In my experience, if you launch Vista setup for XP you don't get the drive
letters changed--they are migrated to Vista unchanged.. If you launch Vista
setup booting from the CD not from within XP then it follows the bios
directions and you can get changes--and people often do. However, there are
ways to modify them to your liking later.
The major city that the Teapodon long range North Korean missle hits is
Seattle, Washington. It is typical that when one CNN questioner asked the
Pentagon correspondent about the fact that the Missle interceptors to shoot
them down have never worked since it was a gleam in Raegan's eye, she
quickly changed the subject. The US doesn't have any counter missle
defenses that work.
U.S. Missile Defense Test FailsLatest Setback in Pacific Fuels Doubts About
System's Future