TrackerV3 ver 3.60.0030, released 08-Sep-2004

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bjorn Simonsen
  • Start date Start date
Donald said:
I have tried it, and found it confusing (tree-list relation) but that's
surely a matter of getting used to it. The price I'm not willing to pay,
however, is screen space. I rather see everything about my current location
than half about my current and half about some other location (I have a
1024x768 monitor).

Ctrl+T toggles tree view.

Ctrl+O toggles single/dual pane.

Tree view plus dual pane is my preferred method; dual pane is a must
if regularly working with loads of files and moving them about a lot.
It takes a bit of getting used to... but there is no returning to
single pane having done so.
Bjorn Simonsen wrote in said:
reason is that MS/Windows and Exploder has taken over everything

Tried to help a user over the phone. Asked him to open his File
Manager. HE: The what?? ME: Open Explorer! HE: Oh that!
(Same thing with browser. The what? Internet Explorer! Oh that!)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn Simonsen said:
Tried to help a user over the phone. Asked him to open his File
Manager. HE: The what?? ME: Open Explorer! HE: Oh that!
(Same thing with browser. The what? Internet Explorer! Oh that!)

At least we agree that Explorer does not deserve this :)
Donald said:
What I find interesting is that dual pane users tend to preach a lot,
whereas single pane users just don't care enough to talk about their single
pane using. Why is that?

Similar sort of reason why OE users don't preach much?

Everyone has experience of the default option; it is in talking about
the non default options that the interest lies.
Donald Lessau wrote in said:
At least we agree that Explorer does not deserve this :)

On the other hand, if it is a matter of habit and what
you've grown up with... ;)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsne
jo said:
Everyone has experience of the default option; it is in talking about
the non default options that the interest lies.

Yeah, true. And, no kidding, I don't feel very comfortable when arguing pro
establishment. And I'm certainly not pro Explorer. It's just that single
pane happens to work for me, so pane-wise I don't obey to my natural
anti-establishment reflex.

BillR said:
The front page has a download button but anyone considering TrackerV3 should
visit the download page itself. Even an install manifest is included. BTW
pre-XP users, while GDIplus.dll is part of .NET, installing the former does
not install the latter. For those looking for (optional) no-install and
tiny applications, TrackerV3 still fits on a floppy (.zip) and can be run
from TEMP.

How do you get a no-install version of Tracker 3? I didn't see it on the website.

Mike Sa
ms said:
How do you get a no-install version of Tracker 3? I didn't see it on the website.

Since 1 week, TrackerV3 has a brand new installer, and the only thing it
actually "installs" is the uninstall information, so it's not very harmful.
The no-install-unzip-and-copy version is gone since.

jo wrote in said:

Agent offers you the ability to set a sig on a group by group basis,
as well as a customisable spell checker. :-)

Sig: I know, but somehow I feel more comfortable "signing off" my
messages typing. Anyhow, a little change from time to time never hurt
anyone. Spell checker: I use one...and I attribute to it half the
mistakes I post. The other half to my fast typing and English as a
foreign tongue.:)

All the best,
Bjorn nesnomiS
Donald Lessau wrote in said:
Yeah, true. And, no kidding, I don't feel very comfortable when arguing pro
establishment. And I'm certainly not pro Explorer. It's just that single
pane happens to work for me, so pane-wise I don't obey to my natural
anti-establishment reflex.

Can you run multiple copies of TrackerV3? If so, maybe you can add a
simple "keep on top" option in the menus, to make it simpler to
drag/drop from one running copy to the other (if anyone wants that :).

All the best
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn Simonsen said:
Can you run multiple copies of TrackerV3?

If so, maybe you can add a
simple "keep on top" option in the menus, to make it simpler to
drag/drop from one running copy to the other (if anyone wants that :).

Hmm. I'm just thinking about another thing: what about having the contents
of two different locations in *one* list, distinguished by colors or so. All
sortable by all columns as if one normal listing, plus one column for the
location. That would give some good comparing overview, wouldn't it?

Donald Lessau wrote in said:
Hmm. I'm just thinking about another thing: what about having the contents
of two different locations in *one* list, distinguished by colors or so. All
sortable by all columns as if one normal listing, plus one column for the
location. That would give some good comparing overview, wouldn't it?

Yes that could be handy, not for regular use I guess, but for when you
want to visually compare two directories (sorry - folders ;) - for
what ever purpose. (PS: changed the subject back, its yours now :)

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn Simonsen said:
Yes that could be handy, not for regular use I guess, but for when you
want to visually compare two directories (sorry - folders ;) - for
what ever purpose.

I'll sleep over it.
(PS: changed the subject back, its yours now :)

Thanks, but now I go to bed and watch some tennis ;)

Sorry about the subject, but i couldn't stop myself from re-hijacking ;)

So, what's so great about dual pane? I'm really curious because I never ever
missed it myself.

For me it's something I got used to for ages. And as most things to do
with a file manager are source to destination operations - it is a very
natural kind to work. Inside my favorite file manager (OT) I could
switch to single pane at any moment with a single keystroke. But I
never feel the urge to do so, because I see *all* needed information on
*both* sides.

The most important point why I generally advice the use of dual pane file
managers is my experience that single pane users tend to prefer mouse
to keyboard. Especially novice users do horrible things within Explorer
without even noticing. Inside dual pane they see the results, generally.
That has very healthy effects! ;-)

If I pilot a user via phone through file operations I can see to *very*
predefined conditions on dual pane managers. While I can steer even an
absolut beginner on phone when (s)he has a NC compatible manager open,
and am *sure* to achieve the wanted results, I found it *much* more
difficult to do the same within Explorer. I don't know how well your
TrackerV3 supports keyboard control. But even if it does: It's very
own philosophy of usability will most certainly require a specialized
set of key combinations. If somebody tells me on phone he has a dual
pane manager open, than I know (regardless which brand it is) that it
will support some basic keystrokes. That's more than just 'handy'.
It's a *must have* feature... ;-)

Nevertheless: Keep up your work! Considering *many* previous posts in
this group - your TrackerV3 is quiet popular. And although I don't
think this program will be something for *my* desk, it sure can help
people with *other* favorite working methods.

Sorry about the subject, but i couldn't stop myself from re-hijacking ;)

So, what's so great about dual pane? I'm really curious because I never ever
missed it myself.


Move/Copy files between drives/partitions. Un-rar/zip files to other


What I find interesting is that dual pane users tend to preach a lot,
whereas single pane users just don't care enough to talk about their single
pane using. Why is that?

Dual pane users are "power users". ;-)~ Check out Servant Salamander's
(OT-shareware time limited beta) latest beta to see what a file manager
can/should be.

kind regards

registered Servant Salamander user
Bjorn said:
Yes it is nice, very nice indeed. But...I am a dual pane addict my
self (an option in TrackerV3?).

Another dual pane addict here. Plus I like having a vertical split
option for previewing HTML files. Heh, I know. Not going to happen, and
I won't complain. :) Tracker is a very nice program, but I think file
managers are a very personal thing, and I'll be sticking with Power Desk
for the dual pane option and the icon toolbar (not sure if Tracker has
that...can't remember). Plus, I use an old clunky freeware program
(FMEdit98) for previewing HTML files, since it lets me have the preview
on the side...much much better for my laptop. :)

If I had a larger monitor, and if I wasn't addited to the dual pane mode,
I'd definitely be looking at Tracker. It's growing in capability by
leaps and bounds. So, for those who don't have various restrictions, it
looks like a very worthwhile program.
Well, it took me 5 years to write my own one, so it's really too late now
for me to just pick another one :) And my own (TrackerV3) makes me very
happy, if only single-pane-happy ;)

That's a fine peace of software you made. My compliments.