DCR said:| Why? You would have been spending more for the boxes in the past,
| now they are just the same as any other WinTel. Plus you would have
| spending more for the OS. It's $130 every 18 months or so to stay
| with OS X.
| Mike
Maybe this one upgrade to the full Vista Ultimate would equal all those OS
X upgrades.
And, the design (memory and HDDs) and performance (sexier cases too) of
the new Mac desktops is far,
far superior to anything Wintel offers for my purposes.
But Apple *is* WinTel now - that's my point. You can run Windows natively
on the WinTel Macs.
Just pissed by MS's greed and paranoia.
But Apple's greed and paranoia doesn't bother you? Itunes songs only play
on Ipods because Apple won't license the DRM, you can't legally install OS X
on anything but an Apple PC, Apple routinely sues it's biggest fans for
publishing rumours on web pages, etc.