Roger said:I see what you mean, however an 'infected' file once modified (after
infection has taken place) - and modified so that an AV doesn't detect
it - is more trojan (accidental trojan?) than virus since it is not the
usual form.
Yes, but the viral code wasn't modified in any way. It was still present
in the executable, and capable of being executed, therefore the scanner
should have detected it.
Academic as you say - especially since you didn't name the virus.
After so many years, I can hardly remember it...
The original 'seed' or 'dropper' can vary far outside the realm of where
the virus would be expected to reside. A virus that infects only exe
files can itself be contained in a dropper that is a com file. If the
dropper is common (like a worm) then the AV probably would detect it -
but the less common random natural mutation would go unnoticed until it
itself got recognised as a variant.
Most any programmer could alter a virally infected file so that it
sneaks past the AV - and there are probably many more of those then
there are of xmodem accidental trojans. And since neither of these
modifications turn up in the offspring, why should AV detect them? Your
sample of xmodem modified virus might be the only one in existence, and
you expect it to be detected? IMO that is not very realistic.
Well, the scenario I described seemed like a pretty plausible one at the
time, when Internet use was far less widespread than it is now and some
people still did use direct connect BBSes. In this case, the executable
code was not altered in any way, and it was not a deliberately
constructed "dropper".
I have had arguments that an AV should be able to detect virus droppers,
because of the ease of constructing them (as you state) but I agree, in
practice it would be difficult unless the scanner created a protected
environment in memory and ran every executable to see what it is going
to do.