 1401, 1410,
1620, 1800, 360, etc. That's been awhile back but I guess they're
still at it, at least the retirement checks keep coming.. :-)

yep, 360's, 370, 4041... 704 - if I remember correctly, big board
with lots of wires. First "bug" was supposedly a real bug that was
discovered in a non-working relay. And the 1401's chain printer played
music. I did OPSYS tech support for MFT, MVT, VS1, VS2, MVS - PTFs, APARs,
and Superzaps! Fun!!!!! And just wait till I grow
Kristi said:
I didn't know so I looked - on the OO site, Support tab, 7th
entry in the Free Community Support section: OO Forums.

Found it! Ohhhhh... hundreds of posts and no search engine! Well,
that's a project for later!
I did try a small envelope and it printed just fine. I also
discovered that after I clicked "insert" in the Envelope setup
box, I could put the mouse pointer in the corner of a box, click
and then was able to move the box around - NEAT!!!!!!! I always
test print on an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper. The actual envelope
swiveled a bit in the printing process so I'd have to keep a
finger on it to guid it in. (Canon 850i)

Hmmmm... I'll re-install it and try that. Hmmmmm, it seems like maybe
it's working? GREAT! Gotta play some more to be sure...
yep, 360's, 370, 4041... 704 - if I remember correctly,
big board with lots of wires. First "bug" was supposedly a real
bug that was discovered in a non-working relay. And the 1401's
chain printer played music.

I broke a few... :-( The 360 was the last I worked on, quit to find
something different (more money, MUCH more money!) but waited until I
had vested rights to retirement! Been in my own businesses ever since
until 1992 when my arthritis suggested I retire...
And just wait till I grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional"... can't recall who
said that?
XS11E said:
Found it! Ohhhhh... hundreds of posts and no search engine! Well,
that's a project for later!

Just do a post and see who answers.....
Hmmmm... I'll re-install it and try that. Hmmmmm, it seems like maybe
it's working? GREAT! Gotta play some more to be sure...

I broke a few... :-( The 360 was the last I worked on, quit to find
something different (more money, MUCH more money!) but waited until I
had vested rights to retirement! Been in my own businesses ever since
until 1992 when my arthritis suggested I retire...

yeah, chains were always breaking, but pretty amazing when it was working -
especially the high speed ones that came along later. But very messy to
clean - we used to joke with the poor CEs "and you wanted to work with your
hands and not get your fingernails dirty"? (old TV ad for training computer

Money? What's that???????
"Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional"... can't recall who
said that?

Other people grow up - I grow down. 3 going on 2.

Kristi said:
Just do a post and see who answers.....

I will but I hate to jump into a forum w/o checking the archives. Do
you realize that this newsgroup would lose half or more of it's posts
if people would just do that? How many times have we seen "I lost my
key, what do I do?"
yeah, chains were always breaking, but pretty amazing when it was
working - especially the high speed ones that came along later.
But very messy to clean - we used to joke with the poor CEs

That would be me....
"and you wanted to work with your hands and not get your fingernails
dirty"? (old TV ad for training computer techs)

"A good CE never gets dirt above the first knuckle" (Old moron I worked
with at first!)
Money? What's that???????

What I need for bigger harddrive, faster processor, more memory!
XS11E said:
I will but I hate to jump into a forum w/o checking the archives. Do
you realize that this newsgroup would lose half or more of it's posts
if people would just do that? How many times have we seen "I lost my
key, what do I do?"

Truth - and it would be a blessing!
That would be me....

You have my sympathy!!! A hard job!
"A good CE never gets dirt above the first knuckle" (Old moron I worked
with at first!)

first knuckle - that would be your elbow........ ;o)
What I need for bigger harddrive, faster processor, more memory!

and the next generation mobo, and a 64 bit cpu, and XP64, and.....
Yes, it is a pain in the butt. However, I learned back in 95, then 98, ME,
XPRC1,2 that a clean system is a bonus and that a system can become a
morass with the usual of installs and uninstalls.

It's a disaster to be forced to "just" wipe and start over.

The better your PC is set up, the less it will degrade, but the longer
it takes to set it up properly again. That's why "just wipe and start
over every few months" remains the lowbrow choice.

-------------- ---- --- -- - - - -
"I think it's time we took our
friendship to the next level"
'What, gender roles and abuse?'
Kristi said:
and the next generation mobo, and a 64 bit cpu, and XP64, and.....

I got those, ASUS K8V SE Deluxe, Athlon64 3400+, XP 64-bit edition Beta
build 1218. I'm waiting for the Athlon 128!

As an aside, I've wondered about processor speed, I used to have a 386
and as I got faster and faster computers I find I'm still typing this
at about 25wpm. <sigh>
It's a disaster to be forced to "just" wipe and start over.

The better your PC is set up, the less it will degrade, but the
longer it takes to set it up properly again. That's why "just
wipe and start over every few months" remains the lowbrow choice.

Often it's the fastest choice.
XS11E said:
I got those, ASUS K8V SE Deluxe, Athlon64 3400+, XP 64-bit edition Beta
build 1218. I'm waiting for the Athlon 128!

As an aside, I've wondered about processor speed, I used to have a 386
and as I got faster and faster computers I find I'm still typing this
at about 25wpm. <sigh>

Yup! LOL!!!

I figure sata is probably my next jump...