Bjorn Simonsen
Another thing that comes to mind (a suggestion only, feel free to
is if you add a "keep on top" - then also add a "duplicate
window" option under the view menu. The duplicate window option would
launch a separate copy of TrackerV3 - initially based on the current
settings of the current copy.
Another idea (again feel free to..) if possible? - to implement a
optional dual pane feature in the Panel window. A separate tab there
named "File browser", "second pane" or something, that brings up a
copy of the main navigation pane (left) and file pane (right), that
temporarily replaces the whole Panel - or shows up inside it - and
acts independently from the main. Thus - a "on demand" dual pane (or
view. Difficult perhaps, since this will probably also require
one can resize the Panel window, which - as I understand it is not
possible right now (or did I just miss it?).
All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
- pushing dual pain..eh..pane

window" option under the view menu. The duplicate window option would
launch a separate copy of TrackerV3 - initially based on the current
settings of the current copy.
Another idea (again feel free to..) if possible? - to implement a
optional dual pane feature in the Panel window. A separate tab there
named "File browser", "second pane" or something, that brings up a
copy of the main navigation pane (left) and file pane (right), that
temporarily replaces the whole Panel - or shows up inside it - and
acts independently from the main. Thus - a "on demand" dual pane (or

one can resize the Panel window, which - as I understand it is not
possible right now (or did I just miss it?).
All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
- pushing dual pain..eh..pane