See also:
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/ms772427.aspx which is the
FAQ. Both the EULA and the FAQ need some updating. They pre-exist TechNet
Plus Direct.
I assume it doesn't violate anything to paste the following from the TechNet
Subscriber Download page (some idiot lawyer, ahem, will tell me this is a
copyright problem):
Announcements License Terms
This web site contains updated versions of certain software provided with
your TechNet subscription. The software provided via this web site is
licensed under the same terms and conditions contained in the Microsoft
Software License Terms you acquired either in your initial TechNet
subscription download or shipment, whichever applies. The TechNet license
terms document is also available for reference at "TechNet EULA."
As stated in the TechNet license terms, you may have additional rights or
restrictions to the TechNet license terms included with the software license
terms. You must review any such software license terms before you exercise
any of the rights described therein. By exercising a right, you agree to be
bound by the terms described in the license terms. If you do not agree to
the license terms, you are not authorized to install, copy, or otherwise use
the respective software.
TechNet Plus Is Now Online!
Every time you come to TechNet Plus online, you will get the latest
subscription news including updates on new software available on Subscriber
Downloads, information from the TechNet Plus team in the subscription blog,
and tips and tricks for getting the most our of your subscription.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"TechNet EULA" in the first paragraph links to the EULA to which you linked.The blog mentioned in the last line can, I think!, be read by anyone. Trythis link:
http://blogs.technet.com/technetplussubscriptions/rss.xmlThe blog "team" seems absolutely thrilled at how many people are downloadingVista RTM. That goes back to my sense that MS sees a great marketingthingie here re: early adopters, opinion-shapers, etc. But, it may alsojust be some MS kids who run TechNet Plus Direct, which is quite new, whoare getting patted on the heads by their bosses for selling so manysubscriptions in the last few weeks!And, if I write any more about this, I am going to start charging MS a salescommission and each of you a legal fee! Kidding! of course."Daze N. Knights" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageIs the EULA you refer to "LICENSE TERMS FOR MICROSOFT SOFTWARE MICROSOFTTECHNET PLUS AND TECHNET DIRECT SUBSCRIPTIONS, which was last updated on7/28/06, and found athttp://
www.microsoft.com/technet/abouttn/subscriptions/microsoft_software_license_terms.mspx> ?>> Robert Blacher wrote:>> Dale (I think) rightly took an indirect poke at me for offering freelegal advice in this newsgroup. Remember, you get what you pay for, which*certainly* applies to free legal advice from -- who me? So, I won't.

>>>> Therefore, I am not typing the following (with me? c'mon others -- havea sense of humor sometimes): If you sign-up for TechNet Plus while thecurrent EULA is in effect, that license applies to anything you download forthe year of your subscription. An ex post facto change of the EULA cannotbe retroactive -- that's a breach of your contract with MS. And, your userights are defined by the EULA, not the term of your subscription.>>>> Have your family lawyer translate the above (lol)>>>>>> "Poten Tate" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageThis is definitely a bargain and available now! Hope they don't changethe EULA a year from now and my copy is no longer legit. It is a bargain forus and MS. It is $50.00 more for a copy (64 bit upgrade) but MS doesn't haveto share any of the $350.00 with the retailer and there's no packaging sothey are coming out WAY ahead! So don't feel bad for giving MS a plug. Theywon't be.>>>>>> Trouble is I can't get in to buy a copy. Will keep trying. Thanks forthe reply>>>>>>>>>>>> "Robert Blacher" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageYou have to burn a DVD. The downloads are in .ISO format! lol>>>>>>>> Yes, subject to the TechNet Plus Direct license (EULA), you may theninstall each download on up to 10 computers that *you* own for,paraphrasing, the purpose of evaluating the software. That is very weasilylawyerspeak. As I said earlier, MS knows how to speak clearly when theywant to -- look at the retail Vista EULA!>>>>>>>> Read Dale's post in this thread, read the EULA, make your own decision.I was tired last night and should have STFU! (er, yet another acronym thatmeans, ahem, loosely, "shut the **** up")

>>>>>>>> "Hark Agin" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageRobert, if I join TechNet Plus Direct, will I be able to burn a copyof Vista 64 bit and 32 bit. And will they never expire. I just want to get alegitimate copy now!!! Thanks.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Robert Blacher" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageI have been SOOOOOOO resisting saying what I am about to say. Whatthe heck:>>>>>>>>>>>> You want a fully licensed, RTM version of Vista in 48 hours?>>>>>>>>>>>> Subscribe to Microsoft's TechNet Plus Direct ($349 US plus tax forthe first year) and download both DVDs -- the 64-bit version (which includesUltimate and the lesser versions depending on which key you use) and the32-bit ISO (ditto for versions). And, you'll get keys for all versionswhich are not in any way crippled or time limited.>>>>>>>>>>>> The EULA says you may use TechNet direct downloads *for evaluationpurposes* and activate each *version* on up to 10 computers. As a lawyerwho knows MS can write a killer EULA when they want to, that vague languageis not likely to be a mistake. If it is, act soon before MS's GeneralCounsel reads this newsgroup (as I am sure he does in his spare time) andre-writes the thing.>>>>>>>>>>>> For fear of killing the golden goose, I'm not going to go on aboutwhat a bargain Technet Direct Plus is at this moment in the Microsoftproduct cycle. Er, but Office 2007 Ultimate RTM is there, too.>>>>>>>>>>>> Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with TechNet Plus other than being a(recently) paid subscriber.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Stuart" <
[email protected]> wrote in messageI'm looking at various vendors to get a copy of Vista Ultimate x64 -but I'm concerned that I will only get the x86 version! There are a plethoraof rumours about whether or not the DVD will include the x64 version and I'mreally not sure who to believe!>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Microsoft site doesn't help nor do the vendors.>>>>>>> There's no point buying an x86 Vista Ultimate DVD, it would simplybe a waste of shelf-sapce!>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can anyone point me to a page that clears up this confusion?>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TIA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>