This is the last I post about this; and in my experience;you are
partially right.
However; I'll just repost this part;if ya don't mind;-from you;
Now, if you DO file a bug report, you will get an e-mail (if you did not
file anonymously) when your bug changes, which includes the RESOLUTION
Yes that's correct. but not comments; those are in the feedback on
But here's were Vista veers off the track; as I can access any bug report
that I filed; in the IE7 public beta.(ergo;the mechanism to do this;is
already in place)
But not;it seems in the Vista CPP
The e-mail had the bug feedback i.d and the direct link to view it. (And
btw; said; to view this info -click the link)
When I tried to go to that link; it sent me to a "You are not authorized to
access this page" screen.
Pardon this last part; if you already read it;but
.. So I e-mailed Connect; and received this response
"It seems that you used the MBC to report this through the CPP; at this
time; there is NO way for you to access this information. We are aware of
the situation;and a team is looking at the possibility of providing that
information; in the future. Thank You."
Which is strange; because using the same exact methods; MBC report; in
IE7; there was no "Unauthorized" page. And furthermore, the IE7 public beta
2 ;had itself; millions of participants.
Which, is MSFT's prerogative;to let ppl view; I understand that point.
But; it is;by their own admission;limited access;to private beta only
And; yes; there IS further information on Connect;that is not in the
e-mail;in regards to comments;actions taken etc. in regards to bugs.
Which; again; at this point; is accessible to private beta ppl;and not
This is a beta;But; this is easily forgotten.
And in all actuality MSFT is trying to accommodate;mostly.
But not, it seems with the Vista beta.2.
Which again;is their right.
Lest anyone forget;or not know;the bottom line; it's their product.
And;not for your sake;but for other's who may read this post;
Ford,GM; Toyota etc. don't let the public test their prototype vehicles
before releasing them to market;
so why should MSFT.
All in all;very nice of them to do