Blue-Arsed Blowfly said:
No worries - sorry if I offended the decent people in this newsgroup. I
have only made a few posts and have been getting flamed. I was trying to
help people warning them about this virus and kept getting flames.
I can explain what is happening here.
In some parts of the world they have a religion called creationism,
which means that they think the male mind has to be created, trained
to be violent, to create eternal love, strong marriages and social
order in society.
So they train their children from early age to be very aggressive and
When these creationist kids meet more natural kids in school mobbing
is the result.
The mobbed kids cannot understand why others kids are so mean and have
so hard souls.
This happens also in the grownup world, in workplaces where people are
mobbed because the creationists think the socially weak ones need to
be tougher, so they are mean to them and see it as a justified way to
"help" them develop their personalities, become socially stronger,
learn to control their emotions and will power. Learn to handle ever
higher levels of excitement.
It happens every day in newsgroups in usenet, for the same reasons.
The creationist minds have been shaped and trained to be rude and
aggressive, it is a natural lifestyle for them, and many of them are
not even aware that they are trained by a religion, a culture.
This creationist culture is stronger in USA than anywhere else in the
world, that is why US-americans on average are more violent and
aggressive than other people.
They have more violence in their society and in their media channels
than the rest of the world.
Mankind has abolished creationism in large parts of the world, and
gotten rid of the religious justifications for it. In many modern
countries religion plays no significant role anymore.
We have given women rights to vote, we have given the individual
rights, human rights, etc..
Humanism had a big influence in the religiously dominated Europe
around the year 1500, which led to secularization and reformation
within the churches, protestantism was formed in this process.
Humanism centered the world around the natural man, instead of the
view of the world based on God which dominated Europe earlier.
The God-based mind was challenged by the natural mind, and man became
the measure for the new paradigm, instead of the God-based earlier
But we are still in the middle of the process of coming out of the
creationism which was very strong in stone age times.
This process takes thousands of years, and USA is the most powerful
conservative culture today, which is trying to drag the rest of the
world backwards historically, with all the violence they export
through media, the ideological justifications for creationism in the
form of both religion and the talk between the lines in tv-series and
movies from Hollywood.
So we see every day how the creationists gang up on more natural and
naive people, in usenet as in many other places, and they feel very
convinced that they are on the right side. After all, they have God on
their side.
The creationist mind is built on strong conviction and
self-righteousness, extreme examples are middle east terrorists minds
and the violent gangs in USA.
Those minds are the results of creationism when it has gone to
extremes. But creationism is also still part of the culture in most
parts of the world, although at less extreme and violent levels.
Creationism is a system of social traditions, religious ideas, about
how boys must be made into men, how women are trained to serve the
man, how marriages are arranged, how social order is established and
The people who try to establish and uphold a strict order in some
newsgroups are, whether they know it or not, children of creationism.
The people who are mobbed by the creationist gang are more natural
people, who had the luck in life to be brought up more naturally, but
they do not have a defence against these creationist kids.
Many natural kids are forced to become tougher and learn to justify
their new state of mind, so a lot of people grow up as natural
children but become creationists later in life.
It is often seen as an initiation rite to become a grownup, to get a
controlled mind, to learn to think twice and speak with a forked
The creationist mind is chronically excited, which results in a lot of
drug use, alcoholism, restlessness, workaholics, bitterness, intensive
love, sex addiction, sports, manic obsessions, viewing a lot of
violence on tv or movies, violent computer game addiction, etc..
All different forms of extremely excited brains which are not allowed
to relax and rest.
This is a cultural problem we suffer from all over the world, it is
just more extreme in some parts of the world than in other parts of
the world.
It stems from our historical background, the social dominance games in
the stone age and even earlier.
It is a cultural pattern we will have to get rid of to become modern
intelligent people instead of adrenaline-driven stone age beings.
There are freeware programs to help people understand creationism and
find ways out of it. The most famous one is Tao-te-Ching written by
Lao-Tzu, available in many translations all over the web.
It is the most translated and copied text in the history of mankind,
and has had an enormous influence on the development of modern
thinking. It has also been twisted around by millions of creationists
who try to interpret it as a justification for their views, that is
why taoism soon became a worshipping mystical religion after the death
of Lao-Tzu.
The struggle between creationism and a more natural way to think goes
on inside our own heads during our lives.
We may fight creationism while we are young, defending our natural
peace of mind, and later in life we may accept creationism as the
normal grownup way to be.
As we get older we may go back to our first position and realize that
creationism is something you do in the middle of life, as married.
So we are often thrown back and forth between accepting creationism
and being attacked by it.
Lazy minds give up and accept the justifications for the state of mind
they are forced to live in.
Others struggle all through their life to resurrect their lost peace
of mind and a childs natural and simple view of the world.
"Once I thought I was wrong, but that was a mistake."
"It seems to me that with or without religion good people will behave
well and bad people will do evil things. But for good people to do
evil things, that takes religion."
(Steven Weinberg, Nobel physicist.)
As Robert Ingersoll noted, "Religion has not civilized man - man has
civilized religion." And yet fundamentalists such as Pat Robertson and
Jerry Falwell and Tim LaHaye still declare war on non-believers,
seeking nothing less than total world domination. Once again,
non-believers are treated as dirt.
Diagnosing the social disease of Fundamentalism is simple. The classic
symptoms are: (1) the individual is nothing but a slave to the
"cause"; (2) women are the property of men; and (3) non-believers must
be conquered or killed. In other words, men are slaves, women are
dogs, and non-believers are dirt. Examples that meet these criteria
include Moslem and Christian Fundamentalism, as well as Hitler's Nazi
belief system of "Aryan" superiority.
(From a web page about fundamentalism)
Even good and intelligent people often feel that they are forced to
comply in one way or another when the creationists dominate the
society around them.
"Because everybody else are hardening the minds of their children we
have to do it too, we do not want our children to be victims to
mobbing in school."
"Because all the girls have been trained as they have we have to train
our boys to become strong willed to have a chance."
Girls often have stronger minds than boys during the teenage years,
and later the boys are stronger, and later the women are stronger
again. That is a modern western variant of creationism.
Others think that we can get rid of the patriarchal society by
training all girls to become just as strong and violent as men.
It is not a good idea. We cannot get rid of the violent male mind by
training girls to become like men.
Mankind is still looking for the best solutions to this cultural
problem. Maybe understanding the problem and where it comes from is
the best remedy.