I've been using it for a couple of weeks now, and am quite happy with it.
Had to go back to XP the other day because I couldn't get the Cisco VPN
software to work properly (new version available from Cisco, but our IT
department hasn't got it yet), and even my Outlook Web Access doesn't work
properly for some reason (just shows a red X where the message is, so I'm
assuming it's an ActiveX control issue). And I can't install my TV Tuner
card, or it locks up on boot-up. Oh yeah, and I'm missing UltraMon; I wish
they would have included better multiple monitor support right in Vista.
Even though VS2005 and SQL Server 2005 aren't "supported" in their current
versions, they're working fine on my machine, so my development work hasn't
been impacted.
All in all, I'm content with the upgrade. It hasn't exactly changed my
life, or really improved the way I use my computer, but it hasn't made it
any worse, either. I'm expecting that most of the issues I'm experiencing
will be resolved before the general release.