Art said:But somehow I doubt we've managed to convince you to abandon
your project .... at least until if and when clam becomes a reaonably
good general purpose scanner as determined by independent
comparative testing.
The jury is still out on that. I should point out that there is
*already* one Windows GUI for Clam, (ClamWin) and another written in
Java which may or may not run under Windows. So if I did decide to go
ahead with this, it won't be the first.
The term "useless" was used by the VTC when it included clam in
its tests. Personally, I made and do not make any speculations as
to future capabilities. Its current capabilites are unknown, just as
current capabilities of all av products are unknown.
Yes, but you quoted it without any qualifying remark that it was applied
to a much older build of the program.
What's unfair is your accusations and expression of suspicion of
ulterior motives on the part of those who have criticized clam. If
you know for a fact that someone here has something to gain
by engaging in clam bashing then be specific and spell it out.
I know of noone who has anything to gain by critqueing any
particular product. We do it as a public service. And then we
get flamed for it by religious fanatics defending their beloved
product. So be it. Such is life on newsgroups, if you can call
that a life![]()
It's just a feeling I got from the way a number of people went to great
lengths not only to point out Clam's failings but give reasons why they
thought they could never be addressed. Clam's developers are public
spirited volunteers, too. Because of this, I think that they at least
deserve to be criticised kindly, not have their work denigrated using
old facts, speculation and half-truths.